Tuesday, July 12, 2016

DOC and Motzu and Smiley Pierdut Buletin lyrics

Official Romanian Lyrics :

Pierdut buletin,
Nu mai stiu de unde vin,
Nu mai stiu cine sunt,
Sau de cand sunt pe Pamant.
Doar un lucru retin,
Ca seman cu tine,
Si poti sa-mi dai buletinul tau,
Ca nu se prinde nimeni.

Toti vrem sa fim speciali,
Sa traim vieti de film, regia,
Si scenariul sa le semnam noi,
Unde semnez, da-mi foi,
Ca-n ziua de azi esti cam cat ai,
E tare cand iei si rau cand dai,
Plus ca daca stai cu frica nu pica,
Nicio mamaliga, fiindca n-ai malai.

Vrei sa fii cool, da ce vrei sa fii, furi,
Baga sala de luni, ca tre’ sa fii dur,
Influente in jur, e greu sa fii pur,
Cand te aud uneori, imi doresc sa fiu surd.

Alteori, la cate vad, imi doresc sa fiu orb,
Bunica-mi zicea: „Vreau sa te stiu om,
Sa te stiu domn“. Dar nu ma stiu eu,
Si fara buletin mi-e cu atat mai greu.

Pierdut buletin,
Nu mai stiu de unde vin,
Nu mai stiu cine sunt,
Sau de cand sunt pe Pamant,
Doar un lucru retin,
Ca seman cu tine,
Si poti sa-mi dai buletinul tau,
Ca nu se prinde nimeni.
x 2

Ma uit in jurul meu, alte versiuni de eu,
Ma-ntreb, oare asa vrem noi sau asa vrea Dumnezeu,
Acelasi par, aceeasi fata, acelasi ideal in viata,
Uite cum orice minte limpede se pierde in ceata.

Cu buletinul pierdut,
Sunt doar o mana de lut,
Pe care o modeleaza altii cum vor,
Uite ce-au facut din mine,
Au facut un tine,
Ma confunda cu oricine,
Ma muta dintr-o parte in alta,
Asa cum le convine.

Pierdut buletin,
Nu mai stiu de unde vin,
Nu mai stiu cine sunt,
Sau de cand sunt pe Pamant.
Doar un lucru retin,
Ca seman cu tine,
Si poti sa-mi dai buletinul tau,
Ca nu se prinde nimeni.
x 2

Ok, ok, eu cine sunt si ce vreau,
Sunt ce-am cumparat, sunt ce beau,
Sunt ce-am parcat, unde stau,
Sau astea doar redau cat de mici suntem,
Si n-ai ce sa zici, ca pici intre,
Sanse vin, te oftici cand trec,
Mai bagi un cantec, mai bagi la pantec,
Ca astia suntem.

Si ne ghidam dupa unul si altul,
Dar unul si altul au blaturi,
Dar tu nu tre’ sa stii atat de multe, lasa,
Tu fa-ti din bani un munte acasa,
Vorba de fumator, cui ii pasa,
Porcu’, vita, pui in plastic,
Pui in plasa, scoti pe masa,
Dar tu cine esti, cui ii pasa.

Pierdut buletin,
Nu mai stiu de unde vin,
Nu mai stiu cine sunt,
Sau de cand sunt pe Pamant.
Doar un lucru retin,
Ca seman cu tine,
Si poti sa-mi dai buletinul tau,
Ca nu se prinde nimeni.
x 4


English Translate :

I’ve lost my ID card, I no longer know where I’m coming from
I don’t know who am I anymore,
Or for how long I’ve been on Earth
There’s only one thing I know, that I look like you
And you can give me your ID card, because no one will notice!

We all want to be special,
To live lives like in a movie,
The production and script because we sign them,
Where do I sign? Yes, yes, give me sheets.
Today you are approximately how much you have,
It’s cool when you take and bad when you give,
Plus, if you’re scared you don’t even get for a polenta, because you don’t have corn flour.

You want to be cool, but you steal what you want to be,
Go to the gym from Monday, `cause you have to be tough,
Influences all around us, it’s hard to be pure,
Sometimes when I hear you, I wish to be deaf,
Some other times, I’d like to be blind because of all I see.
My grandma used to say: „I want to know you a human being, to know you a gentleman”,
But I don’t know myself, and without the ID card it’s even worse!

I’ve lost my ID card, I no longer know where I’m coming from
I don’t know who am I anymore, Or for how long I’ve been on Earth
There’s only one thing I know, that I look like you
And you can give me your ID card, because no one will notice!

I’ve lost my ID card, I no longer know where I’m coming from
I don’t know who am I anymore, Or for how long I’ve been on Earth
There’s only one thing I know, that I look like you
And you can give me your ID card, because no one will notice!

I look around me, other versions of ME,
I wonder is this how we want it or God?
Same hair, same face, same ideal in life,
Look how any clear mind is lost in fog,

With my ID lost, I’m just a hand of clay,
Moulded by others as they please,
Look what they’ve done with me,
They’ve done a you, they mistake me for anybody,
They move me around as they please!

I’ve lost my ID card, I no longer know where I’m coming from
I don’t know who am I anymore, Or for how long I’ve been on Earth
There’s only one thing I know, that I look like you
And you can give me your ID card, because no one will notice!

I’ve lost my ID card, I no longer know where I’m coming from
I don’t know who am I anymore, Or for how long I’ve been on Earth
There’s only one thing I know, that I look like you
And you can give me your ID card, because no one will notice!

Ok, ok,
Who am I and what do I want?
Am I what I’ve bought, am I what I drink?
Am I what I’ve parked, where do I live?
Or all of these only show how small we are
And there’s nothing you can say to go between,
Chances come, you get angry when they go,
You listen to another song, eat some more, `cause that’s who we are.
And we take from one person, from another one,
But that one person or another one steal rides,
But you don’t have to know that much, forget about it,
You make a mountain from your money at home,
Like a smoker says: „who cares?!
Pork, beef, chicken in plastic,
Put in a bag, put on the table,
But who are you?! Who cares?

I’ve lost my ID card, I no longer know where I’m coming from
I don’t know who am I anymore, or for how long I’ve been on Earth
There’s only one thing I know, that I look like you
And you can give me your ID card, because no one will notice.

I’ve lost my ID card, I no longer know where I’m coming from
I don’t know who am I anymore, or for how long I’ve been on Earth
There’s only one thing I know, that I look like you
And you can give me your ID card, because no one will notice.

I’ve lost my ID card, I no longer know where I’m coming from
I don’t know who am I anymore, or for how long I’ve been on Earth
There’s only one thing I know, that I look like you
And you can give me your ID card, because no one will notice.

I’ve lost my ID card, I no longer know where I’m coming from
I don’t know who am I anymore, or for how long I’ve been on Earth
There’s only one thing I know, that I look like you
And you can give me your ID card, because no one will notice.