Saturday, September 29, 2012

Bashar Assad One Malek Jandali Zero

I have no special love or appreciation for Assad--he is not my president and has little influence on my life. But the man seems to be a survivor and he might as well have beat a handful of countries that bet on his fall. Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the West in one side with their Syrians sidekicks.

They all have failed to bring down the leader of Syria. They are not crying and telling folks that Assad's days are numbed. They have been saying for more than a year now. Yet he is still there largely enact while the people who want to topple him are seeing dying support and dwindling funds. I think the people who wanted to bring an ed to the regime, chose the wrong way and thus took the wrong actions. You cannot ask other armies to come in and free you from another one, this is a perfect prescription for civil war.

There's a right way to bring down the Assad regime, and a wrong one... lining yourself with Iranian opposition like composer Malek Jandali just did in his speech protesting the UN summit. Do not complicate things for yourself. Syrians should have freedom, they will ultimately have it, but I think such actions make it harder. Malek is a singer who should not be calling to wage wars and spill more blood that what has already been spilled at least this is what I think.

The UN ain't going to do anything, the Americans do not want another war, the Europeans do not have the money or the political will and the Arabs are wary. Sure, the Russians and Chinese are helping Assad. But this was never a fair fight.

Malek Jandali Speech at the UN - New York City