Ehab Tawfik is an outstanding Egyptian singer, who is endowed with a wonderful and unique voice, as well as refined artistic taste. Since the early beginnings of his career in 1990, he has captivated the different streams of Arab and international audiences with the remarkable beauty of his singing technique and picturesque songs, which portray the authentic Egyptian culture. Ehab Tawfik sings poems about love, personal relationships and human experiences in the Egyptian dialect, which is understood everywhere in the Middle-East. Those who watch the Arabic music scene do not only consider Ehab Tawfik to be an icon and exceptionally talented singer, but also an accomplished artist who has reconciled the Arab youth and the more composed audience to their heritage of songs – which had become mummified in rigid forms and burdened with badly integrated foreign elements. It is actually Ehab Tawfik´s choice of original themes of lyrics, as well as the introduction of exquisite additions to the arrangement of music compositions which has enriched the contemporary Arabic song. Furthermore, it is the merit of this outstanding artist, that the traditional classic music styles of Tarab – and even Egyptian folklore – have been enabled to break-out of the captivity of their regional boundaries and been made available to Non-Arabs, while preserving their cultural authenticity. Rest on