Saturday, July 14, 2012

Two Forgettable Songs For Your Viewing Displeasure

What do you do when you have the looks and your hear your mommy telling you that you should start singing? I do not know, but lately it seems that at least one company in Egypt will work with you and make you a music video shot in one of the private villas owned by the company's founder Richard El Hajj

I come bearing two songs that are so karaoke like and tell a very expired love story. The music videos below will make the state of Wisconsin jealous of the amount of cheese featured. In fairness the songs are fun for exactly five seconds and then it all goes away.

Again, I think Ahmed Galal is working for his money and really wants the fame, the other guy is misguided and thinks by playing prince charming he will get a contract. Galal might be a fun opening act, he seems like a cool dude to have a coffee with--an iced coffee. He just need not to wear any of his flashy clothes

Motayam - Malak / متيم - ملاك

Ahmed Galal - Warrina Dehketak / أحمد جلال - ورينا ضحكتك