They are the geeky guys in your high school, they were not the popular kids, they were just shy and good at playing an instrument. So these guys got together and formed what has become on of the leading bands in Indie music in Egypt.
Unlike other bands, I feel massar egbari concentrates on the power of the lyrics and dreams as oppose to solid base music. Do not get my wrong, they have a roaster of talented musicians on the band's payroll. They have come together in 2007 and have been together ever since....their first international gig was in Malta. They have appeared in the indie music flick of 2011, Microphone.
I have come to like the mixture of funky and retro music, but most all their droves of fans as you see from the video seem to get into the lyrics and music that are put forward in a rish show MASSAR EGBARI means “Compulsory Detour”, per their website, here;'s how the band sees itself
They specifically chose this title as it explains how we are expected, or rather, dictated to behave and dress in certain manners Both, in title and in spirit, the band pokes fun at typical social norms and trends, which is clearly reflected in their music and chosen lyrics. This sarcastic name was created since the band members felt that the society is trying to imply its power over people starting from their childhood till the day they die. This social power wants to stereotype everything including the way people think and feel, leaving no space for creation and innovation. Massar Egbari presents music and songs talking about the social problems. Love is not thier main concern although it represents a part of our songs. Through the members’ different musical backgrounds, the band is presenting a kind of Alternative Egyptian Music, mixing rock, jazz and blues with some Oriental music.مسار أجباري - الشهيد/حاوي
مسار أجباري - يا عم