Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Dana Halabi Launches Children Foundation

Dana Halabi or Dana, the pop star who is no stranger to making raunchy music videos has finally found a  good cause where she can fight for children of the Arab Spring.  Dana Halabi will work with her foundation to help bring some happiness and joy in some of the broken spirits, she sees on TV screens in places where the Arab Spring has visited.

The headquarters office will be in Beirut and the foundation will be working to offer support to children who have lost family members due to the political fevers. The goal is to work with a thousand child who need such services. A management company and a public relations firm has been tabbed to get the Halabi Foundation name out there, raise money and accomplish the mission.

Kids will be able to learn music, painting, carving and whatever art from they chose to channel their negative emotions. Trainers and experts will be in charge and running the show. Dana has already released a promo song for the foundation. There are tons of children in that music video talking about life. Still Dana is still Dana and she did her thing.

 I did not spot any children in the kickoff, I only saw people who wanted to drink and have a good time.

 دانا حلبي وأغنية خاصة لمؤسسة الحلبي الخيرية