Monday, February 13, 2012

Assad Edin ft. Mauro - Révolution?

Assad Edin ft. Mauro - Révolution?
الثورة؟ - أسد الدين مع مورو
Released January 17, 2012

Big shout out to Marouane Alilou for asking me to translate the song and correcting my lyrics
Arabic and French Lyrics and their English translation after the jump...

rabaw le krouch ou banet fihom el cha7ma
kifach (kayfa) rais 5essou y koun malik ? tina fehma !
rafale kalash aka 47
bel 3ounf wel 9ouwa hadi hiya el 7ikma

bouzizi allah y rahmo nta7ar 7it 3ach el 7agra
wel 3alam el 3arabi lyoum teb3o ou bdat tawra
sourate el 5awf li kanou 3aychin fiha chou3oub
tharset ou trejhet ou jaw wa5t el ghouroub
doulm el ijtima3i wel fassad wel ma7soubiya
we taifiya fardin 3lina taba9iya
7naya 7naya cha3b el maghdom
7naya 7naya 7naya el madlouuum
li fi sourya  kan moutou bel oulouf we 5outna nsawna
li fel yaman min ba3d tawra 5otna klawna
li fi jomhoriyate masr al 3arabiya el jaych 9ma3na
7na chohadae Lybia wel 3alam chafna
el watan teghsel we tna9ab dem chouhadae
w rada ri kbir ou y 3lem delm chourafae
li 3arfin  el 9ima del 7oriya cheni hiya
li 3arfin cha3b 5esso el 3adala jtima3iya

Nas kad mout 3la le flous bismi tawra Fe zna9i deem y siiiil...Le corps percés
Sen7a le 3bad ou 5alawhoum y yaklou ba3toum ou nharom rja3loum liiiiil...Le sang Versé
Andima 7oukoumat ba9i las9in ou la3boum ba9i twiiiL...Manipulés
Rafale kalash aka 47    La3boum ba9i twiiiiiL...Ca va fumé !

Vend des amres au dirigeants vend des armes  à la peuplade
sponsortise la guerre civile et appele ca printemps arabe
met de l'huile sur le feu ou plutot ouvre le feu sur l'huile
et au jT la pute d'service te dira qu'les bédouins sont libres
Révolution !  Faites attention !
Le peuple a faim car il ne voit plus le bien donc il dit non !
Qui la enflammé ? Quel Media sont complices ?
quels personnes aiment la Fitna D'iblis ?
faut pas etre Naif ces évènement cachent des intérêts
et les intérréssés jouent le rôle de "L'Humaniste"
décidément les amoureux de l'homme aiment l'hemoglobine
à croire que L'O.T.A.N. est de venu necrophile ?
les arabes ont le sang chaud on les abat de sang froid
Sans foi ni loi, ne les arretez pas !
ils veulent la libertad ! c'est ce qu'il veulent nous faire croire
D'la propagande de BBC à celle D'al jazeera !

Nas kad mout 3la le flous bismi tawra Fe zna9i deem y siiiil...Le corps percés
Sen7a le 3bad ou 5alawhoum y yaklou ba3toum ou nharom rja3loum liiiiil...Le sang Versé
Andima 7oukoumat ba9i las9in ou la3boum ba9i twiiiL...Manipulés
Rafale kalash aka 47    La3boum ba9i twiiiiiL...Ca va fumé !

le 3rab demom s5on 9etlohom be dem el bared
9adafi safi tedbah, 7osni mobarak 7ta howa tla7
ou Zinhom El 3abidine jma3 raka Safi Ba7 !
Fel yaman 3abdellah sali7 flet mel mout ou rja3 y nta9em
Ou El Assad rja3 7agar dedo cha3b ou zid el 3alam
chkon li 3aref chkon li fahem chkon li 9dar y 9ol el wa9i3
(channel tv) woulla Al jazeera  WOula el aflam del fen essabi3
tawra dle 3rab woul muslimin 3adloula "Saisi" (fr)
Bdaw bel 3iraaaq ou libya Mchaat a 3zizi
Ha chi3a ha sounna ha Al 9a3ida ou Talibane
El 9ital lyoum kbir fta7 3aynek ou chouf mezyane
tema tarwa tema solta Rais awla Soltane !
Ou li 9albo faya9  ray 3raf hadi FItnah !
3lach ch3alna? 3lach 8rakna? 3lach tlefna ?
7it fe din sma7na jib el 3az wella k7az
Revolution 7ta ne 9a3 !

Nas kad mout 3la le flous bismi tawra Fe zna9i deem y siiiil...Le corps percés
Sen7a le 3bad ou 5alawhoum y yaklou ba3toum ou nharom rja3loum liiiiil...Le sang Versé
Andima 7oukoumat ba9i las9in ou la3boum ba9i twiiiL...Manipulés
Rafale kalash aka 47    La3boum ba9i twiiiiiL...Ca va fumé !

Allah y rham chouhadaa
Allah y rham li da7a
Allah y rham ay wa7ed
tunis, masr, libya, yemen, wa kul li baqi maji fi tri9
Haha! le 3rab demom s5on 9etlohom be dem el bared
fae9 ya khoya
JIb EL ez Wella K7az

BIS (x2):
They have filled their bellies and shown their grease.
How can a president try to become a king? Know what I'm sayin'?
Fire the AK-47 Kalashnikov
with violence and force: this is wisdom!

Bouazizi, may God have mercy on his soul, took his own life because he lived in humiliation
and the Arab world follows him today, so they started a revolution!
The path of fear in which the people were living
is broken and shattered. The sun has set upon it.
Social injustice and corruption and nepotism
and sectarianism and every-man-for-himself-ism and class-ism were inflected upon us.
We are the tyrannized people.
We are the oppressed people.
Those in Syria who died by the thousands [said], "Our brothers forgot us!"
Those in Yemen after the revolution [said], "Our brothers devoured us!"
Those in the Arab Republic of Egypt [said], "The army oppressed us!"
[Those in Libya said,] "We are the martyrs of Libya and the world saw us!"
The homeland is cleaned and purified by the blood of the martyrs
and tomorrow it will grow and become a mark of the shadow of the honorable people
who know the value of freedom and what it is
[and] who know that the people will realize social justice.

The people are dying for money in the name of the revolution! in the street, the blood flows...Bodies are pierced!
They have armed the people: they let them kill themselves and their daylight becomes darkness...The blood flows!
When the governments remain and stand firm and play, it will be for a long time... Manipulated!
Fire the AK-47 Kalashnikov! It will last for a LONG time...

It sells arms to the leadership and sells arms to the common man.
It sponsors a civil war and call it "an Arab Spring."
It puts oil on the fire, or rather, it opens the fire up to the oil.
And on TV news, the bitch tells you that the Bedouins are free!
Revolution! Pay attention!
The people are starving because the ordinary man no longer sees well. He will say, "No!"
Who inflamed it? Which media are complicit?
Which people like the Devil's Fitna?
Don't be naive! The event obscures the interests
and the stakeholders play the role of "Humanist."
So those who love mankind are strong hemophiliacs.
Makes you wonder if O.T.A.N. [NATO] became necrophiliacs?
Arabs are warm-blooded but they were slaughtered in cold blood.
Lawlessness? Don't stop them!
[Western governments] want freedom?! It's what they want us to believe!
The propaganda of the BBC is on Al Jazeera's screen!

The people are dying for money in the name of the revolution! in the street, the blood flows...Bodies are pierced!
They have armed the people: they let them kill themselves and their daylight becomes darkness...The blood flows!
When the governments remain and stand firm and play, it will be for a long time... Manipulated!
Fire the AK-47 Kalashnikov! It will last for a LONG time...

The Arabs' blood is hot. They killed them in cold blood.
Gaddafi: it's all over! Hosni Mubarak: even he was deposed!
And their Zine El-Abidine knelt down and disappeared.
In Yemen, [Ali] Abdullah Saleh escaped from death and came back to take vengeance!
And al-Assad has been beaten back. Against him are his people plus the world!
Who's the one who knows? Who's the one who understands? Who can speak about reality?
Informations Channels, Al Jazeera or films of the 7th art?
The Arabs' and Muslims' revolution was seized!
They began with Iraq and Libya, my dear!
There are Shi'a, there are Sunnnis, there's Al-Qaeda, there are the Taliban
and today the slaughter is huge! Open your eyes and watch it carefully!
There are riches, there's the throne, [whether there's a] president or king
and whoever's heart is alive will understand this is fitna [strife among the Islamic community].
Why were we lit on fire? Why did we drown? Why did we lose our way?
It's because we turned away from religion, so bring the enthusiasm or get out!
Revolution to the death!

The people are dying for money in the name of the revolution! in the street, the blood flows...Bodies are pierced!
They have armed the people: they let them kill themselves and their daylight becomes darkness...The blood flows!
When the governments remain and stand firm and play, it will be for a long time... Manipulated!
Fire the AK-47 Kalashnikov! It will last for a LONG time...

May God rest the martyrs' souls
May God rest the victims' souls
May God rest all their souls.
Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and all those who are still [rising].
Haha! Arabs' blood is hot , they kill them with cold blood
Wake up , Bro !
Bring the enthusiasm or get out!