Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wael Kfoury Plays Tennis And Lunches His Tournament

Singers like sports, but very few of them excel at it. While most go to the gym and workout, one guy loves a sport so much that he launched his own tournament. Of course, I am speaking about Wael Kfoury and his love of Tennis.

Many in Lebanon know that the singer is a big fan of this game where he has practiced the game for years now. But most recently, he has kicked of the first tennis tournament that he has sponsored in Lebanon. The tournament included a number of categories including one for males, females and older than 40.

 The winner was awarded 3000 dollars. The total amounts that were awarded added up to 12 thousand US dollars. Again, this is an elitist game for the people with a lot of money, but to his credit Wael is doing his country a favor for a guy who shuns the spotlight, this is a major event.

وائل كفوري وهو يلعب التنس