A group of the pool manager and 13 lifeguards who were dismissed from the local aquatic center for posting “Lifeguard Style,” a parody of the Korean pop hit “Gangnam Style.”The city had fired them for “a clear unauthorized use of city property” in making the video at the El Monte Aquatic Center in their lifeguard uniforms. Do you see a problem?
I think this is not a new problem, people do not understand how the internet works, and people who fired them do not understand that the world have changed. It's not an easy decision. People made a fun video and it went viral. I do take issue with them using the pool--but these things are meant all people to use. The mayor who fired them is now in hot water--he does not have the power to fire people as it turns out.
I think these people should be given their jobs, and they may get a slap in the wrist.
Lifeguard Style (Gangnam Style Remake)