Monday, September 10, 2012

The Pious Of Egypt Want To Ban Entertainers "Prostitutes"

Wagdy Ghonim is a moron. He might have some good options and he may as well have some good intentions, but his latest attacks on entertainers is preposterous. The TV preacher is gunning for the entertainers in Egypt. He has issues with people kissing on TV, making out and pretending to be husband and wife.

While, I do agree that some Egyptian movies have nothing to do with entertainment and they are nothing but a sleaze fest. That's no reason for such broad attacks from a guy who things sex is disgusting and intimacy is immoral.  He even does not like tourism. I have a question for him, what other national resources does he have issues with? Such things bring Egypt a lot of money.

The guy watches a lot of movies or it seems--he describes a scene when an actor has a lady's underwear from his pocket. Wagdy hates that and is seems to be mad. I think people like Wagdy and company should attack certain aspects of the entertainment not a broad attacks likes there. I think he can attack people like Al Sabaky who makes dirty movies. But even then, had the people not watched his movies, he would make them no more.

I am seeing a lot of Egyptian entertainers up in arms against such figures and their use of the public ariwaves. While I agree with them, I hate to see the government stepping in to ask Wagdy and others to stop. If the actor has the right to make a movie, the other guy has a right to trash is as well. With one note, no personal attacks on private citizens.

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