Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ibn Thabit and MC Swat - No Doubt

Ibn Thabit and MC Swat - No Doubt
لا شكّ - ابن ثابت و سوات
Released September 28, 2011

Big shout-out to @TasnimQ of Majjal for her help and corrections.
Full Arabic lyrics with their English translation after the jump...

اسمع...اللي يحسبه سهل يسرق ثورتنا، دير في باله راهو جوّه    ما تقدرش تمشي علينا

نبيك ترجع قبل الثورة - تتذكّر كيف كنت تتفكّر؟
لما تشبح كنت الغلط غير فمّك كان مسكرّ؟
توا ليهم السنين كل السبت الاهالي طالعين
مظاهرات أمّهات صحايا ابو سليم
أعطي روحك الصراحة مش لازم تقولها لحدّ
قدّاش مرّات تسبّ في الدين من السبت إلى الأحد؟
ولسانك هذا نفسك كم مرّة تستغفر وتتوب؟
وأوّلما يحسّ بالعفصة اللي يسبّس في القلوب
اللي يبي حتنجح الثورة يبدأ بروحه
مش زي اللي يطلع في الإذاعة بش يخاطب من الدوحة
ما فيش زي اللي يعيش في الواقع *على منحيش
من وُلِدَت نفرّغ في صدري زي *شيشما
بلكي سوء النوايا لكن اللي يبي يطلع في الصورة
على طول نشكّ فيك خلّيه يتعلّم مشورى
توا فتنا مرحلة الخوف ومن الموت ولا؟
وكل واحد توا ولا عنده صوت ولا؟
ماهو العدو الجديد السكوت والهدوء
على الإجرام اللي ساكت في وجه الظلم راهو حرام
توا حلم الشيطان انّه ما يتغيّر فينا شيء
أكثر حاجة حنحاربها وانا ما دام وقاعد حيّ

كان ما عندك في الثورة ولا تركّز لايش تسمع فيَّ؟ يا اخوي
بس تحرّك في رأسك على الفاضي مش فاهم لا شيء
تعرف النية؟ اسمع ـــــــــــــ ركّز دو على شيء مكتوب
ولد الثورة من بنغازي نغنّي قلبي كان مغلوب
ـــــــ انا نعبّر الثوّار نكبّر صوتي فيهم واضح
وسطهم ـــــــ مكتب و صوتي عالي ما اني راضخ
لأي ضغوط كان نحرّك الشعب مظبوط
من الجبهة الشرقية و للغربية عندي فيهم أصول
بنغازي و طرابلس تلاقى في شخص ودّاد بشاكن
لو عندك ليبي يحارب من بنغازي في طرابلس ساكن
عندي دوى نحكيها مش محتاج المنبر
مش محتاج إلا الميك والورقة والقلم والسنتر
مش نقدر نحكي وشدّك مش نقدر نصولها عندك
مش نقدر حتّى معلومة في رأسك وما تقول اللي ما قلتلك
أنه الثورة سرقت منّ اللي داروها والشعب راقد
اخوي يعرف انه الوضع الحالي لونه غامض

توا نعرف الجواب للسؤال اللي سألتوه
هل سوف الشعب الليبي يحارب العدو؟
قلت لك نعرف الإجابة للسؤال اللي طرحوه
هل سوف الشعب الليبي يحارب العدو؟
سألوني هل سوف الشعب الليبي يحارب العدو؟
لللي قبل شكّك في الأسود راهم يجؤو
سألوني هل سوف الشعب الليبي يحارب العدو؟
لللي قبل شكّك في الأسود راهم يجؤو

تبي تتكلّم عليَّ عادي ردّيته لثلاث سنين
ونعود في نفسه تسكن عيد في أربعة ثلاثة اثنين
واحد لحد اللي ديما قلتهم حافظ على الغاية
وقف ونزلو جنبي شظايا انا في رايّا
كانها جديّات بنبو ولا نخوط
كل واحد فينا طاحت راهم الطاغوت
 في جبهة كوط قلب نبي نعرف شنو شارع القانون
لما العباد نبدأ طالع في القرون ربّي سمحكم
أوّلما حطيتها الاغنية ديما تتفخّر
مش نتفكّر ثلاث السنين الأخيرة كوخّى
كانه واحد يلقي عليك القرشات الهبل
وتقدمك ديدك رجاني اللي ما قبل
هكي تبوه يخوط اكيد لا
مع المستوى المطلوبة ما زلت بعيدة
شني اللي ناقص الله و مسؤول العلماء
مش بعيد نفس التريس والعملاء

شني اللي قتل فينا حقوق يضرب الابهاد
شني اللي ما كانها من ثاني رغمها من ذهب
هذول الحد اللي يقوللي فيماهوش ام الراهي
هاي ذه من هاي دممهار لأنهم مش معروف لا شي
الوضع ايا صوت قلبك فين ادرج شوت اضرب بخب
فم حارة ليبي هيكي صومالي في تراكب
انتو ضرفي ها عناد رغمك ليبي تحسبه
أكثر من حد يلقيه باقي دولة اللي زادت
فياة ضايعة ايطاليا و فرادي في قطر
بالإعلام الفاجئ الوضع حسم مهم
لذلك مهم أنك تعرف مراحل خطر
خلّي بالك ان الشعب الليبي حيحفظ على قتر
لقيتلك اخوي لازم تعرف من عدوك اللي معك
من اللي ضدّك لو كانه رضك عدلك و الاكتثار
انت دراسة فيها الرجل من اللي متارسى
نسكف ستاورة الدورة يا ريت كراية في رأسه
الله اكثر حفّظ اللي مان قدنا بنا قدّام
في راية واحدة لازم ينزلو شي كان دوره الإسلام
توا رقمه من المكان ضد الطاغية ضدّ المجال
الشعب كلمة واحدة وهي كلمة تحتظار
وانا توا عارف الجواب للسؤال اللي سألتوه
هل سوف الشعب الليبي يحارب العدو؟
انا قلت لك عارف الجواب للسؤال اللي سألتوه
هل سوف الشعب الليبي يحارب العدو؟

مش قلت لك سألوني هل سوف الشعب الليبي يحارب العدو؟
لللي قبل شكّك في الأسود راهم يجؤو
سألوني هل سوف الشعب الليبي يحارب العدو؟
لللي قبل شكّك في الأسود راهم يجؤو

What you just heard was two of Libya's livest live in Tripoli
letting everyone know nobody's getting off easy.

في واحدين الصبى ما قدّمو شي للثورة
و قول للهم نورين من دوروكم

Listen. Whoever thinks it will be easy to steal our revolution, keep in mind that you will not be able to hoodwink us with the same tricks.

I want you to go back to before the revolution. Remember how you would think?
When you saw wrongdoing, why was your mouth shut?
Now every Saturday, for many years, the families would go out
in the demonstrations for the mothers of the victims of Abu Sleem.
Give yourself the truth, at least. You don't need to confess it to anyone [else].
How many times did you curse religion from Saturday until Sunday?
And this same tongue of yours, how many times did you seek forgiveness with it?
And as soon as this guy feels oppressed, he returns to being the guy who smokes up.
If you want the revolution to succeed, begin with yourself,
unlike those who go on TV to give their speeches from Doha.
There's no one like those who live the reality on the ground. I'm ___________
Since I was born, I've been letting out what's in my heart like a faucet.
Maybe it's wrong to doubt people's intentions, but anyone who wants to appear "in the picture."
I immediately doubt him. Let him learn to consult others first.
Now we've passed through the time of fear and death, right?
And now everyone has a voice, right?
Then the new enemy is silence and quiet
about the crimes of the past. Whoever is silent in the face of oppression, this is a crime!
Now, Satan's dream is that nothing inside us changes.
It's the thing I'll fight against the most for as long as I live.

If you're not with the revolution, not concentrating, why are you listening to me?
Brother, what's wrong with you? Why are you nodding your head in vain without understanding anything?
Listen to the way I speak, concentrate on the words and what is written:
[I'm] a son of the revolution from Benghazi and I sing when my heart is on fire from frustration
My voice is my megaphone, loud and clear.
It reaches the arrogant. My voice is loud and I will not be suppressed
by any pressure until I stir the people
from the East to the West (and I have origins there!).
Benghazi and Tripoli have met in one person
and you know what to do if a free Libyan calls you from Benghazi and you live in Tripoli.
I have words I want to say and I don't need a podium.
All I need is a mic, paper, a pen, and the [recording] center
to speak to you and grab your attention, to reach you
to plant the idea in your mind. Don't say I didn't tell you
that the revolution has been stolen from those who created it while the people sleep.
Brother, let's open our eyes and recognize that the current situation is a dark mystery.

Now I know the answer to the question you asked.
"Will the Libyan people fight the enemy?"
I told you that I know the answer to the question they asked.
"Will the Libyan people fight the enemy?"
They asked me, "Will the Libyan people fight the enemy?"
To those who were doubting the lions, here they are!
They asked me, "Will the Libyan people fight the enemy?"
To those who were doubting the lions, here they are!

You want to speak about me? That's fine. I've been repeating all this for three years
and you'll notice that I always kept the cause in mind.
I'm one who, by himself, was always telling them to preserve the goal,
standing as the shrapnel rained down around me. This is what I think:
if we are serious we need to be brothers
and every one of us must cleanse ourselves from tyranny
At the front of Kut, I wanted to know what the law would say
when people start to "grow their horns." God forgive you!
As soon as he puts his hand on the loot he captured, it disappeared!
Does this not remind you of the mess of recent years? Just rewind.
If someone hangs up all the money for you on a line
and you reach your hand out to take it, then we've gone back to the old days.
Is this how you want it my brothers? Of course not.
Then we still have a long way to go to reach the required level.
What is missing? God knows. Ask the analysts.
It won't be long before we divide the men from [Gaddafi's] agents.

What is it that killed the fear in us? Made us rise up and demand our rights?
What is that can plant the fear back in us again, despite what we've been through?
Those who speak to us pay no attention to this.
Either supporter or opponent, or someone who can't be pinned down either way.
wandering between the walls in a daze.
The Libyan's situation has become like Somalia's situation: we are in waiting.
Waiting for aid, despite the fact that in the Libyan accounts,
there is more than the debt to the World Bank.
And what's more, the money is being wasted between the bars of Italy and the hotels of Qatar
And the media is a failure, and the situation is critical.
This is why it is important that you know you are in a dangerous stage.
Keep in mind that the Libyan people are still looking for their hero.
I told you brother you must know your enemy from your ally from your opponent.
If your mind returns you back to the past,
we could do a study of when it was clear who was a man and who was a fake.
They picked up weapons and they raised their banner
and engraved in their minds was God is great, this was what moved us forward.
The banner is one, we can not forget what role Islam played.
The revolution was against the unbeliever, the tyrant, against the one who said
the nation is one word - and that word was an insult!

And now I know the answer to the question you asked:
"Will the Libyan people fight the enemy?"
I told you now I know the answer to the question you asked:
"Will the Libyan people fight the enemy?"

Didn't I tell you they asked me "Will the Libyan people fight the enemy?"
Those who doubted the lions, here they are!
They asked me "Will the Libyan people fight the enemy?"
Those who doubted the lions, here they are!

What you just heard was two of Libya's livest live in Tripoli
letting everyone know that nobody's getting off easy.
There are thieves around who sacrificed nothing for the revolution.
Tell them welcome! Know that we will be looking for you.
My salutations.