Egypt has won itself a silver medal so far, and their soccer team is qualifying for the next round. But it's also the holy month of Ramadan, and there are too many shows on TV. Thus very few people are actually watching the events. Which means the Egyptians in the Olympics have few fans at home.
I must admit I heart Egypt's soccer team, they really make me and the rest of the Arab world and Africa happy.
Qabila TV came up with a cool idea to out the attention back at the Olympics, they took on a busy Egyptian Square of Roxy and re-enacted some of the key sports played in the tournament. While the majority of onlookers seemed confused, this was a fun idea that has some funny moments.
While the Egyptians might not be on the lead, when it comes to creativity, and humor they will always lead.
@QabilaTv l اولمبياد لندن في ميدان روكسي