Lebanese director Leila Kanaan has shared with the web a sneak peak of the new Nancy Ajram look for her all kids album. The title will be Super Nancy, and that will be a character played by Nancy thought out the album and its promotional material.
It's a sad day when Arab parents let other people teach their kids good lessons. Nancy Ajram is a good mother and a great positive role model for all kids out there, but that does not mean she should replace parenting. I do not think that's her plan, but this is what most Arab parents do when they let outsiders preach to their kids for money.
Aside dorm that, this will be a fun album for all the kids out there. We have already heard a teaser for the upcoming album.
Nancy Ajram - "Super Nancy" Album All Songs (Samples)
It's a sad day when Arab parents let other people teach their kids good lessons. Nancy Ajram is a good mother and a great positive role model for all kids out there, but that does not mean she should replace parenting. I do not think that's her plan, but this is what most Arab parents do when they let outsiders preach to their kids for money.
Aside dorm that, this will be a fun album for all the kids out there. We have already heard a teaser for the upcoming album.
Nancy Ajram - "Super Nancy" Album All Songs (Samples)