Friday, October 28, 2011

Revolution Records - Wa2t El Thawrageya (وقت الثورجية)

Revolution Records - Wa2t El Thawrageya
Revolution Records - وقت الثورجية
Released on January 19, 2011

Arabic lyrics courtesy of eslameltfateh
Note: this translation is a ROUGH draft. Corrections are welcome, so visit the Universal Subtitles page or page or email me at ulysses [dot] rap [at] to help.
 Full Arabic lyrics and their English translation after the jump:

Mezo teMraz
Essam C-X
Ahmed RocK
Hard Alex
Rooney Hoodstar

تأجيل حادثة مصرع (خالد سعيد) لتمضمّ إلى قائمة من الحوادث
اتّهم فيها بعض رجال الأمن بالإستخدام المُفرط للقوى

سوق السلع الأساسية في مصر تعود أن تشهد أسعاره ارتفاعاً لا تعرف بعده إنخفاض

معظم هذه ال...الأخبار غير صحيحة. الهدف منها ال

الناس دي ماشية في الشارع بالعافية
الناس ماشية في الشارع عايزة تكشي مش عارف تشكي لمين

حرية حرية حرية حرية حرية

انا شاب من ضمن الشباب طموحه اتحطّمت اتحطّمت اتحطّمت

فنعمل ايه؟ مش عارف

و الناس تعبانة فعلاً تعبانة فعلاً يعني
ان مبصوش على الناس ذية
البلد دي حتولع في بعضيها من النخر كذة

ذا اللي كان ذا اللي صار و اللي عيشناه كل يوم
الحق طار الظلم عار وانتا تنزح الغيوم
عشان كذا عملنا ثورة حرّة كنا جوّا طلعنا برّا
نفوس مناضلة كلامنا هيعدي المجرّة
قالولي ما شافش يشوف يخلّي الخوف من قبله لاغي
حقي لو مش هجيبه بكلامي اكيد هاخده بذراعي
وانا واعي لكل كلمة بقولها مش بخرّف
هتعرف لما تشوف اسم الريفلوشن بالذهب متزخرّف

بيقولو الثورة في قلب الشعب ماتت
بس انا شايفها زادت
شايف غضب جوّه قلب شعب ساكت
جوّه قبل جيل كامل واقف في مكانه ثابت
عمّال بخبط في الدنيا و يا صابت يا اما خابت
حسينا عجزك فتكّلمنا بالنيابة عنك
منتا ايدك ماسكة قلمي يعني كلامي ده من كتابتك
اوعدك هابقي صوتك حزنك و ابتسامتك
و أعاهدك ان اللي سامعنا هايبقى كأنّه سمعك

عملنا ثورة و اكيد استنتجت لينا أهداف
مش قصدي التسعة بس لأ ده كل واحد شاف
حياة محتاجة تتغيّر، أفكار محتاجة تتطور
بس مين في وسط الظلمة يطلّع شعلة عشان ينوّر؟
طريق مقفول من جوّه الظلمة بقول
قلوب الناس إسودَّت من زمن حطم عقول
وانا جيت علشان أتكلّم عن أصوات ملايين بتقول
حنحاول نعكس من نتيجة وضع غير مقبول

A - CHORUS (x2)
قومو يا ثورجية يايدكو اكسرو الببان
كل وقت وليه ادان دلوقتي وقت الثورجية - ثورجية
عزيمتنا نار احنا الثوّار الاحرار
هنغيّر كل الدنيا بقوانين الثورجية

طول عمري شايف حالي في صورة شيء بيحاول يستمرّ
لحد ما يحتضر بس من حقه انه يفتخر
انه لسّة منتهاش انه لسّة فيه نفس
ما تحبس بس حسّ .. مخه قرب يلتحس
كل البراكين هتثور.. كلنا واحد ما فيش كسور
موجود مكان للنيران .. ما فيش مكان للزهور
في دايرة بندور.. في دايرة ظملة ما فيش نور
بعين الرضا تلاقني بتكلّم بس جوّايا مكسور

شوفو بعد كام سنة صوت واحد
ايد واحدة و لسة هنا.. متجمعين
تسع جنود مجنّدين .. شايفين الهدف من بعيد
انّنا يكون لنا كلمة وقت الازمة
بلا لازمة.. انّي اعيش انسان مسالم
في دنيا اللي ماشي فيها جنب الحيط بيتهاجم
فصوتي اللي هيدافع عني حتّى لو مين مانعني
فالثورة هي الحق و باسمها هتساندني

فيكو أثّرنا .. ليكو طوّرنا .. في نوم الثورة
مع ثمانية ثورجية ثارو من تحت الأرض
ظهرو هدّمو كلّ سدّ .. سدّو كل ثغرة بِجدّ
جوّانا هدفنا ياما حلمنا ان في يوم نوصّل للمجد
عزيمتنا مع الوقت كلّ يوم بتتشدّ
حلفنا نفضّل ماشيين ايد واحدة
ثورجية للأبد .. بعلو الصوت
بنقول للعالم و الوجود
هنعيش نثور محنا تعوّدنا نكون أُسُود

A - CHORUS (x2)
قومو يا ثورجية يايدكو اكسرو الببان
كل وقت وليه ادان دلوقتي وقت الثورجية - ثورجية
عزيمتنا نار احنا الثوّار الاحرار
هنغيّر كل الدنيا بقوانين الثورجية

G- Ahmed Rock ?
الارادة تجمعت علشان تكون حركة حرّة
فتمسكنا بالإيمان .. ان احنا ثورة و لينا قوّة
الاهداف ترتّبت و تحوّلت كلمات في السرّ
زي طاقة البركان بتتجمّع و فجأةً بتنفجر
احنا جينا نغيّر فكرة ترسّخت في عقول الناس
و ان الظلم بيزرع بذرة بتطرح ثورة جوّه الراس
مهو في العادي اننا بنادي ان اصواتنا تتسمع
بطّل تفكس .. تقدر تنقِذ عقل في الظلمة تزرّع

مش ظاهرة يومين و تعدي ده احنا بنصنع الحضارة
من الأفضل تبقى جنبي لما تسمع صوت الغارة
علشان هنفجر كل الطاقة بكلّ القوة بكلّ مهارة
و نأكد على ناسنا اننا بنينالهم الثورة بكل جدارة
ما هم عارفين انّنا بنقدر .. ما هم عارفين انّنا بنحضر
لو عالثورة كلّ يوم انا عن نفسي انا مش حتأخّر
حفضّل عايش ضدّ الفشل .. حاطط عيني
على الهدف و حنوصله من غير جدل .. الريفلوشن هي الأمل

I - Venom?
ظهرنا من قبل ما الراب اللي في مصر ببتدّى يتطوّر
منّا من الاوّل عارف اني قادر اثور بالثورة اللي فيكو هتحوّل
بقالنا ياما بنغنى بنقدّم اغاني .. مننا اللي اتعلّم مننا اللي اتجنّ
وادينا بنكمل في سكة بدينا نرسم ملامحها بغنّ .. فاستنّى ثواني
عشان انا هخلّي البيت يبقى شكل ثاني مع ٩ جنود تحت اسم واحد-الثورة
فمين على نفسه الجاني .. اصل انا لو جالي .. من جالي
بنافس فس مجالي بكلامي اللي انا كاتبه اللي على بالي
ف ده عمره ما يستحمل الاساليب اللي الثورة عملتهالي

Chorus (x2)

شو نأمن على قلوب الخوف؟
أيوا احنا ثورجية
مهما حد سوّى ظروف؟
برضو نفضّل ثورجية
عاوزين فيوم بشوف؟
كل الناس ثورجية!
عشان تشوف الدنيا لازم تقبل الثوجية
الثوجية الثوجية الثوجية الثوجية
عشان تشوف الدنيا لازم تقبل الثوجية
...delay of the incident of the death of Khaled Said. It will join a list of incidents.
In it, some men of the security forces are accused of using excessive force.

The market prices of basic products in Egypt: you see, once again, its prices rising. You don't known if there will be a drop afterwards.

Most of this, uh, news is not, uh, correct. The goal of it is...

This people is marching in the streets with fire.
The people are walking in the streets. They want to complain, but they don't know to whom to complain.

Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!

I'm a young man from among the youth whose ambitions are destroyed - destroyed!

So what do we do? I don't know!

And the people are really tired, really tired, I mean.
If they didn't look at these people,
The country will __________________________ in such a way.

This is what was. This is what happened and what we lived every day.
The truth flew away. The oppression is a disgrace - and you flee the dark clouds.
Because of that, we made a free revolution. We were inside and we went our.
Fighting souls - our words will infect the galaxy.
They told me that he didn't see. He sees. It makes him afraid that his heart is outmoded.
My rights - if I don't get them with my words, for sure, I'll take them with my arms!
And I'm aware of every word I say. I'm not fabricating.
You'll know it when you see the name "Revolution Records" being embossed in gold!

They say that the revolution in the people's hearts has died,
but I see it growing.
I see an anger inside a silent people,
inside the hearts of a whole generation that's standing in place, stuck.
Workers strike in the world and you ________, you ____ disappointment.
I felt your powerlessness, so we spoke about your prosecution.
Your hand is not holding a pen, which means that these words of mine are from YOUR writing.
I promise you that I will continue to be your voice, your sorrow, and your smile.
And I pledge to you that whenever anyone hears us, it will be as though he heard YOU.

We made a revolution, and you definitely concluded that we have goals.
I don't mean nine, but this is not something that everyone saw.
Life must change. Thinking must evolve.
But who, in the midst of the oppression, is lighting a spark to bring enlightenment?
The road is barred. From within the oppression, I say:
The peoples' hearts have grown dark in the time since he shattered their minds.
And I came because I talk about the voices of the millions, which say:
We will try to oppose [the oppression] because it's an unacceptable situation.

A - CHORUS (x2)
Arise, revolutionaries! Raise your hands! Break the __________!
All the time, and why denounce? Now is the time of the revolutionaries - revolutionaries!
Our invitation is fire. We are the free revolutionaries.
We will change the whole world with the revolutionaries' laws.

My whole life, I've seen my situation in a picture of something that's trying to continue.
To someone who isn't dying in agony, but of his rights he is proud.
He still doesn't give up. In him, there's still a breath.
Don't imprison him! But he felt..his mind is close to being licked.
All the volcanoes are erupting. We're all one. There are no cracks..
There's a place for [gun?]fire. There's no place for flowers.
In a circle of _________, in a circle of oppression, there is no light.
With satisfaction, you can find me speaking but inside me, I'm broken.

See, after how many years,
one voice, one hand - and we're still amassing here.
Nine conscripted soldiers who see the goal from afar.
If there's one word for us, it's "the time of necessity."
With no necessity! I live as a pacifist person
in a world in which I walk next to the wall, I am attacked.
Then my voice is what will defend me even if someone is blocking me,
for revolution is a right and, in their name, it will support me.

We have influenced you. We have developed for you in the sleep of the revolution.
With eight revolutionaries who rose up from the underground,
who showed up and destroyed every barrier, who filled every gap - for real!
Within us is our goal. How much have we dreamed that, one day, we would come to glory.
Our invitation with the time - each day it's intensifying.
We joined forced. We prefer to walk united.
Revolutionaries forever. I raise my voice.
I say to the world and all creation
that we will live and revolt and we promise you that we will be lions.

A - CHORUS (x2)
Arise, revolutionaries! Raise your hands! Break the __________!
All the time, and why denounce? Now is the time of the revolutionaries - revolutionaries!
Our invitation is fire. We are the free revolutionaries.
We will change the whole world with the revolutionaries' laws.

G - Ahmed Rock ?
The will is gathering because it's a free movement.
So we adhere to the faith. If we are a revolution, we have a power.
Our goals were a consequence and words were transformed in secret,
like the gathering energy of a volcano - and suddenly it explodes!
We came to change an idea that had taken root in the people's minds.
And if the oppression grows from a seed, then a revolution rises inside the mind.
Because to the normal person we are calling, if our voices are heard.
Stop ____________.. you can save a mind in the oppression you cultivated.

It isn't a two-day phenomenon and this infected us. We're forging a civilization.
It's best to be by my side when you hear the sound of the attack
because I will explode with all energy, with all force, with all skill
and I confirm for my people that we ______________ the revolution with all worthiness/merit.
That don't know that we can. They don't know that we're making preparations.
If, regarding the revolution, every day I'm by myself, I won't be late.
I, setting down my eye, will prefer to live against failure
for the cause and we will get there without any debate: revolution is the goal!

I - Venom?
We showed up before the rap that's in Egypt grew and developed.
From us, from the beginning, I know that I can rise up with the revolution that will transform you.
It was said to us wherever we sang or presented songs: from us, you will learn. From us, you will go crazy.
And our hands are completing it in _____  ______ we draw epics ____, so wait a few seconds
because I will stay in the house because the second form will be with 9 soldiers underneath one name: revolution!
So who, by his ______ origin, if ________...______ __________
_____________ my field with my words that I wrote that are on my mind
In this life of his, he tolerates the behaviors that the revolution made for me.

What do we believe about the hearts of fear?
Yeah, we're revolutionaries!
Wherever someone made the conditions?
We also favor revolutionaries!
What do we want to be seen one day?
All the people are revolutionaries!
Because the world sees that it must embrace the revolutionaries.
Revolutionaries! Revolutionaries! Revolutionaries! Revolutionaries! Revolutionaries! Revolutionaries!
Because the world sees that it must embrace the revolutionaries.