Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ibn Thabit - Shukrun

Ibn Thabit - Shukrun
Released on April 25, 2011
QuickTime version (right-click to download)

Big shout-out to @TasnimQ of Majjal for her help with the translation.
*Asterisks highlight words or sections I'm not sure about. Corrections welcome!
Full Arabic and English Lyrics after the jump...

شني بدأنا؟ أيه باسم الله
خير يا أحباب؟ خير يا عائلة؟
طبعاً تعرفوني ديما نحاول نعبر من مشاعر الشعب
مرّة هذه خلّيني أعرفكم عليَّ شويّة
Here we go
خوك ما يبيش الفلوس خوك ما يبيش الشهرة
خوكُم ابن ثابت يسبّ في القيدة من صغرهَ
لللي يعلّق على الفاضي [انا] مش فاضي لكن من غادي
شكراً على النصيحة لكن ربّي هو القاضي
لو كاني كنت نسمع في كلامهم
راما كانش تفكيري سابق الباقي بربع القرن من قَدَّامهم
أياما حذّروني جماعة كلهم اللي يعرفوني
قالولي يذبّحوني غير لو كانهم يكتشفوني
تحسبوني من بعيد كنت نوزّع في موسيقتي
من ايدي سيديات لللي يعرفوا خليقتي
تتوقع في حاجة زي هذه *ولّو بش *يقصصك صوب
بش تعرف عجبتهم الجماعة كلهم يقعدو *يرزرزهم
حتى فرابرية ما لقيتش واحد غائر ماهو اللي يفهم
و يسمع يعرف هذا اللي صاير - مظبوط!
هيّا اللي يبي يتكلم عليَّ غير يبدأ
أياما القاق اللي درحت الكبدة
يعرفوني جماعة الجبدة* و جماعة الجبهة
و جماعة الفجر في الجامع من هنا لسبها
شكون اللي قالولَه ما تمسّش لكنه قلبه؟
شكون قالولَه لعبة خطيرة لكن لعبها؟
شكون اللي رأس مسكّر مرّات رأس كبير؟
شكون قالو له غير نشدّوك حتشوف شني يصير؟
شكون اللي غير في ٢٠١٠ في رأس جدير
شدّوه تلقوه؟ اِسأَل عاصم الصغير!
شعوري اللي يسمع *عسبني عكسجي* ما عندي ندير
اللي يشبحني كيف نتطلّع في الكلام راح يحير
الكلام كله رسمي كله منّي ليبي أصلي 
ما عنديش شيئاً مشكلة مع التونسي والمصري
خوك ما يبيش الفلوس خوك ما يبيش الشهرة
خوكُم ابن ثابت يسبّ في القيدة من صغرهَ
لللي يعلّق على الفاضي [انا] مش فاضي لكن من غادي
شكراً على النصيحة لكن ربّي هو القاضي
مش بسارة ابن ثابت عبارة عن شعور الشباب
جاره قدّام الإدارة و رجله قدّام الباب
فضلوا يا عباد تبو شنو؟ حرق ضميري؟
شبحت شابّ شادّ كتاب بالفكر الجماهيري
مش حاجة كبيرة اللي يخدم في المكتب كيف يعمل فيَّ
قطعو منهة على ابوي و كانت امّي حامل بيَّ
فنولد* ابن ثابت و احنا* عايشين على قرشات
كانو في السوق يوزعو* بين الَحليب و الشمالات
نسمع في مناقشات *يسبوها كلها *شوات
الغربة هي شقة و سيارة و همبورجات
وفداً هذول عملاء اللي برّه *قريب الحكم
باللهِ تعالي تقوله لي تلقاني قدّام *الركن
اللي يعرف هالبلاد توا يعرف وين يلقاني
إلّا حلت قعد* في الحداد بيت عنده *أبي
زعمة* واحد بشعارات لازم يتابع المنظومة
المعلومة و المعروفة الدنيا كلها تسبّ في الحكومة
لو كانها غير على لهجتي تخلّي نقولك توا *ترومها
في الحومة* توا تضرب على القلوب زي القدومة
اللي يشوف يطوخ* يلعن معمّر و فروخهَ
أمواتنا راقدين و أمواتهم منفوخة
واضح المعني لعنة هذا جيش الطاغوت
علّمن لما تعالي لو كانهَ كلامي مش مظبوط
فوتني* كان هذا أو فتكلم* الرصاص من الحيوط
قول لي شكون في الجدود قال ننتصر أو نموت
خوك ما يبيش الفلوس خوك ما يبيش الشهرة
خوكُم ابن ثابت يسبّ في القيدة من صغرهَ
لللي يعلّق على الفاضي [انا] مش فاضي لكن من غادي
شكراً على النصيحة لكن ربّي هو القاضي
خوك ما يبيش الفلوس خوك ما يبيش الشهرة
خوكُم ابن ثابت يسبّ في القيدة من صغرهَ
لللي يعلّق على الفاضي [انا] مش فاضي لكن من غادي
شكراً على النصيحة لكن ربّي هو القاضي
الشكر للله أولا و دائماً
بعدين شكرا جزيلاً لللي يشكرو فيَّ على مجهودي
و لللي يساعدوني بالمادة و المعنويات
hatersو شكراً للـ
تعْجبوني *حتلتوا
مع تحياتي

What have we begun? OK, in the name of God.
How are you, friends? How are you, family?
Of course you know that I have always tried to express the people's feelings.
This time, let me tell you a little about myself.
Here we go
Your brother doesn't want money. Your brother doesn't want fame.
Your brother Ibn Thabit has been cursing al-Geeda [Gaddafi] since childhood.
I don't have time for useless comments.
Thank you for the advice, but my Lord is the judge.
Had I been listening to their words,
my thinking would not have preceded the rest of them by a quarter of a century.
How many times have the people who know me warned me!
They told me [Gaddafi's men] would butcher me if only they discovered me.
You think I was distributing my music from far away?
From my hands, I would give out CDs to those who know my face.
Do you expect something like this? They came back to tell me stories.
Just so you know: they all liked [my music].
I didn't meet even one jealous person
because those who understand and listen know that this is what's happening. That's right!
Come on! If you want to talk about me, go ahead.
There are so many Gaddafi henchmen whom I've given liver pain [i.e., annoyed and frustrated].
They all know me: the kidnapping gang, the frontline gang
and the "dawn prayer" gang - from here to Sabha. [During his crackdowns, Gaddafi would arrest anyone who prayed dawn prayers].
Who's the one who was told, "Don't touch it" but turned it upside-down instead?
Who's the one who was told, "It's a dangerous game" but played it anyway?
Who's the one with a hard head and sometimes a big head?
Who's the one who was told, "Just wait till we grab you - you'll see what happens"?
Who is the one who was only in 2010, in Ras Jadir,
captured and released? Ask Little Issam!
I feel like those who listen to me think I'm a troublemaker who has nothing better to do.
Whoever watches how I work to bring out these words will be confused.
All of these words are official. It's all from an authentic Libyan.
I don't have a single problem with the Tunisian or the Egyptian
Your brother doesn't want money. Your brother doesn't want fame.
Your brother Ibn Thabit has been cursing al-Geeda [Gaddafi] since childhood.
I don't have time for useless comments.
Thank you for the advice, but my Lord is the judge.
It's no joke. Ibn Thabit is an expression of the feelings of Libya's youth.
His neighbor is in front of [Gaddafi's] administration and his foot is in front of the door.
Please, people, what do you want? To burn my conscience?
I saw a young man holding the book of "Jamahiri Thinking" [Gaddafi's ideology].
It's no big deal how those who work in the office have treated me.
They cut off my father's salary while my mother was pregnant with me.
So Ibn Thabit was born, and we were living on pennies.
In the shop they would have to choose between the milk and the diapers.
I would hear the discussions over every meal of those who think
that exile is an apartment and a car and hamburgers.
And of course these "agents" who are abroad are close to the government.
By God, just come say it to my face. You'll find me waiting.*
He who knows this country now knows where he can find me.
Unless I've gone to Haddad to visit my father's side of the family.
You think that to be part of the opposition you have to be part of an organization?
It's widely known that the whole world curses [Gaddafi's] government.
If it's only about my accent, let me tell you.*
Now the talk strikes hearts like a hammer.
Whoever sees what is happening damns Muammar and his children.
Our dead are asleep and their dead are bloated.
The meaning is clear: may God damn this tyrant's army!
Educate me when you get here if what I say isn't correct.
Or ignore me and remove the bullets from the walls.
Tell me who of our ancestors said: I will be victorious or I will die. [Answer: Omar al-Mukhtar]
Your brother doesn't want money. Your brother doesn't want fame.
Your brother Ibn Thabit has been cursing al-Geeda [Gaddafi] since childhood.
I don't have time for useless comments.
Thank you for the advice, but my Lord is the judge.
Your brother doesn't want money. Your brother doesn't want fame.
Your brother Ibn Thabit has been cursing al-Geeda [Gaddafi] since childhood.
I don't have time for useless comments.
Thank you for the advice, but my Lord is the judge.
Thank you to God, firstly and always.
After that, thank you very much to those who thanked me for my efforts
and to those who helped me with moral and material [support].
And thank you to the HATERS.
You make me happy too!
With my regards...