Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Malik L - Libyan Soup

Malik L - Libyan Soup
مالكـ لـ - الشربة الليبية 
Released in December, 2011
Video released on April 12, 2012
Click here to download the mp3 
Click here and here to read recipes for Libyan soup

Huge shout out to Malik L for putting the Arabic lyrics up in the YouTube video and kindly correcting my English translation.

ولدكم مالك ال في المطبخ
ركّز على الكلام اللي يفطرش

There's no love. معناته مافي حب
Sorta like عصيدة بس ما في رب
Soul to soul, man to man, take a stand. I...
live this life but I cram to understand why.

افطن كلامي ياطيري صغير نتكلم معاك
 على جو الفتنه اللي يدوروها كيف الكعك
ونعرف يابركه مش نصيحه جديد
بس نبي الشعب يقعد وطني كيف لحم القديد
خليني نبدا بالمشاكل بين بنغازي ومصراته
مانعرفش من اللي فتن يبي يقسمنا كيف السلاطه
هذا نفس جو معمر الخلطه والمكياطه
ومتسلقين مستغلين يقشرونا كيف البطاطا
نسيتو ليش طلعنا كيف حاربنا وبوسليم
مفروض متوحدين كيف الصلصه والخبزه فالطاجين
ولو انت اللي تطيب الفتنه إن شاء الله تبطل طروحك
انحبك يا ليبيا بس إن شاء الله تحبي روحك

There's no love. معناته مافي حب
Sorta like عصيدة بس ما في رب
Soul to soul, man to man, take a stand. I...
live this life but I cram to understand why.

مافش رب ومافش عسل مافش حتى سكر
فتنه كبايتين عناد كشيكين حقد ورشة مكر
والمجلس يستفيد ونحنا مفقوشين كيف البطيخه
والطحالب يتظاهرو ضد الطحالب ونحنا حاصلين في الطبيخه
نحنى المكرونه ونحنى اللحم هما الحبق هما الشحم نحن المرق
الشعب اللي يعطي الحكومه الحق
قولي عندك العلم في كم بليون نجمه في السماء
لكن بس في سته مليون ليبي.. كل واحد منهم يقدر يلمع
بلادنا مرايفه عالحب كيف الصحرا مرايفه عالماء
تعال تفضل معانا يابركه ونحسو بالنعمه
ولو انت اللي تطيب الفتنه إن شاء الله تبطل طروحك
انحبك يا ليبيا بس إن شاء الله تحبي روحك

There's no love. معناته مافي حب
Sorta like عصيدة بس ما في رب
Soul to soul, man to man, take a stand. I...
live this life but I cram to understand why.

There's no love. معناته مافي حب
Sorta like عصيدة بس ما في رب
لازم تطعم نفسك من الحساسيّة
خيرلك في قعدة ضحية شوربة ليبية

Note: click here and here to read full recipes for Libyan soup

Your son Malik L is in the kitchen.
Pay close attention to the words that I break down.

There's no love. [In Arabic], it means, "there is no love."
Sorta like asida [a Libyan dough pastry], but there's no syrup!
Soul to soul, man to man, take a stand. I...
live this life but I cram to understand why.

Listen up, my little bird [e.g., my young friend]. I'm talking to you
about the atmosphere of Fitna [strife within the community] that they're spinning like a cake.
And I know, my blessing, that it's not new advice,
but I want the people to remain patriotic like the meat of gadeed [a type of Libyan jerky]
Let me begin with the problems between Benghazi and Misrata.
I don't who the creator of Fitna is, [but] he wants to split us like the cabbage of a salad.
This is the same atmosphere as Muammar's, the same mixture and the same espresso.
The ladder-climbers and exploiters are peeling us like potatoes.
You've forgotten why we demonstrated and fought and Abu Sleem prison.
We should be united like the sauce and bread in the tajeen [a North African dish].
And if you're the one who likes cooking up Fitna, God willing you'll stop your mischief.
I love you, Libya, but, God willing, you will love yourself.

There's no love. [In Arabic], it means, "there is no love."
Sorta like asida [a Libyan dough], but there's no syrup!
Soul to soul, man to man, take a stand. I...
live this life but I cram to understand why.

There's no syrup. There's no honey. There isn't even any sugar!
Fitna: two cups of stubbornness, two spoons of hate, and a dash of envy.
The NTC benefits while we're split like watermelons.
The opportunist protests against the opportunist while we're stuck in the middle of their sauce.
We're the the main dish and we're the meat. They're the basil and grease. We're the stew!
The people are the ones who give the government the right [to rule].
Tell me: have you got the knowledge of how many billions of stars are in the sky?
But there's only six million Libyans. Every single one of them can shine!
Our country misses love like the desert misses water.
Welcome! Take part in it with us, my dear, and we'll all feel the ni3ma [blessing; food].
And if you're the one who likes cooking up Fitna, God willing you'll stop your mischief.
I love you, Libya, but, God willing, you will love yourself.

There's no love. [In Arabic], it means, "there is no love."
Sorta like asida [a Libyan dough] but there's no syrup!
Soul to soul, man to man, take a stand. I...
live this life but I cram to understand why.

There's no love. [In Arabic], it means, "there is no love."
Sorta like asida [a Libyan dough], but there's no syrup!
You must immunize yourself from the disease
or else you'll end up a victim of Libyan soup!