Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Comeback Plan For Tamer Hosny's Career

At the height of the Egyptian revolution Tamer Hosny was the only person more unpopular than former president Hosny Mubarak. Few people had anything nice to say about the Egyptian pop star, he had simply made so many enemies out there and he did a number of stupid things that made people laugh at his expenses. No need to go in details of his offenses, everyone knows about the epic fail and the meltdown that's well documented on YouTube.

Now that Tamer Hosny has done the sensible thing by getting married, I think he can consider applying one of those suggestions I have for him. If he really wanted a comeback, he should think different now.

  1. Work with other stars, collaborate with them. Do not just work with your buddies and other stars who would sit in the backseat and let you be in charge. You will benefit from working with other stars who can carry their own weight.
  2. Invest some time to socialize with the stars--go to funerals, weddings and birthday parties. No other star has ever spoke about Tamer being a nice guy who cares about others. Tamer has a reputation that he does not socialize with other entertainers. Making new friends can be a shield for your career. If you are too busy, make a phone call.
  3. Stop singing about girls and start singing about women. Not all women are confused teenagers who view you as a father figure. Some of them are smarter than you and do things for a reason not just to make you cry.
  4. Stop singing about women like they are cats, they have should you know. Your most famous songs can be easily confusing with a song for a guy who is in love with a pet not a human bring. 
  5. Be humble and act like it. Those who worship you are too stupid to matter or even to do you any good. Do not let that all get into your head. Most of your loathe that about you. 
  6. Stop suing people for criticizing you. Do not intimidate/bully those who do not have kind opinions about you. Like when they make a movie that alludes to stuff you do in concerts, no need to move heaven and earth to change that. 
  7. Stop taking down videos on YouTube that you do not like. Take down all the materials that you have copy rights too--like your movies and your music. Just leave the talk shows who talk smack about you and about some of your antics.
  8. Laugh with people, if they tell a joke laugh, you do not have to be the funniest guy in the room or on the set. Make fun of yourself, nothing can humanize you as much as this one can. Do not be too melodramatic and ego driven about things like unfaltering videos. Any publicity is good publicity.
  9. And finally, do one thing and do it well. You might be a gifted singer, but you are no wonder boy when it comes to composing music. You sell big movies, but you do not have to write the script and direct the picture. Let other people do their job and reward them for it. No need to slap your name all over the product--give people credit and recognize them.     
Tamer Hosny Law Hakon Gher Leek 2010