My Name (Korean: 마이네임; Japanese: マイネーム; stylized as MYNAME) is a South Korean boy band signed under H2 Media. Created by Fly to the Sky member Hwanhee, the group consists of five members: GunWoo, InSoo, SeYong, JunQ, and ChaeJin. They released their debut single "Message" (메시지; Mesiji) in October 2011
마이네임(MY NAME)은 대한민국의 5인조 남성 그룹이다.
マイネーム(韓国語: 마이네임)は、韓国出身の5人組男性アイドルグループ。韓国では H2media
に所属しており、日本での所属事務所はirving(アービング)、日本でのレコード会社はよしもとアール・アンド・シー。個性豊かな年齢もそれぞれ異なる5人のメンバーは、その歌声と切れのあるダンスパフォーマンスでファンを魅了し、子供から年齢の高い人達にまで幅広い男女に受け入れられている。MYNAME は自分達のファンのことを MYNAME に掛けて MYgirl と呼ぶ(稀にスタッフが Twitter や facebook でメンズのことを MYboy と表記することがある)
MYNAME(朝鮮語:마이네임)是R&B组合Fly to the Sky成员Fany培養的新人偶像组合,簡稱MN,是韓國男子演唱團體,由經紀公司H2media成立,成員包括建雨、仁秀、世容、俊圭與蔡晉,MYNAME于2011年10月末出道,而他們的首張單曲專輯《Message》於2011年10月28日在韓國發行,但這張單曲專輯並不是公開發售,只能透過參加簽名會才能購買。2012年5月5日在日本的官網公佈了他們的粉絲名稱"MYgirl",有著「MYNAME + girl」的意思,就是想要各位粉絲都要成為他們的女孩的意思
Origin : South Korea
Release Date : March 2015
Official Music Video - YouTube
Stop the time
Here we go. Let's dance, and stop the time
Feel me feel me 全てを
Here we go. Let's dance, and stop the time
Feel me feel me 感じて
Say Oh oh oh oh hey
つま先から伝わる kick like heartbeat
失い始めてた平衡感覚を break down
元には戻れない 理性なんて
失ってしまってた思考停止状態 brain is dead
Here we go. Let's dance, and stop the time
Feel me feel me 全てを
Here we go. Let's dance, and stop the time
Feel me feel me 感じて
Say Oh oh oh oh hey
Dance floor から漂う Smell like fantasy
急接近したら刺激的な body は just you
今夜は帰さない real なんて
無重力空間を二人で let's space trip. must do
Here we go. Let's dance, and stop the time
Feel me feel me 全てを
Here we go. Let's dance, and stop the time
Feel me feel me 感じて
Say Oh oh oh oh hey
Seek 端から180°
Find 放つ shoot a star
隠れても無駄さ my girl
この目は君を lock on
まだまだ終わらせない tonight
Gonna gonna ずっと swing in midnight
Wanna wanna 君と dancing all night
Here we go. Let's dance, and stop the time
Here we go. Let's dance, and stop the time
Say Oh oh oh oh hey

Lyrics- Translate / English
Stop the time
Lyricist: SHOW
Composer: SHOW
Here we go. Let's dance, and stop the time
All Feel me feel me
Here we go. Let's dance, and stop the time
Feel Feel me feel me
Say Oh oh oh oh hey
In awake not dream of
Kick like heartbeat that is transmitted from the toe
the lost began have equilibrium sense break down
Reason Nante not go back to the original
The lost gone are thinking stopped state brain is dead
Here we go. Let's dance, and stop the time
All Feel me feel me
Here we go. Let's dance, and stop the time
Feel Feel me feel me
Say Oh oh oh oh hey
In awake not dream of
Smell like fantasy drifting from Dance floor
After approaching rapidly exciting body is just you
Nante real you do not attributed tonight
Let the weightless space with two people's space trip. Must do
Here we go. Let's dance, and stop the time
All Feel me feel me
Here we go. Let's dance, and stop the time
Feel Feel me feel me
Say Oh oh oh oh hey
Seek 180 ° from end
Find shoot shoot a star
The waste of my girl even hidden
Kimi this eye the lock on
You do not still end tonight
Gonna gonna much swing in midnight
Wanna wanna you and dancing all night
Here we go. Let's dance, and stop the time
Here we go. Let's dance, and stop the time
Say Oh oh oh oh hey
In awake not dream of