Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ibn Thabit - Calling the Libyan Youth

Ibn Thabit - Calling the Libyan Youth
ابن ثابت - نداء لشباب ليبيا
Released on February 14, 2011

English lyrics adapted from Ibn Thabit's translation.
*Asterisks highlight words or sections I'm not sure about. Corrections welcome!
Full Arabic and English lyrics after the jump...

قالوك ليبيا مش زيّ مصر او تونس
آيلا الشهداء اللي ماتوا سابقاً أكثر من مصر او تونس
نسبة البطالة أكثر من مصر او تونس
نسبة عدد الفقراء في ليبيا أكثر من مصر او تونس
صحّ! كلامهم ما يضلّ. ليبيا مش زيّ مصر او تونس

قالوا بنبؤو الفتنة. فتنة من الكلام الفاضي
اذا تبيش تحرر بلادك برّا ناقز في الأراضي
يا سافر ما تقولش أحفاد المجاهدين
ما تقولش معمّر قاعد أكثر من زين العابدين
الهدف تحرير العقول و القلوب خير
توصل للأفراد اللي وصّلوها إلى قلوب اللي
يسبّح في الجامع واللي يسبّس القلوب
المفروض المكروب يولّي توا مكلوب
الشيء وردي غضبة
عايش هو يدوب ما عنده مصروف
الكلوف أكيد محسوب أكيد محبوب
اللي يضحّي أكيد مكتوب
أكيد الحرّية مطلوبة و العدل مرغوب
عدد العباد اللي يفتّوا هائل
السبب سهل: العقيد الجاهل
الشعب الكامل يبئي التغيير الشامل
بنحاربوا إلّا الأخير زيّ نمور التامل

أي قالوك ليبيا مش زيّ مصر او تونس

واحد اثنين ثلاثة مش خايف عل حياته
من أربع إلى ستّة حفّظني من هالفتنة
الساعة السابعة الحكومة يسبّها
ثمانية تسعة أعود الدسكة
تسمع في صوتي يخوش مع النسمة
الجماعة كلها تبئي تعرف اسمه
تبئي تعرف شكون    ، غمّض العيون
شهداء أبو سليم I will see you soon.
ألف باء نون ثاء ألف باء تاء أربعين عام سادنا
لا يمكن واحد ييقوله من داخل بْلادنا هذه
حرّية جماهيرية العصي هذه
ديمقراطية هذول حامى على الكراسي

الكلام اللي تخرّى فيه والآيات اللي تحرّر فيهم
بمواد التعليم التلاميذ تخرّب فيهم
فلوس الشعب تهرّب فيهم هذه سلطة الشعب؟
محاضرات للإصبية، تشوّه في سمعة الشعب!

الشعب الليبيّ شريف. الشعب الليبيّ نظيف
الشعب الليبيّ لما يتشنّج يولّي رديف
يولّي مهبول. الشعب الليبي ذو أصول
الشعب الليبيّ يصلّي يسلّم على الرسول
خمس الشعب الليبيّ الرائع يحفظ القرآن
لا يرضى الشعب الليبيّ أن يتابع الشيطان
ماهو جدود الشعب الليبيّ بالبندق عالأحصان
جاهد ضدّ الظلم ضدّ أعظم الإجرام

الشعب الليبيّ لا بدّ توا بقلب و بروح
 يطلع ويحارب جميعاً أنواع القبوح
الشعب الليبيّ يبئي عيش، الشعب عندهم طموح
يا مشر الشعب الليبيّ بعد معمّر ما يفرخه
القيادة إعادة نفس البلاوي
نفس الكلاب اللي يدرهوا في الكبود والكلاوي
اللّي ناوي يشوف نهايتها في حياته
لا بدّ يكون مستعدّاً يُضحِيَ حياته
يُضحي دمّه بش يتخلّص من همّه
زيّ الشهيد اللي في ابو سليم     اللي شنو ذنبه
اللي مات في الفاضي اللي مات يا ناري
على ما لي آللا شهداء يا غالي
violent content, parental discretion is advised

يا شبابنا هده بلادنا هذا وقتنا
خلّيهم يشوفوا غضبنا تحت ضغظنا
الحرارة الواصلة إلى درجات التفجير
قدّاش بنقعدوا لننستنّوا في التغيير
ننستنّوا في الحمير بش يجيدوا في المعروف
أكثر حاجة يخافو منها يشوفونا واقفين الصفوف
يبؤو يقسمونا الطروف بش يقعد الحلوف
خلّي شرقاوي و غرباوي جميعاً يطحوه كفوف
بصوت واحد أنت يحوه في شوط واحد
شوف اللي بيصير بسبب موت واحد
اذا بننهو هالشرير فَحرّية التعبير
تبيِّن بضبط قدّاش عنده الضمير
اللي معذّب ملايين اللي سارق مليارات
ميزانية البلاد أقلّ من سعر سيارات
صغاره و جماعته فيلاتهم قصور
واللي يبئي سكن بسيط يستنّى في الطابور

مش لازم أدير شيء بشيل لموك الأمن
ماهو اللي يديره مش غير هو اللي يدفع الثمن
توا آخر زمن الظلم أقرب لك من ايديك
غير مطلوب يا اخوي أنّه قادر اللي عليك   
تحارب إشكالات اللي يدوّرو في سبلة
عندي ليك الردّة لوْ كانك تدوّر في العبرة   
هذه هي الفرصة اللي تتمنّيك لاجيك
بَشَ تعيش على رجليك و مش على ركبتيك

نداء خاصّ لشباب طرابلس
حتّى اليوم سبعة عش فبراير
أصلًا الجيش كله حيكون في الشرق
و ربّي ينصرنا جميعاً إن شاء الله

February 14, 2011
Lyrics adapted from a translation posted by Ibn Thabit on YouTube

They told you Libya isn't like Egypt or Tunisia.

It's true. The martyrs who have died previously are more numerous than in Egypt or Tunisia. [The massacre of Abu Sleem: 1,200 martyrs]

The unemployment rate is higher than in Egypt and Tunisia.
[Unemployment: 33%]

The percentage of people living in poverty in Libya [*7.4%] is higher than in Egypt or Tunisia. [67% of Libyans live on less than $2 a day - AJA].

[The average Libyan's income is $13,400. The average Tunisian's is $3,792. The average Egyptian's is $2,269.]

So it's true what they say! Libya is not like Egypt or Tunisia. [It's worse!]

They said that they want Fitna. Enough of this nonsense!
If you don't want to liberate your country, go jump into other peoples' lands [i.e., leave!]! Damn!
You wouldn't say that they're the grandchildren of the mujahideen.
You wouldn't say that Mu'ammar's staying longer than Zine El Abidine.
The goal is the liberation of the minds and the hearts.
It takes just a few individuals to bring it to the majority, to he who
makes tesbeeh (remembers God) in the mosque and he who smokes up.
It's imperative that the suffering person now becomes like a mad dog,
so that he shows his rage.
He lives, he melts away, he has no money.
Therefore, troublemaking is indeed [carefully] calculated, indeed beloved.
He who is sacrificed indeed [has his destiny] written [by God].
Indeed, freedom is demanded and justice is sought.
The number of the people who are fed up is colossal.
The reason is simple: the ignorant [Godless] colonel.
The whole nation wants complete change.
We will fight to the end like the Tamil Tigers.

Yeah, they told you that Libya isn't like Egypt or Tunis.

1 2, 3 he isn't afraid for his life
From 4 to 6, rid me of this tribulation!
At 7 o'clock, he insults the government.
From 8 to 9, play that record back!
You hear my voice coming in with the breeze.
Everybody wants to know his name.
You wanna know who? Close your eyes.
Martyrs of Abu Sleem I will see you soon!
Alif ba noon tha alif ba ta [I-B-N T-H-A-B-I-T] - 40 years is enough for us.
No one can say from inside our country. This is
the freedom of the jamahiriya of the oppressor. This is
the democracy of the people sitting on the chairs [i.e., the revolutionary committees]

With the words that you are blabbering,
and the verses [of the Quran] that you are [blasphemously] editing,
with the tools of education you are ruining our students.
The people's money, you're smuggling it [abroad]. Is this the rule of the people?
"Discussion forums" for young women? You're mutilating the people's reputation!

The Libyan people are honorable.
The Libyan people are moral.
The Libyan people, when they get angry [spazzed-out] they become bad-ass,
they become crazy. The Libyan people have roots.
The Libyan people pray to and give blessings to the Prophet.
One-fifth of the Libyan people are memorizing the Quran.
The Libyan people will never be willing to follow Satan
because the grandfathers of the Libyan people, with the rifle and on horseback,
fought against oppression, against the worst of crimes.

The Libyan people now, with all their heart and soul,
must come out and fight all the kinds of ugliness.
The Libyan people want to live. The Libyan people have ambition.
Oh, people of Libya, after Muammar his spawn [his children]
are circling the leadership to repeat the same crap.
The same dogs that cause kidney and liver pain!
He who wants to see its end in his lifetime
must be willing to sacrifice his life,
to sacrifice his blood to rid himself of this torment,
like the martyr in Abu Sleem. What was his sin?
He who died in vain, he who died - how awful for his parents!
No, they are martyrs, my dear.

Violent content, parental discretion is advised.

O youth of ours, this is our country. This is our time.
Let's make them see our rage. Under our pressure,
the temperature is reaching the flash point.
How long will we continue to wait for change,
to wait for these jackasses to do good for us?
The thing they fear most is to see us standing in ranks.
They want to divide us so that this swinebag stays.
Let the easterner and westerner together slap him in the face.

With one voice, we can knock him down in one round.
Look at what will happen because of a single death.
If we remove this evil, freedom of expression
will show exactly how much of a conscious he has.
He's the one who torments millions and steals billions.
The country's budget is smaller than the value of the cars
of his children. His cronies' villas are palaces
while the man who wants a simple dwelling waits in line.

You don't have to do anything to get taken in by the security forces
because it's not only the perpetrator who pays the price.
Now, the end of the era of oppression is closer to you than your hands.
All that is asked of you, my brother, is that you do your duty.
Fight those who are looking for excuses!
I have the response for you if you're looking for the words.
This is the chance you've been waiting for:
to stand on your feet, and not your knees.

A special call to the youth of Tripoli:
Hit the streets on the 17th of February.
The army is going out east anyways.
May God make us all victorious.