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Acting career
That same year, the director Mustapha Badie and the landmark makes it turn its first soap opera, where she sings the role of Fatma, La Grande Maison (1973), adapted from the novel by Mohamed Dib. The series will make famous.For the Algerian film, it runs two films: Leila and the other Sis Ali Mazi in 1978,Neighbor Ghaouti Bendedouche in 2000 and has performed in one-woman show .
Biyouna in Viva LaldjérieAlmost more Algerian, Biyouna is the icon of a city that has never stopped moving despite political violence and the compromises of the various powers which have succeeded. His exuberant character and attitude impede frank indeed in some circles… It could be an eccentric character of Almodóvar, or one of those muses troubling that one crosses in old movies Fassbinder. Equally at home with his friends in Paris with transvestites Algiers whose special affection she is a free woman par excellence that devours the existence of all ends. She is in love with life, it emanates from it a force volcanic enthusiasm skin-deep and a philosophy epicurean. If current flows so well with his audience is that everyone, both men and women, recognizes himself in his songs that are vignettes from everyday life, small soap operas every day. The air of nothing, she slips her favorite themes, freedom, peace, hospitality, common sense. She speaks reports lovers, denounces intolerance, pettiness and stupidity, and does not rate as an opportunity to make fun of those who mingle affairs of others.In 1999, Nadir Moknèche offered him the role of Meriem in The Harem Madame Osmane she runs in France. This film will be followed by Viva Laldjéri in 2003.Blonde dans la Casbah
Music career
Meanwhile, Biyouna continues a singing career and released in 2001 an album of songs Raid Zone, directed by the composer John Bagnolett. After the success of the album Raid Zone and her participation in the role of Fellag Casbah Opera to be staged by Jerome Savary, Biyouna released a new album Blonde dans la Casbah. The idea for this album was in the air for a long time. Biyouna took her time, carefully selecting a directory franco-algérien that draws in both cultures. Around it, we must mention Joseph Racaille responsible for the arrangements, Christophe Dupouy regular partner Jean-Louis Murat in charge of mixing, not to mention her two "guardian angels": her agent Olivier Guzman, and her husband who knew Mokhtar ensure grain...She lives with her husband and four children in the suburbs of Algiers.WIKIPEDIA