Saturday, July 7, 2012

One More Shitty Egyptian Song Won't Hurt

I do not know who Amgad Omar is, but other than his name, I think he mostly sucks. Neither his voice nor his personality entertain. So why bother and release a music video that feels a lot like torture? While I like pop music, there has to be a threshold singers ought to have. 

Amgad got nothing and his song disappoints. But to be disappointed in hims is not accurate. Because it implies that one had high expectations for the young star, when we really did not. Now the guy is young, good looking and can dance, so I would say modeling/ adverting maybe?

I am not the one to hate--only if you are Tamer Hosny, but this one was just a terrible song all around.

. Amgad Omar - Arrabny Mennak / أمجد عمر - قربني منك