Assala has always done things her way, when people tell her you cannot, she just says, watch me. When her husband cheated on her and tried to make himself some kind of victim, she told him to buzz off, she dumped his face and went on.
She married a guy who loves her, lover her music, her kids, and has given her twins. Then she have collaborated together on one of the greatest comebacks. Assala has beat most younger females and marked herself as a survivor.
She is having the greatest year of her life, success on TV, on music and even taking up the cause of the Syrian revolutionaries. Then came her 2012 album, a good album with at least 70 percent of greatness. But the one song that moves me, and I think it expresses much about Assala's boldness, she says she is stubborn. The song feels like jazz but the lyrics are a lesson on being your own woman. She takes everything as a challenge and she follows through.
Assala - Shakhsya Anida / أصالة - شخصية عنيدة