Friday, August 24, 2012

Ali Abdel Sattar Sang My All Time Favorite Gulf Song

Technically, he did not intend to make a big hit. I am learning that he made this song for his little kid, he wanted to sing it for him--"I love him and I like to hear his tales". This was the song that introduced generations to Gulf music as a hip and catchy song easy to fall in love to and music that gets you to move around. I was in Dubai at that time and his song was on every radio and in every cassette store, at that moment I know music can gap about of differences....

Ali Abdel Sttar is actually from Qatar and he is proud this way. He has a sweet voice that sounds the way it would had he not been a big name. I am trying to say he has that intimate voice, he is not the one to party, he  does a lot of business ventures on the side and as we can tell he has a loving supportive family. He does have this wide name recognition across the Arab world.

Ya Nas Ahba came in the late 80s and paved the way to Ali Abdel Star stardom. He kept at is in the 2000s, but then quit briefly once his contract with Rotana expired. I do not think he has ever made a song that rivaled his initial hit song. But in other news, his son is getting into the singing business as his father has produced that album for Naif--the son.

HD علي عبدالستار يا ناس احبه YouTube