Monday, July 9, 2012

How To Let Your Music Video Director To Ruin It?

Simple, let them apply all the ideas they have on your music video. This way they would make your music video a lab rat, a testing ground for all and any of their untested ideas. This way they will surely give you one shitty music video that looks like an overflowing salad bowel loaded with salad dressing and none of the fresh produce.

I guess what my analogy is trying to say, you should be the judge and in the driver seat, don't let some guy with a fancey press release sell you one something that doe snot feel right. You want an example of what I am talking about, look no further than the video below. While the song is hip, the music video disappoints and confuses one's soul.

This is a pop song by Rahma Riad, it was supposed to be a treat, now I feel bad for the star who has shown so much promise. The pictures,m they tried to pain fall flat and the looks do not necessary work well for Raham (what's up with the all black dancers?). And what's sup with that eye mask look? Some bold hair cuts too! Why stop there? Bring the disco ball too!

 كليب رحمه رياض الا اقللهم 2012