Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Super Leefa, The Most Real Popular Album of 2012

Abu El Leef is an awseom singer who has grew tired of outdated songs that only speaks about emotions and not talk about the great picture. People are all around us full of shit, someone has to put them in their place. Once love has been put in place, what comes next? Marriage? Abu El Leef is a social commentator on all things Egypt and its society.

I love this new album and I tend to skip other albums to give this album another listen. Here's my take on each of the album's tracks and subjects discussed.

01 - A3ozo Bellah, a real dose of how most people get in other people business, and try to jinx their life by envying them for their hard work or luck.
02 - Bent El-Nass, this is the most exciting track in the entire album, its recorded as of Abu El Leef is in the 60s performing live in a very folksy sitting. I might not like the guy pretending to be holier than though and speak ill of some females. "Women wearing perfume are hookers" as the song implies. But musically this is a real delight.
03 - Hatofrag 3alena, a duet with unlikely singer Hisham Abbas, a good beat that mixes sweet and humor, I like the energy. A good collaboration for both artists who seem to have real chemistry.
04 - Ta2 To2et El-Fan, the shortest song, but with the most important message, singing is not against Islam. Abu El Leefa delivers a decent song that asks people to chill and not to fight art and artists. A timely message indeed where Abu El Leef speaks truth to powers.
05 - Ba2ena Be Zambalek, a time piece, a wise song about how times change and how people keep chasing the dream wanting to own things. It might have to do with the Arab Spring, one day you are king of the world, the second you are in the hospital. The song plays well to the demographics Abu El Leefa appeal to.
06 - El-Tawoos, a nother song about life and how rich people think they own the world, when in reality they will end in a grave. A dark and gloomy song that some might find is hard to swallow, but just like truth it can be hard to process.
07 - Taxi 2, a sequel to the Abe El Leef's ealier song Taxi, this time he has more money and can afford to hail a cap to take him to Paris. He is knocking down the air quality in Cairo, and such. I like it only because I like the first one. You might like the funk spirit.
08 - TaTa TaTa, a Sh'abi mawal, folks tales and such. I do not love the song, but I know it will be a welcomed track in certain Cairo pockets where their pockets are empty. A song about those who try to live an honest life, tend to get stepped all over by thr people. The gangsters are feared and greeted with love form people all around.
09 - Nena How, a song about cellphones, not answering your phone when you do not know the number. a good song that teaches younger folks to be respectful and not try to go around with girls and fooling around. A song about good people ladies and men who know their limits.
10 - Gedo, a funny humorous take on grandpa. Grandpa can spoil the grand kids and let them get away with stuff. A good song for the kids, it teaches them respect. It's a cute song that celebrates both the young and old. Abu El Leef does a good job here by tabbing into the kids market.
11 - Khaleek Fe El-Nour, one of my favorite tracks on the album. The message, if you want to get married, you should do it by knocking in the front door, no need to go the alternative ways and instead of doing things right, doing it through paper---paper marriages where the contract remains with the bride. This is a common practice, a tricky way to be able to have a sexual relationship and claim, that you are a couple. Abu El Leef tells people to take it easy and do the proper thing. He also tells such guys he will beat them up....imagine this was your sister.
12 - El-Tawoos (Remix), again, the same great song with a new twist.