Sunday, December 25, 2011

Syria: Anonymous - Communiqué #1 (Bayan Raqam Wahed)

Syria: Anonymous - Communiqué #1 (Bayan Raqam Wahed)
سوريا: بيان رقم واحد ("بيان رقم ١") - مطرب مجهول
Released on April 6, 2011

For more on the complicated relationship between Syrian rap and the Syrian uprising, check out The Los Angeles Times here and Jackson Allers here and here.

Arabic lyrics adapted from this Facebook comment. English lyrics adapted from this YouTube video by CherieMo85.

Full Arabic lyrics and their English translation after the jump...

بيان رقم واحد الشعب السوري ما بينذل
بيان رقم واحد اكيد هيك ما حنضل
بيان رقم واحد من حوران جاءت البشاير
بيان رقم واحد للشعب السوري الثائر

عايشين ساكتين صار لنا سنين
لإيمتا بدنا نضل هيك متل الميتين
بالاصلاح والحرية دايما موعودين
بس شكلو ما في نيّة دايما محرومين
ماشبعتوا صور، عبيتوها تماثيل
شكلك عم بتعذّبنا بحارون وبالتفضيل
في عمرنا ما نتضدّد أي طائفة
كلنا ايد وحدة ضدّ السلطة الزائفة
والعدل والأمان دايما ممنوعين
لهيك انحبس طفل عمره عشر سنين
عشت حياتي تأبني حلم
لأوقف وأطلع بوجه الظلم
بيستلم المسؤول عأساس وطني شريف
بطلع بالآخر حرامي وبالرشوة حريف
وهنن ما بيناموا غير عالريش
وكل واحد منا ما معه يعيش
مليتوا البلد أمن واستخبارات
حقوق الانسان صارت من المحرّمات
ما بتعرفوا تفرقوا بين الوطني والخاين
واذا بتسأل أعنى بيقول لك كل شي باين
بالعقل والعمل رح ناخد كل شي
واللي ما عجبه يحمل حاله ويمشي
ابدتوا حماه وروحتوا بشربة مي
اليوم بايدنا حماه وما حنقول خظي
بعتوا الجولان وروحتوا برخيص
نسفتوا القضية ومليتوا تدنيس
بيأكدلك التاريخ انو مافي صلة دم
بدنا نحقّق الحلم لو بدو يكلّف دم
سقوط الحكومة راح يكون القدر
ان هرب الملك او حتى نطمر

فساد وسرقة تحت اسم السلطة
بس اليوم واقفين لنسجّل الخطة
الرشوة بالقضاء ضوعو العدل
اوعا تكون مفكر راح تمرق بالسهل
الحقّ صار باطل و الباطل صار حقّ
وبس تحكي كلمة بيدكوك دك
جدّي و جدّك دفعو الثمن
شو ناظر يا سوري روح حرّر الوطن
انا اليوم جاي لوقف واحكي
مو كل يوم لازم تفكّر وابكي
يا خلف يا مخلوف يا سارق يا مسروق
يجي اليوم فيه من الكابوس راح نفوق
بلدي بحميه بمالي وعرضي
راح اوقف و احكي و ع كتفي نعشي
خيرات الوطن لعبة بين ايديكن
مفكّرين الشعب مو حاسس عليكن ؟
الامن مفروض بالسيف والفرد
اليوم وبكرا راح يكون في ردّ
عم يسرقو الوطن وبيحتفلو بالجلاء
يجي اليوم الي فيه يقف هالبلاء
وحدة حريّة اشتراكيّة
تفرقة طمع ديكتاتوريّة
إسلام ومسيحية منادي بالحرّية
كلنا ايد واحدة مع الثورة السورية

آه مع الثورة السورية

بيان رقم واحد الشعب السوري ما بينذل
بيان رقم واحد اكيد هيك ما حنضل
بيان رقم واحد من حوران جاءت البشاير
بيان رقم واحد للشعب السوري الثائر

 نزار قباني: القصيدة الدمشقية
وكيفَ نكتُبُ والأقفالُ في فَمِّنا؟
وكلُّ ثانيةٍ يأتيكَ سفّاحُ؟
حملتُ شعري على ظهري فَأتعبني
حملتُ شعري على ظهْري فَأتعبني
ماذا من الشعرِ يبقَى حينَ يرتاحُ؟

نداء: من حوران جاءت البشاير

Communiqué #1: The Syrian people won't be humiliated.
Communiqué #1: We certainly won't remain like this.
Communiqué #1: From Hauran came the good news.
Communiqué #1: This is for the revolutionary Syrian people!

We've been living in silence for years.
How long do we want to stay like this, like the dead?
We're always promised reform and freedom,
but it seems that there's never any intention [to help] the deprived.
Pictures didn't satiate you, so you filled [Syria] with statues.
But it filled us with every artifice and false act.
We have never been against any sect.
We're all united against the false authority.
Justice and security are always forbidden!
So why was a ten year-old child was arrested?
I have lived my whole life building [someone else's] dream.
I will go out and stand up in the face the injustice.
The man who's handed responsibility because he's honorable and patriotic
ends up becoming thief who's a professional at bribery.
I guess they can only sleep peacefully on feathers
while none of us have [what we need] to survive.
You have filled the country with state security and secret police.
Human rights have became taboo.
You don't know how to distinguish between the patriot and the traitor.
If you ask a blind man, [even] he tells you that everything is clear.
With the mind and with work we will take everything
and whoever doesn't like it can pick himself up and leave.
You destroyed Hama and it will never be the same [lit. "you went to get a drink of water"]
Today, Hama is in our hands and we will not make a mistake.
You sold the Golan and you did it for cheap.
You blew up the cause and filled it with desecration.
History confirms for you that there's nothing in it but blood.
We want achieve our dream even if it begins to cost blood.
The government's fall will be its fate
if the king flees or even if we perish.

Corruption and crime happen in the name of authority.
But today, we're standing up to write up the game plan.
Bribes for the judges have weakened justice.
Don't you dare think that you'll get off easy.
Truth has become lies and lies have become truth.
If you say one one word, they'll beat you terribly.
Your grandfather and mine paid the price.
What are you waiting for, Syria? Go liberate our homeland!
Today I'm coming out to stand up and speak out.
Don't you dare think that I'll cry!
You're either the abuser or the abused, the robber or the robbed.
The day has come in which we will awaken from this nightmare.
I guard my country with my money and [with everything else] I offer.
I will stand up and march with my coffin on my shoulder.
The nation's goods are a game in your hands.
You think the people aren't taking it easy on you?
That security must come from the sword and the gun?
Today and tomorrow there will be a response.
They're robbing our homeland and celebrating its evacuation.
But a day will come in which this torment stops.
"Unity, Freedom, Socialism" [The Baath party slogan]
[Means] "Discrimination, Repression, Dictatorship."
Muslims and Christians - we're calling for freedom!
We're all united with the Syrian Revolution!
Yeah, with the Syrian Revolution.

Communiqué #1: The Syrian people won't be humiliated.
Communiqué #1: We certainly won't remain like this.
Communiqué #1: From Hauran came the good news.
Communiqué #1: This is for the revolutionary people of Syria!

Nizar Qabbani: القصيدة الدمشقية:
So how do we write when there is a lock on our mouths?
And every second a killer comes for you?
Therefore, I carry my poems on my back and it exhausts me.
I carry my poems on my back and it exhausts me.
So what will be left of the poem when it collapses?

Crowd chanting: "From Hauran came the good news!"