Ibn Thabit - Hallucination Pills
حبوب الهلوسه - ابن ثابت
Released on March 17, 2011
Big shout-out to @TasnimQ of Majjal for the translation, which I modified slightly and put in "British English."
*Asterisks highlight words or sections I'm not sure about. Corrections welcome!
Full Arabic and English Lyrics after the jump...
شنو هذه الحبوب؟ شنو يا شبّوب؟
شنو تبي تهلوس معنا يسيّئ* بالقلوب؟
تبي اللي ماشي في السوق خذ جرب و ذوب
هذه تسبّب الحريّة في العقول والقلوب
يزرط* القيدة و نهايته قريبة
مع مين* تعلّمها كلمة تاكسي جديدة؟
مش جديدة لكن جدّية* مش بسارة
المصلحة* هذه مش بعيدة من افكاره
هاي* يفسّر مش اكتشاف كببر
في مافية الانقنّة* القذافي مدير
يطعطع* توا يبي يقولك مصراته
واخدين الحبوب اللي ينزلو في ملطا
تأثيرها غريب - هل في علاج يا طبيب؟
دمّر الدنيا كلها لكن خلّي الأنابيب
تبي تبلع الهبة* ولا بتفرّج من بعيد؟
أوّلما تبدأ تهلوس يموت قدّامك شهيد
بش تعرف التأثير في اللحظة هذه المُرّة
تبدأ في خيالك تفكّر في ليبيا الحرّة
لا! مستحيل! هذه فكرة هلوسية
هالحبوب نتيجة مؤامرة سياسية
شنو هذه الحبوب؟ شنو يا شبّوب؟
شنو تبي تهلوس معنا يسيّئ* بالقلوب؟
تبي اللي ماشي في السوق خذ جرب و ذوب
هذه تسبّب الحريّة في العقول والقلوب
قبلما نرجع للموضوع الشعب الليبي مؤمن
يقولك الحبوب راهو* الشعب الليبي مدمن
مش ممكن يرضوا بمنافق مجرم
اللي ياتي* في القيدة أكيد مش مسلم
مش شيخ انا لكن بنفتي عيني و عينك
قلتها في خطبة الجمعة بيني و بينك
كلّموني أولاد الشارع و قالو وينك يا حبوب؟
وسط جماعة اللحي و بالدعوية يوزعو في *الحبوب
باسم الله تبي لتجري في *شارينا
اللي أخذوها توا يسمّو فيهم متمرّدين
يتسبّقو* بالدبابات والله مهابيل
لما سكّروا شبكات راهو* مش من إسرائيل
التشويش للجزيرة جاي من باب العزيزية
باهي معمّر ما حصل على أسلحة نووية
كان هذا ميئتين في الميئة والله يديرها فينا
اللي يقتل المسلمين والله ليلعن دينه
شنو هذه الحبوب؟ شنو يا شبّوب؟
شنو تبي تهلوس معنا يسيّئ* بالقلوب؟
تبي اللي ماشي في السوق خذ جرب و ذوب
هذه تسبّب الحريّة في العقول والقلوب
اسمع صدّقني اذا تأخذ هذه الحبوب تبدأ تهلوس بالحريّة والله
و نقولك اللي مهرّب فيهم التوانسة و المصاروة
و يستورى* فيهم من جماعة بن لادن و جماعة اللحية
بش يديرو إمارة إسلامية و اليهود و الأمركان يساعدو فيهم بش يأخذو منهم النفط
مين اللي قال؟ قالوها...الحبوب
What are these pills? What, kid?
What, you want to hallucinate with us?
You want what's hot on the market? Take it, grab it, and taste it.
These pills cause freedom in [the people's] hearts and minds.
Al-Geeda [Gaddafi] is a drug addict and his end is near.
Where do you think he learned the phrase, "Taxi Jdayda" [In Libyan slang, people who are high or tripping out are said to be "riding the Taxi Jdayda"]
[His madness] isn't new, but seriously, it's no joke.
This way of thinking isn't far off from how he thinks or
how he interprets [reality]. It's not a big discovery.
In the ________ mafia, Gaddafi is the ringleader.
He's a drug addict who now wants to tell you that Misrata
took the drugs that were brought down from Malta.
Their effect is incredible. Is there a treatment, Doctor?
Destroy the whole world but leave the pipelines [intact].
You want to swallow the pill or watch from afar?
As soon as you begin to hallucinate, a martyr dies in front of you.
And, just so you understand the [drug's] effect at this bitter moment,
you begin, in your imagination, to think about a free Libya.
No! Impossible! This is a hallucinatory idea!
These pills are the result of a political conspiracy!
What are these pills? What, kid?
What, you want to hallucinate with us?
You want what's hot on the market? Take it, grab it, and taste it.
These pills cause freedom in [the people's] hearts and minds.
Before I return to the subject, [let me say that] the Libyan people are believers.
If he tells you it's drugs, then the Libyan people are addicts.
It's not possible for them to accept a criminal hypocrite.
Whoever cries out for al-Geeda [Gaddafi] is certainly no Muslim.
I'm no sheikh, but I issue a fatwa from my eye to yours.
I said it on Friday in a sermon between me and you.
The street children called for me and said, "Oh, pills? Where are you?"
Inside the neighborhood mosque the bearded ones are distributing pills.
In the name of God - you want them to course through your veins?
Those who took them - they now call them "rebels."
They drag race in tanks. I swear, they're crazy!
And when they closed the internet, it wasn't Israel [who did it].
The static of Al Jazeera is coming from from Bab al-Aziziya [Gaddafi's compound in Tripoli]
It's a good thing Muammar never acquired nuclear weapons!
Or else it's 200% certain that he would have turned them on us.
The one who murders Muslims, I swear, may God curse his faith.
What are these pills? What, kid?
What, you want to hallucinate with us?
You want what's hot on the market? Take it, grab it, and taste it.
These pills cause freedom in [the people's] hearts and minds.
Listen. Trust me, if you take these drugs, you will begin to hallucinate freedom. I swear!
I'm telling you, those who are smuggling them are the Tunisians and Egyptians.
And those who buy them are Bin Laden's gang, the bearded gang,
in order to establish an Islamic emirate. And the American and the Jews are helping them in order to take the oil from them.
Who said so? The pills said so!
What are these pills? What, kid?
What, you want to hallucinate with us?
You want what's hot on the market? Take it, grab it, and taste it.
These pills cause freedom in [the people's] hearts and minds.
Al-Geeda [Gaddafi] is a drug addict and his end is near.
Where do you think he learned the phrase, "Taxi Jdayda" [In Libyan slang, people who are high or tripping out are said to be "riding the Taxi Jdayda"]
[His madness] isn't new, but seriously, it's no joke.
This way of thinking isn't far off from how he thinks or
how he interprets [reality]. It's not a big discovery.
In the ________ mafia, Gaddafi is the ringleader.
He's a drug addict who now wants to tell you that Misrata
took the drugs that were brought down from Malta.
Their effect is incredible. Is there a treatment, Doctor?
Destroy the whole world but leave the pipelines [intact].
You want to swallow the pill or watch from afar?
As soon as you begin to hallucinate, a martyr dies in front of you.
And, just so you understand the [drug's] effect at this bitter moment,
you begin, in your imagination, to think about a free Libya.
No! Impossible! This is a hallucinatory idea!
These pills are the result of a political conspiracy!
What are these pills? What, kid?
What, you want to hallucinate with us?
You want what's hot on the market? Take it, grab it, and taste it.
These pills cause freedom in [the people's] hearts and minds.
Before I return to the subject, [let me say that] the Libyan people are believers.
If he tells you it's drugs, then the Libyan people are addicts.
It's not possible for them to accept a criminal hypocrite.
Whoever cries out for al-Geeda [Gaddafi] is certainly no Muslim.
I'm no sheikh, but I issue a fatwa from my eye to yours.
I said it on Friday in a sermon between me and you.
The street children called for me and said, "Oh, pills? Where are you?"
Inside the neighborhood mosque the bearded ones are distributing pills.
In the name of God - you want them to course through your veins?
Those who took them - they now call them "rebels."
They drag race in tanks. I swear, they're crazy!
And when they closed the internet, it wasn't Israel [who did it].
The static of Al Jazeera is coming from from Bab al-Aziziya [Gaddafi's compound in Tripoli]
It's a good thing Muammar never acquired nuclear weapons!
Or else it's 200% certain that he would have turned them on us.
The one who murders Muslims, I swear, may God curse his faith.
What are these pills? What, kid?
What, you want to hallucinate with us?
You want what's hot on the market? Take it, grab it, and taste it.
These pills cause freedom in [the people's] hearts and minds.
Listen. Trust me, if you take these drugs, you will begin to hallucinate freedom. I swear!
I'm telling you, those who are smuggling them are the Tunisians and Egyptians.
And those who buy them are Bin Laden's gang, the bearded gang,
in order to establish an Islamic emirate. And the American and the Jews are helping them in order to take the oil from them.
Who said so? The pills said so!