The dude's voice rocks! Never have I heard a more excited young voice that puts all his heart, soul and mind in his tracks. The level of skills, confidence and talent Mahmoud El Mohandes reveals in his mini Ramadan album is not your everyday find. Not only does he sound very lively, fresh and close to the heart, but he also composes his songs too. All the track on this album came from his own labor.
Just hear the tracks of his supplications. He has the voice, and the perfect bittersweet voice. I have not heard any other non- Ramadan songs but I can detect he can also do happy songs as well--check the fourth track out and see for yourself--it's below. The guy is hoping to score with the Amr Diab Academy so he can appear on stage with the King of pop himself.
I do not know where Mahmoud came form or what kind of training he has had, but judging form the cover of his album, there are a lot of people who believe in his talent and came together to lend him a hand with his album in good faith.
04- Mahmoud ElMohandes - Da3ef | محمود المهندس - ضعيف
1- رمضان بيخبط (Ramadan Is Knocking)
2- صوت الملايكه (The Voice Of Angels)
3- رحمتك متتوصفش (Your Mercy Is Beyond Description)
4- ضعيف (Weak)
5- سامحونى (Forgive Me)