Sunday, September 9, 2012

Mona Amarcha In It For The Money And Here's Why

The Moroccan songstress Mona Amarcha has yet to hold a concert outside the Gulf region where her career has been transformed from a celebrity singer into a wedding singer. After taking part of the Star Academy competition years ago, she made a decision not to go back to Morocco, not to Egypt and certainly not to Lebanon. Instead she followed the money and made a home for herself in Dubai.

She is a big player in the pop scene in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and in between. She makes good music and has a great voice. But if she is not getting paid, she is not singing. That means she has yet to release a song in Egyptian or the Lebanese dialect.

She does not seem to care about branching our or at least maintaining her celebrities status outside Dubai where she does concerts and private events. She does go back to Morocco for vacation with her lovely family and friends. But the only place she works is Dubai

Again the money is great we all love it, it's just the attitude that matters. She can make a decent living doing songs by this Sheikh and that poet, but to last you need to cover your tracks and open up new markets.

منى أمرشا - وينك | Mona Amarsha - Weinak