Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ayman Zabib Sings For The Lonely And Broke

The sings of a singer who sings unrealistic love songs are many. Had he, or the one who wrote the song even been in a relationship, they would know better. This is why many of the best songwriters tend to be single, it's like any other job. 

Ayman Zabib was the Lebanese man of the year last year, he was on fire and his concerts were all over the Arab world. He has this nice boy looks who has passion and charisma on stage. He also does not seem to have a huge ego either. Thus he tends to open for other singers  or appear next to them--if you prefer.

Here's a song of his where he does a love song, he got nothing but love to give and he cares about little in the world other than his gal. Ayman can now brag about his many fans, he really worked hard on getting them and keeping them happy--no one gave him extra help.

I do like his second song, where is has a realist tone about a guy who cannot afford to get married and have a family and he tells it the way it is. This is our homeland and this is how things work out here. He sounds sweet and seems to take in the song in before he lets it out.

أيمن زبيب - بحبك والله

ايمن زبيب - شو بعملك النسخة الاصلية بدون حقوق