Monday, October 30, 2017

بلطي - يا ليلي كلمات / Balti - Ya Lili Feat Hamouda lyrics

اصدر الفنان التونسي بلطي اغنية جديدة بعنوان "يا ليلي " بالاشتراك مع الطفل حموده

تحكي قصة الاغنية عن قساوة الحياة ومصاعبها
تم اصدار الاغنية في 28/Oct/2017

الكلمات / Lyrics

يا ليلي وياليلة
واش باش نشكيلك يما
وقالولي لا لا
صغير و في قلبي غمة
نحب نطير ونطير لفوق
يحبوا يقصولي جناحي
وليدك راني مخنوق
ومنك طالب سماحي

الحومة كلها موحلة دوق دوق دوق
كلها تشوف الدنيا كحلة
صحراء قاحلة دوق دوق دوق
باش تشوف الدنيا احلى
والحومة مفحلة دوق دوق دوق
تستنى في عسل النحلة
صبورة كحلة
هزنا الطيار ورمانا في عقاب الرحلة
ياه ضايع بين الحيوط وما لقيتش بلاصة
حومة بين بلاد الرهوت
يما خلّوني بالشيخة مسموت
و حوكمنا سراقة والكراسي بالهبوت
ياه نحب نشد الروت ونقلب المناظر
نقلب وجهي من هننا ياما
ما نحب نعيش الحياة بالموت
نوفى كيما ولد الجارة بالشيخة تبلى

يا ليلي ويا ليلة
واش باش نشكيلك يما
وقالولي لا لا
صغير و في قلبي غمة
نحب نطير ونطير الفوق
يحبوا يقصولي جناحي
وليدك راني مخنوق
ومنك طالب سماحي

ريوس الرجالة مايلة
رزنت بالتخمام وبالشيخة المخاخ مبايلة
ولاد الحومة الشواطن مقايلة
الشر في العينين بالخير ماهيش مستفايلة
يحبوا يسوقونا كيف الزايلة ومربط في زريبة
وخطوة الساقين مكايلة
يحبوك بري ما عندكشي عايلة
نعيشو في سيستام حكمه ولاد المتحايلة
ياه يحبوك غايب عالوجود
ساكت على حقك وراضي بلي يحبوا موجود
يما تجري وماكش خالط على القوت
اش خلى ولاد الحومة قاطع قاطع مالحدود ياه
صيد وفي قفصك مربوط والضبع مصيد وزيد كلاك عشك
ياما يحبوك قاعد في زنقة مرفود
والمستقبل تشوف فيه متعدي بحداك

يا ليلي ويا ليلة
واش باش نشكيلك يما
وقالولي لا لا
صغير و في قلبي غمة
نحب نطير ونطير لفوق
يحبوا يقصولي جناحي
وليدك راني مخنوق
ومنك طالب سماحي

Monday, October 9, 2017

Top 5 horror scene of movies will make you lose your mind

Here you can see list of the most horror movie scenes that make you lose your mind

The Grudge
This movie is one of the most horror movies you have seen ever, but the weird thing is that you don't know about it, there is some parts had removed.
The scene include something horrible, when Cairn saw the past story
(What happen at night before petter’s die)?
He surprised to find " Kayako " dead and there was blood everywhere.
This scene is very horrible

Paranormal Activity
 This movie is one of the most controversial, it content more than 3 chapters,
but the first 3 is the better.
And you can find many parts have removed or changed
Chapter One:
At the end of the movie after Katie killing Micah's, here you can find 3 scenes.
The first one is the original part: Katie kill Micah and come back to the room, then she sit on the floor for 2 days or more until somebody knows what happened then call the police.

Chapter Two:
You will not find much deleted scene so let's go to Chapter three.

Chapter Three
Here we go, the story will never stop when the demon came back to get the girls Kristi and Katie and turning their lives into hell.
There are 5 deleted scenes you can read more about it by the link below.

Killer Toon / 더 웹툰: 예고살인
If you are looking for good Korean horror movies you'll absolutely like this one.
 This movie has a really scary scene , and there is one part that make you lose you mind if you watch it for the first time and don't know what will happen, so if you are alone and watch it at night, don't turn off the lights and be careful cause you will surprised.
In the morgue the doctor was feeling something wrong around him but he didn't know what was that 
and he thought he was drunk , but later he find so many things that drive him to crazy when he locked up there in that damn place with many scary things

The Haunting of Helena
A girl with her mother moves into a new house, and after a few days Helena "the girl" tells her mother about her teeth fell and tooth fairy wants her teeth and she will never let them go before she find her teeth.
Scary things happened into that house after Sophia realized there is a ghost lives with them especially when they are trying to get out of that house and the fairy is trying to get them with a scary look.

The Conjuring
The story talks about a demon doll, they think something evil lives inside it
Later, new family move into a new house but unfortunately the demon was living there too.
Everyday something wired happen but finally they broke the curse
This movie content 2 chapters, and you can find so many scary scene