Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Naima Dziria - Hia Hia.wmv


une chanson MAGNIFIQUE "طليت على البئر''

Une chanson de SOUAD MASSI

أغنية شعبية جزائرية

Al Turath Ensemble - Qadd Malek Ya Helwa.wmv

Naima Dziria - Mel Hbibi Malou

Bienvenue - Abiadi __ Maurice Médioni

Maurice EL MEDIONI - Ya Ghbina

Nassima Chabane - Layla - ALGERIAN MUSIC

Uploaded by on Jun 3, 2011

NASSIMA CHABANE - LAYLA algerian music
Depuis sa plus tendre enfance, Nassima Chabane est bercée par la tradition Arabo andalouse de Blida, sa ville de naissance, fondée par la population andalouse. C'est dans ce contexte que Nassima (la petite brise) continue de défendre le Chant arabo-andalou et ses dérivés populaires , culture unique d'Al-Andalus où les trois religions musulmane, chrétienne et judaïque cœxistaient en parfaite harmonie.
Ses débuts au conservatoire dès l'âge de sept ans lui permettent de s'aguerrir au contact des maîtres de l'arabo-andalou, El Hadj Medjbeur, qui lui enseigne les techniques instrumentales, et Dahmane Benachour, l'un des plus grands maîtres, qui pendant de longues années lui enseigne les secrets de l'art vocal. Elève très douée, elle obtient une place de soliste au sein du prestigieux ensemble « El-widadia » fondé en 1932 et collabore avec la formation musicale Nedjma.
Encouragée et soutenue par de grands maîtres tels Mohamed Bengergoura, Sadek Bedjaoui et Hadj Hamidou Djaîdir, la carrière de Nassima prendra le chemin du succès. Devenue très populaire en 1979, elle est sollicitée pour enregistrer une anthologie de la musique arabo-andalouse et ses dérivés populaires avec l'ex RTA (Radio Télévision Algérienne).
En 1984, accompagnée de l'Orchestre symphonique d'Alger, elle exécutera la totalité de la nouba Zidane, harmonisée par le professeur Bradaï dans une tentative de rapprocher les sons de la musique universelle à la musique arabe savante. Sa carrière professionnelle la portera aussi sur le devant de la scène internationale, dans plusieurs pays d'Afrique, d'Europe et d'Asie.
Elle devient ainsi l'ambassadrice de la musique arabo-andalouse et obtient en 1987 des mains du chef de l'état Algérien une des plus hautes distinctions. Entre 1987 et 1994, une série d'émissions télévisées dédiée au patrimoine maghrébin musical et poétique lui seront confiées.
A partir de 1994 et son installation en France, sa volonté de faire de son chant un carrefour d'échanges et de dialogue l'amène à faire connaître son art en Europe. C'est ainsi qu'elle est accueillie triomphalement à la prestigieuse salle parisienne du « Théâtre de la ville » en 2000, 2003 et 2006 mais également à l'Institut du Monde Arabe, à l'Unesco et au grand amphithéâtre de la Sorbonne, accompagnée de l'Orchestre philharmonique national d'Alger. Ses nombreux autres concerts dans plusieurs pays d'Europe, de l'Espagne à la Suède, dans les pays Arabes et aux Etats Unis l'ont définitivement installée comme la plus grande spécialiste en Europe du genre arabo-andalou.
Elle participe également à plusieurs festivals de chants sacrés et de chants du monde en France et dans plusieurs pays méditerranéens, dont le festival de Fès en 2006 et le festival International de la musique Soufie (Pakistan 2008). Après 10 ans d'absence, elle est accueillie triomphalement en Algérie pour un concert événement dans l'une des plus prestigieuses salles d'Alger. La presse écrite, la radio et la télévision algériennes en ont élogieusement rendu compte.
Cette Mezzo-soprano virtuose au timbre exceptionnel, à la voix puissante et chaleureuse, offre à notre âme émerveillée un émouvant hymne à l'amour et à la paix universelle, revisitant un millénaire de mystique soufie. Et, après plus de 30 ans de carrière et d'efforts continus, elle atteint le sommet de son art. Héritière des Maîtres de l'art musical et poétique arabo-andalou, Nassima est devenue aujourd'hui son avenir !

folklor arfa Reggada berkane oujda Amazigh Bni Yaznasan Rif Music 2011 ...

reggada hassan elhosseini oujda morocco

Nassima et l'orchestre d'Oujda

yâ mabrak nahar az-ziyâra par Benachour

Uploaded by on Dec 3, 2009

Béni soit le jour de la rencontre يا مبرك نهار الزيارة
Quand ma rendu visite celui qui était absent حين زارني من كان غائب
En sa compagnie, jai allumé ma lanterne وفي حضرته نوقد منارة
et nous avons saisi guitare et rabab.بالكيثارة مع الربايب
Profitons de cet instant fugace نأخخ من الدهر تارة
Assis auprès de tous nos amis.نجلس مع جملة الحبايب

De nuit, je suis parti sur ses traces خرجت ليلا في رسمه
Je lai trouvé assis scrutant les miennes وجدته جالس في رسمي
Celui dont je ne peux prononcer le nom من لا نطيق نذكر إسمه
Et qui ne peut prononcer le mien.ولا يطيق يذكر إسمي

Orchestra of Tangier - Andalusian Music - Musique Andalouse

Uploaded by on Jan 21, 2009

MENA Music presented the Orchestra of Tangier in 2007 on the US tour. Led by the legendary master Ahmed Zaitouni, the orchestra performs the last part of Nawbat Ouchchaq, featuring the vocalist Mohammed Arabi-Serghini, in New York in September 2007.

Orchestra of Tetouan - Andalusian Music - Musique Andalouse

Uploaded by on Jan 22, 2009

MENA Music presents Orchestra of Tetouan. Recorded in November 2008 in a lovely old house near Tetouan, the Orchestra of Tetouan, led by Mehdi Chachoua, performs songs from Nawbat Rasd. The Orchestra is scheduled to debut in the US in September 2009, visiting NY, Boston, Madison, Chicago & Bloomington. For more tour info, see www.menamusic.org.

Orchestra Otmani of Fes - Andalusian Music - Musique Andalouse

Uploaded by on Jan 21, 2009

MENA Music presents Orchestra Otmani of Fes, led by Mohammed Otmani. Recorded live on November 17, 2008 in a Riad deep in the old Medina of Fes, the leading orchestra amongst the young generation Andalusian musicians in Morocco, performs three songs from Mizan Quddam of Nawbat Rasd al-Dhayl. Marouane Hajji sings, "If my reunion with you is dear..."

Saber Rebai-Sahirtou (سهرت منه اليالي (محمد عبد الوهاب

Monday, January 30, 2012

City Band – I Am Hereسيتي باند - أنا موجودAna Mawgood

This song and video have been produced in solidarity with the Egyptian youth that have died and sacrificed in the continuing revolution.

The title phrase of the song "ana mawgood" (أنا موجود) means "I am present," "I am here," or "I exist." I've translated it here in different ways depending on the context, and I've also translated it as "here I am" in some spots to give it a better sound in English. Let me know if you have any comments about the word choice.

City Band – I Am Here

I exist, but my title keeps changing
My name is youth, and I am young
I am willing to live a short life
And I am not afraid to die
Here I am

I exist, and I don’t have a card or ID
Put all your flaws on me
Throw me on the ground and stomp all over me
Keep me from making any sound
But I am here

Say that I’m spreading fitna (discord) and I am always undermining the stability
Say that I’m a kafir (infidel) and a traitor and that I’m going to hell
You are free to say what you will
I won’t object to any kind of dialogue
Yes, I’m a killer and my weapon is some stones
I am here

Here I am
Do what you want to me
And when I die, nobody ask why they killed me
And I beg you do not cry
Whoever wants to laugh can laugh, it’s not important
Nobody call out “we will not forget you”
No forget me, but don’t forget
The one who killed me is still out there
And I am gone

سيتي باند - أنا موجود

أنا موجود لكن عنوان بيتغير
أنا اسمي شباب سنه صغير
ومش رافض أعيش عمر قصير
ومش خايف أموت
أنا موجود

انا موجود لا معايا بطاقه ولا هويه
داروا عيوبكم كلها فيا
شيلوا وحطوا ودوسوا عليا
امنعوا يطلع منى الصوت
أنا موجود

وقولوا عليا بعمل فتنة وبهدم دائماً الاستقرار
وقولوا عليا كافر خاين ومكاني هيكون النار
وقولوا كلامكم بحرية أنا مش هامنع أي حوار
ايوه انا قاتل وسلاحي شوية طوب
أنا موجود

أنا موجود اعملوا فيا اللي تحبوه
ولما هاموت ما حدش يسأل ليه قتلوه
وأرجوكم ما تبكوش
اللي عايز يضحك يضحك ما يهموش
وما حدش يهتف لا ننساك لا انسوني بس ما تنسوش
اللي قتلني لسه موجود
وأنا مش موجود

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

إذكريني - فيروز

‎أذكريني الأخوين رحباني
‎أذكر الأيام يا حلو الهوي في حلايا الغاب عند الجدول
‎حين كنا و الهوى حلو الغوى نتشاكى في حنين القبل
‎ضمنا الليل على بوح طوى كل ما في قلبنا من غزل
‎فأنا إن أشتكي غر النوى لا تلمني يا حبيبي أنتهي
‎أذكريني كلما الفجر بدا و أذكري الأيام ليل السهر
‎أذكريني كلما الطير شدا و حكى للغاب ضوء القمر
‎أذكريني و أذكر عهد الهنا أترى عشت إذا لم تذكري
‎نحن جمعنا من الليل الغنا و حكايات الجمال المزهر
‎فلهونا عند واحات الهنا و جلسنا في ظلال النغم
‎يا صفا دنيا من الورد لنا و عشيات خفاف النسم
‎نتهادى نتهادى و الغنى طائر في كل روض يغتني

فيروز حفلة باريس بأَغنية يا مركب الريح

fairouz arjii ya alf leila

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

Lotfi Double Kanon - Cha3b Krah ("The People are Fed Up")

Lotfi Double Kanon - Cha3b Krah ("The People are Fed Up")
الشعب كره - لطفي دوبل كانون ،Chaab Krah
Released in 2009

Huge shout-out to @DZCalling and @oranaise for their help with the translation. They are awesome and cool. Arabic lyrics credit goes to MoCh-aX of forum.ngaous.net.

Arabic lyrics and their English translation after the jump...

D'autant m'expliquer aujourd'hui qui a donné l'ordre de réprimer les Algériens?
شكون هم اللي راهم قتلو الناس؟
 بالموالفة يضربو الجزائريّين
Vouz connait diviser les Algériens
وين راكم رايحين؟
وبلادي هذا ما تغدكمش؟
و الشعب هذا

الشعب كره من الكلاب هاذوك من الفجار هاذوك
الشعب كره من الوعود هاذوك من الهدرات هاذوك
الشعب كره من الغدرات هاذوك من الخدعات هاذوك
الشعب كره الشعب كره الشعب كره الشعب كره الشعب كره

الشعب كره من المعيشة هاذي اللي خمجت و غلات
الشعب كره من الغوال اللي غوات البلاد و ما خلات
الشعب كره من الناس اللي راهم خربو ذوركا الميزانية
 وغرسو الميزرية فوق أراضي دزيرية
الشعب كره من هذا الغبد من هذا الغل
 الشعب كره من التغلاط والتخباط والتخطيط اللي عاد تخلاط
الشعب كره من الجماعة اللي تعمر غير في جيبها
 وكا العادة كي يحصلو يجيبولنا قوانين جديدا
الشعب كره من الأقوال من القوالب و الهدرات
الشعب كره من الظلم و الضرب للظهر في المظاهرات
الشعب كره يزينا ديما يقابلوه في كل مسيرة
بقنابل مسيلة ولا سناسل غير باه يتسيرا
الشعب كره خكاك في بلادو و ولادو مام بناتو
راهم عادو يباتو في الذل حتان ماتو
و الفوضى هاي فناتو و السكات جَمَيْ فادو
و نهار اللي فهمها فرات فاق بلي الوقت راهو فاتو

الشعب كره من الكلاب هاذوك من الفجار هاذوك
الشعب كره من الوعود هاذوك من الهدرات هاذوك
الشعب كره من الغدرات هاذوك من الخدعات هاذوك
الشعب كره الشعب كره الشعب كره الشعب كره الشعب كره

الشعب كره خطاك في كل بلاصة الطريق راهي مفلقة
الشعب كره وكل ماتصب المطر لازم تصرا فيضا
الشعب كره العباد راهي ميتة في الشتا كل يوم جنازة
وصحاب السياسة راهم لاتيين غير بالكراسة
الشعب كره علاذيكا اليوم مسكين راهو حايب يدي حقو
 ماسحقش صدقة أعطيولو برك على قد عرقو و علاه
تعاركو و علاه تضرو و علاه ترطردو
 و علاه كي يريكلامي لازملك طول تروح تضربو
الشعب كره خطاك هاو عقب صح حروب و ثورات
الشعب كره هاذي حالة طوارئ وينهي الثروات
الشعب كره يا ترى ولاد الزعماء و علاه راهي تزها
 و الزوالي يسمع الله غالب حنا في أزمة
الشعب كره يونامار ما زالو برك يصبرو فيه
الصوارد خلاصو بصح الليسونس يصدرو فيه
يصبو فيه بالسنتي لتر و السنتيم
و صحابه محسوبين من سنوات الستين

الشعب كره من الكلاب هاذوك من الفجار هاذوك
الشعب كره من الوعود هاذوك من الهدرات هاذوك
الشعب كره من الغدرات هاذوك من الخدعات هاذوك
الشعب كره الشعب كره الشعب كره الشعب كره الشعب كره

الشعب كره علاذيك لاجون اليوم كلها راهي هاجر
الشعب كره علاذيك لاجون اليوم كلها حابة تتهاجر
الشعب كره لي والا فاشل الأمر ولى عاجل
مدام الفاجر بحق الشعب ولى يتاجر
الشعب كره ما بقاش يعرف ذركا صح واش راه يدير
 الشعب كره يروح البحر يخلي الموت و الما يديه
الشعب كره يدير كْرَيم يتفلق في لوتوموبيل
ولا يعود بالكاشيات بيرا زطلة طول الليل
الشعب كره من العباد اللي دير المال لهنا فوق ظهرو
 و اللي راهم طارو دارو دراهم جَمَيْ ظهرو
 اللي قراو راهم تقهرو طاحو في قهوة و قارو
و اللي هدرو و لا قالو داروهم طول ورا اللي بارو
الشعب كره خطاك في الحق اليوم الفقر راهو عطاهم
الشعب كره اللي والا حايب خدمة حاب يوكل دارهم
الشعب كره الهم غطاهم و جامي لوكان خطاهم
و الناس علا الدراهم رجعو عديان في بعضاهم

الشعب كره من الكلاب هاذوك من الفجار هاذوك
الشعب كره من الوعود هاذوك من الهدرات هاذوك
الشعب كره من الغدرات هاذوك من الخدعات هاذوك
الشعب كره الشعب كره الشعب كره الشعب كره الشعب كره

OUTRO [rough]:
لازم يقولو وش يشار ما عندناش حق في الأشياء على شعبنا

لازم يعرف ما زلت النوش حتّان نشوفو الأخبار
انتعنا حنّة من الخارج هنايا في البلاد انت

D'autant ... Explain to me who gave the order to repress Algerians!
Who went and killed the people?
By habit, they beat the Algerians.
You ant to divide the Algerians!
Where are you going [where's your future in this]?
And the [situation of] this country doesn't bother you?
And the [situation of] the people doesn't bother you?

The people are fed up with these dogs and these wicked libertines.
The people are fed up with these promises and these acts of wastefulness.
The people are fed up with these betrayals and these dirty tricks.
The people are fed up! The people are fed up! The people are fed up! The people are fed up!

The people are fed up with this standard of living that has them decaying and seething.
The people are fed up with the ghouls who haunt the country and don't leave it be.
The people are fed up with the people who have been sabotaging the budget recently
and who sowed misery in the land of l'Algerie.
The people are fed up with this injustice, this rancor, and this deception.
The people are fed up with the networking and the planning that became just a mess.
The people are fed up with those who do nothing but fill their pockets
and - as usual - when they get stuck, they come up with a new law.
The people are fed up with words, flip-flops, and statements.
The people are fed up with oppression and being beaten on their backs during demonstrations.
The people are fed up with riot police always meeting them at every march
with tear gas bombs and chains just to keep them walking straight.
The people are fed up because in their own country their sons and even their daughters
are going back home to sleep in humiliation until they die.
And this chaos is killing them and silence never benefited them
and the day that they understood, the country realized it was too late!

The people are fed up with these dogs and these wicked libertines.
The people are fed up with these promises and these acts of wastefulness.
The people are fed up with these betrayals and these dirty tricks.
The people are fed up! The people are fed up! The people are fed up! The people are fed up!

The people are fed up because everywhere the roads are busted.
The people are fed up. Every time it rains there has to be floods!
The people are fed up. The people are dying. Every day in winter there's a funeral
while politicians simply cling to the seats of power.
The people are fed up. That poor guy longs to get what he is rightfully owed.
He does not need charity. Just give him what he sweated for!
Why do you fight him? Why do you hurt him? Why do you kick him away?
And when he reclaims his rights, why do you always have to go and beat him?
The people are fed up because they went through wars and revolutions.
The people are fed up with the State of Emergency. Where is the wealth?
The people are fed up and the children of the elite are enjoying life
while the poor man hears "It's God's will" when we are in a crisis.
The people are fed up. That's enough! They're still trying to make them stay patient.
The money is running out and the gasoline is being hoarded.
[The people] pour it by the centiliter and by the cent
while [the elite's] friends have been taken care of since the 1960s!

The people are fed up with these dogs and these wicked libertines.
The people are fed up with these promises and these acts of wastefulness.
The people are fed up with these betrayals and these dirty tricks.
The people are fed up! The people are fed up! The people are fed up! The people are fed up!

The people are fed up because all the youth today are in effervescence.
The people are fed up because all the youth today want to emigrate.
The people are fed up. The leaders are failing. The matter has become urgent.
The wicked man still makes a business out of selling the people's rights.
The people are fed up. The truth is they now don't really know what they want to do.
The people are fed up. They go the sea to let death come and take them away.
The people are fed up. They commit crimes and blow themselves up in a car [bomb]
or they turn to pills, beer and drugs all night long.
The people are fed up with the people who make money here on their backs,
with those who fled and made money that never reappeared,
with those who studied hard and got crushed and reduced to coffee and cigarettes,
and with those who spoke out or denounced [injustice] and immediately got put behind bars.
The people are fed up because, in truth, today poverty is what they've been given.
The people are fed up. They're the people who want to get a job and feed their family.
The people are fed up. Problems are overwhelming them and never leave them
and people became each others' enemies over money!

The people are fed up with these dogs and these wicked libertines.
The people are fed up with these promises and these acts of wastefulness.
The people are fed up with these betrayals and these dirty tricks.
The people are fed up! The people are fed up! The people are fed up! The people are fed up!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ziad Rahbani - Intro 83- Damascus مقدمة 83 - زياد الرحباني - دمشق 2008

Ahlam - althokol sanaa

The Arabic Music blog presents Ahlam  -  althokol sanaa  . Enjoy the best Arabic music and video songs by the best Arabic singers.

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Ahlam - althokol sanaa

The Arabic Music blog presents Ahlam  -  althokol sanaa  . Enjoy the best Arabic music and video songs by the best Arabic singers.

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Ahlam - leih ya Denia

The Arabic Music blog presents Ahlam  -  leih ya Denia . Enjoy the best Arabic music and video songs by the best Arabic singers.

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Ahlam - leih ya Denia

The Arabic Music blog presents Ahlam  -  leih ya Denia . Enjoy the best Arabic music and video songs by the best Arabic singers.

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Oud Munir Bashir Chi Mali Wali - الإستاذ منير بشير جي مالي والي عود

Palestine, song, flute, piano, Laila Atshan

Doc Jazz plays the shibbabeh at a Gaza Flotilla event in Utrecht

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Smile Tamer Hosny Ft Shaggy H.Dكليب تامر حسني و شاجي


Carole Saqr - El Mobdea Ma Bymout

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSngHjyMigIendofvid[starttext]كارول صقر - المبدع ما بيموت[endtext]

Monday, January 9, 2012

Rola Saad Eih Da Eih Da,EL Soot Dah Gai Menien


Reda Al Abdallah & Cvetelina Aneva - Habiby Laa

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24kTKPZMxuwendofvid[starttext]Habiby Laa[endtext]

Monday, January 2, 2012

Murder Eyez - Hip Hop from Syria


Fairouz - a whole bunch of songs to listen to/ download

Sunday, January 1, 2012