The DC native band Native Deen travels the world performing their popular music songs that celebrates Islam and great upbeat music. I follow their activities on YouTube and I come to love their sense of humor--I first learned about this band in I think year 2004.
I was moved by some of their spot on lyrics and their flow and beat. Native Deen music is a clear fusion of Hip-hop and R&B flavors. The trio made up of Joshua Salaam, Abdul-Malik Ahmad and Naeem Muhammad came together in 2000 to walk together in order to highlight issues confronting Muslims living in America.
It's strange that I have yet to see the band perform live I mean. we both live in the same small city, we both worship at the same place of worship, we both like music and yet somehow I have never manged to cross paths with the band Native Deen. These guys made is really big and have manged to form a great fan base, they have done so without that help of big bucks and a mega company promoting their event move.
They are the little guy who is scraping to make their message and their talent known to the masses. I am being told that they will perform in Washington DC during the ISNA conference this labror day weekend.
SubhanAllah - Native Deen ft. Junaid Jamshed