or maybe it's the Lebanese version. What has been done right so far, is the judges, the management has picked 4 awesome names in Arabic music who truly can sing and have a reputation for their strong voices and their musical knowledge. AS far as the business is concerned, the intellectual property rights of the show belong to Talpa Holding, while Sony Pictures Television (STP) Arabia- representing Talpa formats in the region - is the co-production company.
This American show is now landing in Arabia and the masses are unsure what to make of another show that will waste more of people's time to pick talents who might never make it in this world again. MBC is hosting the show in the same format, 4 judges, they hear the voice, not see the person singing and then make their call. The person who likes the voice will be a mentor for the guest.
They already had a press conference about it and people are starting to talk about this high caliber show with big names like of Assi Hallani (Lebanon), Kathem Al Saher (Iraq), Sherine (Egypt) and Saber El Robaei (Tunisia). I would not watch the show, but I will follow its news.
Following the exclusive rights to broadcast the international TV show 'The Voice' in the MENA region on MBC1, MBC Group revealed the four star “coaches” of the show:
Kadim Al Sahir, Sherine Abdel Wahab, Saber Al Roba’ei and Assi El Hellani. The program will be hosted by Egyptian actor Mohamed Karim. This is a sing of the great recession that Arabic music have been seeing since the Arab Spring started.
#MBC1- The Voice