Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ibn Thabit ft. Salah Ghaly - Mabrook al Horria

Ibn Thabit ft. Salah Ghaly - Mabrook al Horria
مبورك الحريّة - ابن ثابت مع صلح غالي

Released on September 13, 2011
Click here to download the mp3

Big shout-out to @TasnimQ of Majjal for her corrections.
Full Arabic lyrics with their English translation after the jump...

مبروك علينا للنصر كل عام وانتم بخير.

مبروك الحريّة يا بلادي الحبيبة
نتمنّى ديما فرحة تزيد منشوفك كل يوم في عيد

هذه اللحظة اللي كلنا ننستنّو فيها
اللي كلنا نتمنّو فيها هذه الفرحة مش عادية
فيش جنازة على اللي خزّيه. ارقصو وغنّو!
اللي يبوش ــــــــــــــــــ خلّيهم ـــــــــ
ــــــــــ هم الكلاب اللي قاعد تماعه
تمّت للشفشوفة تبيه ولا لا
في ميدان الشهداء العلم مرفوع عالي
والعباد كلها تغنّي تعالى في العالي
والله ما عادي الشعور يا ناس
الاحساس هذا مــــــــ بين قلوب الناس
والله ياسر للعناد ياسر للفساد
يا سيطر وياسر للرصاص يا اولاد

مبروك الحريّة يا بلادي الحبيبة
نتمنّى ديما فرحة تزيد منشوفك كل يوم في عيد

تبي تقول لي كلمة ولا كلمتين؟ قول عشرة
اللي تقولها كلها ما يجي إلا الطشعة
في قصة الدوى لي عندي فيها الخبرة
لقينا هذه را ما فيش فيها العبرة
اطلع توا وقول اللي تبيه بصوت عالي
بلكي تبي تقعد ساكت حتّى هيكي باهي
ما فيش داعي تعقد لهي بالثاني
بالله تبي تقعد وـــــ عليه؟ عادي صبّ الشاي
يا رأيت يا شفشوفة؟ الشعب الليبي اخوة
الشعب قال كلمته: موت يا طاغوت!
خلّيني نشمّ الحلوة توا ـــــــ مرأة توا
بنبو بلاد نقدرو نربّو فيه ضغار توا

مبروك الحريّة يا بلادي الحبيبة
نتمنّى ديما فرحة تزيد منشوفك كل يوم في عيد

Congratulations for the victory. God is greater! May you all be well every year.
Mnawreen [Welcome, lit. you have brought light with you]

Congratulations on the freedom, my beloved country!
I wish that the happiness always increases and I see you having a holiday every day!

Yes, this the moment we've all been waiting for,
that we've all wished for. This happiness is extraordinary!
There's no funeral for the one who has shamed himself [Gaddafi]. "Sing and dance!" [he said].
So we will! As for those who want to weep and wail, let them!
The dogs who are still with him.
It's finished for Shafshoofa [Gaddafi] whether you want it to be or not!
In Martyrs' Square [in Tripoli], the [Independence] Flag is raised high
and all the people are singing "Rise Up Higher" [a revolutionary song].
By God, the feeling is extraordinary, people.
This feeling is binding the hearts of the people together.
By God, enough stubbornness! Enough corruption!
And enough with the bullets, guys!

Congratulations on the freedom, my beloved country!
I wish that the happiness always increases and I see you having a holiday every day!

You want to tell me one word or two words? Say ten!
Everything you want to say is only a drop in the ocean
in the bowl of talk. I have experience with it.
As for this, there are no metaphors here.
Get out now and say what you want in a loud voice.
Or maybe you want to stay quiet - even that is okay!
There's no need to watch what you say.
Or do you want to stay and talk to me? Fine, pour the tea.
Now do you see, Shafshufa [Gaddafi]? The Libyan people are siblings!
The people said their word: "Die, you tyrant!"
Now I can smell freedom. Now I can marry.
And we want a country we can raise our children in.

Congratulations on the freedom, my beloved country!
I wish that the happiness always increases and I see you having a holiday every day!