Saturday, December 31, 2011

Lak3y - Tounés 7orra ("Tunisia is Free")

Lak3y - Tounés 7orra ("Tunisia is Free")
تونس حرّة - لكعي
Released February 5, 2011

Arabic lyrics via Lak3y's Facebook page
Full Arabic lyrics and their English translation after the jump...


Yeah!! this is original from Tunisia yeah man (Oh)
Revolution Ay ay ay ay eh,Lak3y (oh);
Sound of Freedom;(No!!)
Yo Listen One love, One heart, One Voice

Verse 1 :
9alb wa7ed,Sout wa7ed,cha3b wa7ed,Tounés wa7da,
nes lkol mab3adhna yédina méta7da;
Hedhi karamétna,7oriyétna,hedha chrafna,mosta9balna,
lézém nkounou kelma w 9owa wa7da;
A7na cha3b s9ina bédam trab el 5adhra,
Yélli 5ontou lébléd ma8ir ni9ach 3ala barra;
Lyoum jé dawrkom chétdho9ou el lo9ma el morra;
Dégage 7ézb el mauve, Tounésna 7orra;
Kifkom kif ra2iskom el ma5lou3;
Yé 9atél érrou7 win trou7,39ab 3omrék ki jarbou3;
Kima dhalitou bech tetdhalou,kima 9hartou bech tét9ahrou;
Jé wa9tkom bech t7éssou ech 7assét la3béd;
Chéfou chtarhom kech tchadou,3arfou rwé7hom bech yét8asrou;
C'est pour ça 7abbou y7ottou é ro3b fil bléd;
Ba3thou el milichiyét,5arjou el icha3at;
Da5lou fi westna bélfitan 3ala tri9 el jihawiyét;
A5taf,esra9,a7ra9,7abitouna ntab3oukom;
Ken famma 7ri9 raw entom elli bech na7r9oukom;
Cha3b féya9 dhkiy,Iménou 9wiy,
meme si dhrabtou w 9taltou,5ouh é Tounsi mézél 7ay;
Fort comme un lion é cha3b wa9ef, wa9ef;
Fière d'être un Tounsi ménich 5ayéf,5ayéf;
Libre comme un aigle é cha3b Taléb,Taléb
kolkom bech tet7asbou é cha3b 7léf,7aléf

Refrain :
Toulédna rjél,3échna rjél w bech nmoutou kén rjél (OH);
Tounsi 7or,Tounsi rasi 3ali,Drapeau blédi 8ali (OH);
Thawrétna 3ziza,matdhi3éch ménna,Méta7din mab3adhna (OH);
3ala toul,wa9fin dhéd é dholém,ma7koum 3lihom bél é3dém (OH);

Verse 2 :
Sob7ana ALAH kéch 3azna,Kéch dhalkom;
Sob7ana ALAH kéch 3takom ba3d m9atkom;
Sob7ana ALAH kéch 7rémkom mén 9darkom;
Winek yé métjabbar yélli 9olt ena Fhémtkom;
Cha3bék elli 9ma3tou,médho3f 5la9 el 9owa;
Kén lél8ir 9odwa,fil 3alam 3amél dowa;
Jma na é din,jma3na drapeau lébléd;
Héka bech nja7na bech na7ina é dholm wél fséd;
Ta7iya lél jaych,T,ta7iya léchouhada;
Té7iya lécha3b é Tounsi ki jébna Libérté;
Té7iya lél mo3tasmin,ta7iya léchabéb;
Ki w9éfna rjél fil 7wém béssiyoufa wél kléb;
Mayhéméch mnin kolna wléd thawrét el Bouazizi;
It's so easy,Kolna d5alna fi tari5,
toulédna mén jdid,alors il faut repartir;
Iradét cha3b,Intifadhét cha3b,Thawrét cha3b;
Kin9oul cha3b,moch é nou5ab,moch el 7ézb;
Klémi mwajah lélli 7ab yérkéb 3ala thawrétna;
A7na w9éfna,nadhafna,lél kartouch 3aradhna;
7yét jdida testanna fina ba3d ét3ab;
Matmédouch r9ébkom lésiyoufét la7zéb w nou5ab;
Tounsi,Tounsi,7or,bech n3ich kif man7éb;
Tounsi,Tounsi,souti masmou3 bech nénta5ab;
La 3ad yénfa3 lé ZABA lé Trabelsi;
Mosta9balan,Cha3b chi chéd el korsi (n2akkéd);
La 3ad yénfa3 lé ZABA lé Trabelsi;
Mosta9balan,Cha3b chi chéd el korsi;

Refrain :
Toulédna rjél,3échna rjél w bech nmoutou kén rjél (OH);
Tounsi 7or,Tounsi rasi 3ali,Drapeau blédi 8ali (OH);
Thawrétna 3ziza,matdhi3éch ménna,Méta7din mab3adhna (OH);
3ala toul,wa9fin dhéd é dholém,ma7koum 3lihom bél é3dém (OH);

ta7ya Tounés
majd licha3b
Mayhéméch mnin kolna wléd thawrét el Bouazizi;
ta7ya Tounés
majd licha3b


Yeah!! this is original from Tunisia yeah man (Oh)
Revolution Ay ay ay ay eh,Lak3y (oh);
Sound of Freedom;(No!!)
Yo Listen One love, One heart, One Voice

One heart, one voice, one people, one Tunisia.
All the people are together. Our hands our united.
This is our dignity, our freedom, our honor, our future.
We must be one word and one strength.
We're a people who irrigated the Green [Tunisian] soil with blood.
To you who betrayed the country, there's nothing to say except "get out!"
Today your turn has come to taste the bitter morsel.
Get out, party of evil! Our Tunisia is free!
How are you? How's your deposed president?
You murderer of the soul, where are you going? After your life when ________ comes.
Just as you humiliated others, you will be humiliated. Just as you crushed others, you will be crushed.
The time has come for you to feel what the nation has felt.
Look at the lives of those you disappeared. You learned their souls in order to destroy them.
That's why you loved to fill the nation with terror.
Send in the militias! Spread the rumors!
Bring fitna into our midst on the front lines.
Kidnappings, thefts, burnings - you wanted to exhaust us!
If you burned someone's mouth, you're the ones whom we will burn!
The people are becoming smarter. Their safety is getting stronger.
Even if you assault and kill, the spirit of Tunisia will be alive.
Strength like a lion, the people are standing up, standing up.
Proud to be a Tunisian, I'm not scared, scared.
To be as free as an eagle is what the people demand, demand.
You will ALL feel it, the people swear, swear.

We're born men, we live as men, and we will die as men (Oh!)
The Tunisian is free. The Tunisian's head is raised high. The nation's flag is precious (Oh!)
Our revolution is dear. You won't take it from us [because] we're united with one another (Oh!)
No matter what, we'll stand up against oppression. They'll be sentenced to execution (Oh!)

God Almighty loves us. He cast you adrift.
God Almighty given you _______________.
God Almighty has stripped you of your power.
Where are you, you tyrant? You who said, "I have understood you."
Your people are the ones whom you oppressed and whose morals and strength you weakened.
If you had no capabilities, in the world it would reverberate [?].
We gather together for our faith. We gather together for our nation's flag.
In this way, if we succeed, we'll overthrow injustice and corruption.
Salute to the army! Salute to the martyrs!
Shout-out to the Tunisian people because they brought us liberty!
Shout-out to the protesters! Shout-out to the youth!
Because we stood as men in the face of __________ and dogs!!
We won't be marginalized. We're all the children of Bouazizi's revolution.
It's so easy. We have all embarked on the path.
We have been reborn and it must go back
to the will of the people, the intifada of the people, the revolution of the people.
As we say, a people - not elites, not a political party.
My words are directed to those who love to bandwagon onto our revolution.
We're the ones who stood up against the bullets that they offered us.
New lives are waiting for us after years of exhaustion.
You won't reimpose your will. The parties and elites will wither away.
The Tunisian is free to live as he likes.
Tunisian, O Tunisian! My voice is being heard. I will vote!
It will no longer benefit Zaba and [Laila] Trabelsi.
In the future, the people will control the seat of power.
It will no longer benefit Zaba and [Laila] Trabelsi.
In the future, the people will control the seat of power.

We're born men, we live as men, and we will die as men (Oh!)
The Tunisian is free. The Tunisian's head is raised high. The nation's flag is precious (Oh!)
Our revolution is dear. You won't take it from us [because] we're united with one another (Oh!)
No matter what, we'll stand up against oppression. They'll be sentenced to execution (Oh!)

Long live Tunisia!
Glory to the people!!
We won't be marginalized. We're all the children of Bouazizi's revolution.
Long live Tunisia!
Glory to the people!

Nawal El Zoghbi - Ma'rafsh Leih / New 2012[starttext] نوال الزغبي - معرفش ليه[endtext]

Dina Adel - Malish Gherha[starttext]دينا عادل - ماليش غيرها[endtext]

Friday, December 30, 2011

Ahmed Ezzat - Rabena Ely Hameha[starttext] أحمد عزت وخالد - ربنا اللي حاميها[endtext]

Naya - Tezkar[starttext]نايا - تذكار[endtext]

NadineSa'b - Habiby Ba'tezer[starttext] نادين صعب - حبيبي بعتذر[endtext]

Joe Ashkar - Qalou El Qamar[starttext]جو أشقر - قالوا القمر[endtext]

MC Swat - Freedom of Expression

MC Swat - Freedom of Expression
حرّية التعبير - ام سي سوات
Released December 16, 2011

Big thanks to @TasnimQ for translating the song into English and introducing me to it!
Arabic Lyrics still a work-in-progress - feel free to help!
MC Swat's interview with Mercy Corps

ضد النظام وضدّ الظلم وضدّ الفساد...

في الوقت اللي ما تملك حاجة والتماسيح تعبئ البلاد
تبي خيالك الثورة نجحت بس حتشلّل من الفساد
الأخضر والمنظر كلهم ــــــــ كيفما هو
ما زال العقل متخضّر وخلّوهم اليوم ــــ عندهم القوّة
ما ليش هو ــــــ مع الكلاش زيهم بوليس
ــــــ في الشارع ــــــ كان عريس
وفي الوقت اللي الثوّار ــــــــــــــ هم
ـــــــــــــــ هم فرحانين بـــــ

تحسبوهم ـــ الغلط ـــــــ
دام انا كرهي لهم أكثر من واج
أكثر من كرهي لمعمّر أكثر من كرفي للشرطة
ــــــ البلاد ـــــــــــــــ للسلطة
ما اني عارف ـــــــ مقصوص
بس اللي عارف ـــــ ـــــــــــ دروس
ـــــ فكرة ـــــــ ألوف
اذا بالك ما تقدر تكتب الكلمة من ظلمه تكتب حروف

مالا شوف مشواري كل التاريخ أسطورة
فكرة الشعب الليبي يخذه بالصوت والصورة
يا اللي يخذه  يا حكومة رأسي برأسك
اللي ــــــ عندنا صورة نقوله انا نلعب رأسك
يا عدو واقف انا آسف ما اني مش ساكت
على اللي صاير قدّامي في بلادي لازم نحكي ولاد
لو نطلع صوتي لو كان حاف هدؤء بالضوء
الشارع بس الحق الشارع هو اللي محسوب

ــــــ معمر ـــــــ
ــــــــــ في كلّ مكان
ـــــ تلعب نلعب ــــــــ نلعب
ـــــــ زي اللي فيه نلعب
ـــــــ انا شابّ مجرّب بس نملك حقّ
نكون معارض للدولة لذلك ما يلقي زي اللي حدّ
في رايّ انا حرّ مصيري ندير اللي نديره
لو عندي انفاس ـــــــــ لك

معنا الحقّ ومعنا الباطل اللي نستقبل الكل
ـــــــــ الدولة حاكمة بالكلاش
ـــــــــ هو مواطن نقتله فيه ستّ عش
ــــــــــــ اخوي احلى من قبل
بش يعرف العالم كله ـــــــــــ
ــــــــ وين الكسر بالجبل
محسوبة ــــــ من أهلي قبل

ما تطفو على دم الشهيد اللي ضحّى بالبلاد
اللي ــــــــــ
ــــــ من قبل ــــــ
ـــــــ تحت الصرف والدولار
ــــــــــ جنب الاحتجار
عشرين فائدة ـــــــــ

ـــــــــ بالحقيقة ــــــــ
ولا في بالهش ـــــــــــ
ـــــ دكتاتوي للسلطان
الخداع وـــــــ بالتضحية للقربان
لذلك اغتال اللواء لذلك اغتال الحقيقة
لذلك ردّد سيناريو مالكوك اكس في أمريكا
لذلك نوقف نحب نقول لك شيء للتعلّم
والفساد وصل في الدولة والسبب هو المجلس كله

والسبب مش بس في غوقة والسبب مش بس في تربل
السبب في عقول الشعب اللي عقله متهيأ بش يستقبل
مش متهيأ بش يرسل عشان هكي يستقبل
كلما يطالب واحد بحقه يخاف الشعب ويوخر
يخاف ويبدأ يستنكر - اتقول يحرّف القرآن
يقولوله ذنب واستغفر - اعتذر من السلطان
سامحونا عيل الشيطان ماتحطش عقلك بعقله
عشان هكي يبقى غلطان عشان صبا طالب بحقه

يبقى ـــــ في افكار
او متشوّش ما فاهمش بس أعطيني ــــــــ
كل منّا لنا فكرة لنا حرّية في التعبير
ـــــ المواطن حرّ ــــــــــــ لو عندك تحقير
لأنّ حرّية التعبير ــــــ صير
ـــــ نفس الطريق
بس اذا كلنا ـــــــــ
ــــــــــ خائن يبقى الحرّية بايعة

ــــ الثورة ــــــ
ـــــ لأنّ الشعب الليبي ــــــ
من أوّل الثورة معناش في خوف معناش في حيوط
معناش وقف قدامها ما فيش حواجز ما فيهاش سكوت
ما فيش هذا اسمه السيد ـــــــ
ـــــــــ العبيد
ــــ بس ـــــــ
ـــــ بالثاني أكيد

ليبيا ـــــــــ
حرية التعبير في ليبيا في خطر
لازم تفهم انه مش ـــــ مع الدولة ما انا ضدّ الدولة
ليبا مع امسي سوات
that's the record ya'll

Against injustice, against oppression, against corruption...

At a time when you have nothing and the crocodiles are swarming the country
You want to believe the revolution has succeeded but corruption will cripple it
They took away the green and left the scene as it is
The mind is still "green," and today they've let them become empowered
What else would you call these opportunists with guns, acting like the police,
in the street, acting like a gang
At a time when the revolutionaries have returned home and done their duty,
 you see the opportunists swaggering around, happy with their loot.

So who will hold them to account? Wrong will always be there to be fought.
As for me, I'm not envious. I hate them.
More than my hatred for Muammar, more than my hatred for the police
What I hate most is the people who become self-important when they get into power
This is my instinct, this is God's gift
What I know is that you should learn from the past
They say if you have an idea, you have thousands
And you can't write a word, without writing letters

Then look, all  I'm saying is that history is our legend,
a thought for the Libyan people to take in with sound and pictures
To take in despite the government - Government, its me against you,
until the picture is clear, I'm saying it, and I am standing here
I have not blindfolded myself and I will not be quiet
about what is happening in front of me in my country
I have to talk and I have to make my voice heard even if it is barely heard
The street, the truth is the street is what counts

In the past, between brackets, in Muammar's time
The opportunists walked around swaggering
And the writing was on the walls "The Opportunists Are Everywhere" (Play on Green Book)
If you have a green mind, you have free reign, impose your will, spread your influence
Now if you want to play with us, come down to the street
I am just one young man, but I have the right to be opposed to the state
No one infringe on my right to have my opinions, I am free to decide my fate
Do what you want until the last breath I will damn you

We have right and we have wrong
And those who try to drag us into the mire, I tell you and bring my name into it
Who wanted to believe it?
The state is run by dogs
Remain alert, my brother citizen
The revolution will not be killed in mid December. The revolution was clear, let it be better than before
So the world knows what you feel and what you want
Just tell me, what is ailing you, where are the breaks?
The sum has already been calculated
The price has already been paid by the people of the graves

By the blood of the martyr who sacrificed for his country
Repeat: For the one who sacrificed for his country
Let his country work for him, work for education and health
Instead of being governed by the same crowd who governed our country before
What is different? Only the talk is different.
And the bills are coming in, pump oil, stash gold, arm the closest to you.
What? You think the revolutionaries' sell-by date is over?
There's no use to you anymore, they only want those who have stopped and decided to keep their mouths shut.

No one wants to hear the truth, they tricked them
And who cares what will happen in the country
A hollow change of a dictator for a sultan
Trickery and deceit now with sacrificial animals
For that reason, they assassinated the commander (Abdel Fattah Younes)
For that reason they assassinated truth
For that reason they are repeating Malcolm X's scenario
For that reason I am standing here to tell you what is the reason behind

Corruption is re-infecting the country and the cause is the whole council [the NTC].
The reason isn't only Ghoga and the reason isn't only Terbil.
The reason lies in the minds of those whose minds aren't ready to receive
and aren't ready to send [i.e., their minds are closed]. For that reason, they accept that whenever anyone demands his rights, the people become afraid and back away -
they're afraid and they begin to deny [what's happening]. You say they are falsifying the Quran.
They say, "You have sinned. Ask for forgiveness. Apologize to the sultan."
The children of Satan advise you not to pit yourself against them
And if you do, you're wrong, because you're standing up demanding you're rights
Because you criticize the rulers
Or am I wrong? Maybe I don't understand anything

But despite that listen to me, we all have ideas
We all have the freedom to express them
The citizens are free in their opinion, even if you don't agree
Because freedom of expression guarantees, even if just the smallest part, that we are walking down the path of change
and that we are continuing on the same path
But if you tell me that anyone in the opposition, anyone with an opinion different than yours is a traitor, then say goodbye to freedom

And then why have we had this revolution?
And then we will see a repetition of the revolution at the first available opportunity
Why? Because the Libyans said from the start of the revolution
No more fear, no more limits, no more walls in front of me
There is nothing called silence anymore, there is no one called sir anymore
You've exhausted us with your airs of majesty
Try telling us "Go back to being slaves."
I won't add anything more, repetition is only for those who need it.
Because those who didn't understand from the first time will have to understand us once again.

Libya, nothing is guaranteed
Freedom of speech in Libya is in danger
You have to understand
That disagreeing with the state does not mean you are against the state

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

L7a9ed (Haked) ft. Jihane - Baraka Men Skate ("No More Silence")

L7a9ed (Haked) ft. Jihane - Baraka Men Skate ("No More Silence")
الحاقد مع جهان - باركة من السكات / بركة من الصمت
Released on April 11, 2011

Arabic lyrics via Mamfakinch. My English translation via Mamfakinch's Arabic lyrics and the French translation by Maria Karim of and @Freel7a9ed

CHORUS (Jihane)
إذا الشعب يوما اراد الحياة
ينوض يدوي على راسو باركة من السكات
راهم كلاو رزاقنا وو لاحولينا لفتات
و شحال من مناضل على قبلنا مات

في خطر قال للمغاربة
للأحرار لللي ما يرضوش بالذلّ
لللي يعيشو بالقهر والحقرة

CHORUS (Jihane)
إذا الشعب يوما اراد الحياة
ينوض يدوي على راسو باركة من السكات
راهم كلاو رزاقنا وو لاحولينا لفتات
و شحال من مناضل على قبلنا مات

نوضو ينعاسة شوفو شعب في مصر
شوفو شعب التوانسة و كدب عليك لي كاليك
المغرب حالة خاصة وخا العيشة مخصوصة
وسياسة التكليخ عندكم رها مدروسة
لاهتونا بالشطيح والرديح ولالكم لعروسة
هدر على حقك اش غاي يوقع كاع
سكات مينفع انا ولد الشعب وراني كنخلاع

الشعب هز دقة ومزال ساكت مدرور
لقرايا وسط الزنقة لپوڤرا عيا مايدور
خونا جمع فرقة باش يراقعو دوستور
حماق هوا هادا واش يلا بغينا
حاقنا خاسنا نجبدو فرادا
ولي بغيت نقادسو غادي نختارو انا
ويلا بغيتي تفهامنا اجي عيش معانا
الله الوطن الحرية

CHORUS (Jihane)
إذا الشعب يوما اراد الحياة
ينوض يدوي على راسو باركة من السكات
راهم كلاو رزاقنا وو لاحولينا لفتات
و شحال من مناضل على قبلنا مات

موشكيلا موشكيلا خاسنا نعاودو تعازيلا
بغينا ش مسؤول نقادرو نحاسبوه
ماشي مخلوق غير كانقادسوه
عانداك تدوي راهوم يغابروك
و غاندوي و غير غابروني
عطيوني حاقي ولا قتلوني

علينا كاتزايدو
وكل نهار زيادة ومازال كاتزيدو
قسمتوها بيناتكوم و بوسو ليه يدو
عاش ابا حيت معايشني معاه
اما خونا كلا مغرب بوحدو
ماحدي انا عايش ولاه لا ورثو ولدو
تاريخنا طمستوه او بغيتو طامسونا
دارتولينا لعكر فوق لخنونة
المليك ديالنا زوين مهلي فينا
وحتحنا مهلين فيه و أكبر ميزانية
ديال لقصر كتخسر عليه

CHORUS (Jihane)
إذا الشعب يوما اراد الحياة
ينوض يدوي على راسو باركة من السكات
راهم كلاو رزاقنا وو لاحولينا لفتات
و شحال من مناضل على قبلنا مات

CHORUS (Jihane)
If the people want life,
then they'll stand up to defend their rights. No more silence!
They exploit our wealth and leave the crumbs for us
while so many freedom fighters died on our behalf.

This is for all Moroccans.
To the free and to those who refuse to be humiliated.
To those living in misery and injustice.

CHORUS (Jihane)
If the people want life,
then they'll stand up to defend their rights. No more silence!
They exploit our wealth and leave the crumbs for us
while so many freedom fighters died on our behalf.

Wake up! Look at the Egyptian people
and the people of Tunisia. They're lying to you, those who say,
"Morocco, you're an exception." Okay, living is a luxury.
Their political brainwashing is calculated.
Debauchery and reality television, among other things, are there to distract us.
We have no choice but to fight for our rights.
Silence won't benefit us. I am the child of the people and I'm not scared!

Those who suffered in silence and were dragged
through the streets are fed up with going around in circles
while our brother [the king] convenes his team to amend the constitution.
There's something to go crazy over! Do they want us
to take up arms to seize our rights?
It's for me to choose whom I want to sanctify.
And if you understand us, come live with us.
"God, the Homeland, and Freedom" [NOT "God, the Homeland, and the King"]

CHORUS (Jihane)
If the people want life,
then they'll stand up to defend their rights. No more silence!
They exploit our wealth and leave the crumbs for us
while so many freedom fighters died on our behalf.

It's a problem. It's a problem. We must reformulate the equation.
We want a leader whom we can hold to account
and not an infallible, sanctified entity.
We are told: they'll make you disappear.
I shout it loud and clear: they'll make me disappear.
Give me my rights or give me death.

You speculate on our banks.
You sell us at auctions and you did it to us again and again.
You share in the spoils and you kiss [the king's] hand.
Long live my father [the king],
He seized our wealth
and as long as I've lived, his children [the people] have not inherited it.

You erased our history and you want to bury it with
sequins and glitter again.
Our king is kind and generous to us,
but to whom is he truly generous? Most of our budget
is spent on him and his palace entourage.

CHORUS (Jihane)
If the people want life,
then they'll stand up to defend their rights. No more silence!
They exploit our wealth and leave the crumbs for us
while so many freedom fighters died on our behalf.

French Translation:
Si le peuple veut la vie
Qu’il se lève pour défendre ses droits
Se taire jusqu’à quand ?
Ils exploitent nos richesses
Et nous jettent les miettes
Quand tellement de militant(es) se sont sacrifiés pour nous

A tout les Marocains. Aux enfants de la liberté. Ceux qui refusent l’humiliation. Ceux qui vivent la misère et l’injustice

Si le peuple veut la vie
Qu’il se lève pour défendre ses droits
Se taire jusqu’à quand ?
Ils exploitent nos richesses
Et nous jettent les miettes
Quand tellement de militant(es) se sont sacrifiés pour nous

Réveillez vous !
Regardez le peuple égyptien, le peuple tunisien
Ceux qui parlent de l’exception marocaine vous mentent

Vivre est un luxe
Et leur politique de décervelage est calculée
Débauches et télés réalités entre autres… pour nous distraire

Le silence est notre ennemi
On n’a pas d’autres choix que de lutter pour nos droits
Nous sommes les enfants du peuple et On leur fait peur !

Ce peuple qui subit en silence et traîne dans les rues, en a marre de tourner en rond
Et LUI qu’est ce qu’IL fait ? IL réunit son équipe pour raccommoder la constitution
Y’a de quoi devenir fou !!
Est-ce qu’ils veulent qu’on prenne les armes pour arracher nos droits ?
C’est à moi de choisir celui que je veux sacraliser
Et si tu veux nous comprendre
Viens vivre avec nous
Allah, La patrie, la Liberté (en réponse à dernière phrase de l’hymne marocain : Allah, la patrie, le roi)

Si le peuple veut la vie
Qu’il se lève pour défendre ses droits
Se taire jusqu’à quand
Ils exploitent nos richesses
Et nous jettent les miettes
Quand tellement de militant(es) se sont sacrifiés pour nous

Faut refaire l’équation
On veut un responsable qu’on puisse juger
Et non pas une créature inviolable

On nous dit : Attention n’en parles surtout pas
Ils vont te faire disparaître
Je le crie haut et fort
 Qu’ils me fassent disparaître
Je veux mes droits
Qu’on me donne mes droits ou qu’on me tue

Vous spéculez sur nos dos
Vous nous vendez aux enchères
Et il vous en faut toujours plus
Vous vous partagez le butin
Et LUI baisez la main
Que vive mon père
Mais pas LUI, IL s’est accaparé de nos richesses
Et tant que je suis en vie, son fils n’en héritera jamais

Vous avez effacé notre histoire
Et  voulez nous enterrez avec

Des paillettes et encore des paillettes
Notre roi est bon et généreux
Mais qui est le vrai généreux ?
La plus grosse partie de notre budget est déboursée sur LUI et ses palais.

Si le peuple veut la vie
Qu’il se lève pour défendre ses droits
 Se taire jusqu’à quand ?
Ils exploitent nos richesses
Et nous jettent les miettes
 Quand tellement de militant(es) se sont sacrifiés pour nous

Monday, December 26, 2011

beautiful fusion Oud and piano in Jazz - Ziad Rahbani live old concerts) إذا بعد في مجال

أني عم فكر - زياد الرحباني

زياد الرحباني - في وجع

شو بحبَّك- زياد الرحباني Ziad Rahbani : "How I love you"

بتضلّا عم تحاول تفهمو قديش بتحبّو
She keeps trying to make him understand how much she love him...
بتقلّو بحبَّك
She says :"I love you"
كتير بحبَّك
"I love you very much"
أو إذا عسرّت
ريتَك تقبرني
وبرضو بتحسها مش كافية
and still she feels it is not enough
آخر شي بيطلع معها
the last thing that she comes up with
أنا بموت فيك
I die for you
وهيدا المكسيموم يعني راحت البنت
and that is the maximum , it means the girl's gone...
وبالرغم من هيك بتحس إنها بعدا بتحبّو
and in spite of that she feels she still loves him
أكتر ما الكلام بيساع
more than words can take
فَ بتجي الموسيقى عم تحاول تفرجيه قدّيش
so the music comes, to try and show him how much

Sunday, December 25, 2011

A muslim and a Jew Yemenis dancing in a wedding in Sanaa / Yemen يهودي ومسلم يؤديان رقصة يمنية في عرس يهودي بصنعاء

Jewish Yemenis dancing & singing : رقص بنات يهود اليمن فيديو كليب

Ibn Thabit ft. Junior - Libya: A Love Song

Ibn Thabit ft. Junior - Libya: A Love Song
ليبيا أغنية حب - ابن ثابت مع جونيور
Released February 18, 2011

Big shout-out to @TasnimQ of Majjal for doing the English translation.
 Full Arabic lyrics and their English translation after the jump...

ليبيا أغنية حب ابن ثابت ٢٠١١
فنرجع راهو صعبة من الواحد يحكم على قلبه
مهما ييقالوا الناس عليّا رانا نحبك هلبة
نضحيلك ايديّا نشوف منّك ابتسام
مش حتضرب اللي ما فيها والله مش غير الكلام
دموع من عينك يسبّب عاصفة في قلبي
ما أنا حتى نهم يطرح عليك سؤال سلبي
أنتي في دمي في عرقي همك هو همي
لما نقعد بش نكتب لك اتحرك روح قلمي

يولى من حبي ليك
ياواني من حبي ليك
ما فيش زيها في العالم
بلادي أحبك من الَأمكان في العالم

في حرارة الصيف انتاك و نشوف السماء
حتى في صقع في الشتاء عيونك اللي تجيب الدفء
شكون هذول اللي زمات يحبوك
غير يبؤو الأ مصالح و ـــــــــــــــــــ
نحبك عيوني انا ما نبئي منك شي
ما نبئي الأ نعطيك كل عندي ما قاعد نحي
شنو تببي ندير يا بعيشي عيون
حربي حبرك ــــــــــــــــ
ان شاء الله بالضحر كل الصورة
توقعت البيس لي اللي ما نرجع لترهونة
لكن عالي على قلبي كلام رسمي حب كبير

"Libya: A Love Song." Ibn Thabit, 2011.
__________ It’s difficult for one to control his heart.
Whatever people say about me, _______ I love you so much [Libya].
I’d sacrifice my hands to see a smile from you.
______________By God, this is not just talk.
A tear from your eye creates a storm in my heart.
I can’t stand even a negative question directed at you.
You are in my blood and my veins. Your sorrow is my sorrow.
When I write to you, the pen moves by itself.

There is nowhere like you in the world.
My country, best place in the world,
I have no other place in the world.

In the heat of the summer I lie back and look up at the sky.
Even in the cold in the winter your eyes bring the warmth to me
Who are these people who pretend to love you?
They only want favors. They dance for their master.
Love of my life, I want nothing from you,
I want to give you all I have, as long as live.
What else do you want me to do?
this is my war _____
I hope this clarifies the picture,
I know people will have accusations for me,
but it’s allright, because this is from my heart.

There is nowhere like you in the world.
My country, best place in the world,
I have no other place in the world.

Syria: Anonymous - Communiqué #1 (Bayan Raqam Wahed)

Syria: Anonymous - Communiqué #1 (Bayan Raqam Wahed)
سوريا: بيان رقم واحد ("بيان رقم ١") - مطرب مجهول
Released on April 6, 2011

For more on the complicated relationship between Syrian rap and the Syrian uprising, check out The Los Angeles Times here and Jackson Allers here and here.

Arabic lyrics adapted from this Facebook comment. English lyrics adapted from this YouTube video by CherieMo85.

Full Arabic lyrics and their English translation after the jump...

بيان رقم واحد الشعب السوري ما بينذل
بيان رقم واحد اكيد هيك ما حنضل
بيان رقم واحد من حوران جاءت البشاير
بيان رقم واحد للشعب السوري الثائر

عايشين ساكتين صار لنا سنين
لإيمتا بدنا نضل هيك متل الميتين
بالاصلاح والحرية دايما موعودين
بس شكلو ما في نيّة دايما محرومين
ماشبعتوا صور، عبيتوها تماثيل
شكلك عم بتعذّبنا بحارون وبالتفضيل
في عمرنا ما نتضدّد أي طائفة
كلنا ايد وحدة ضدّ السلطة الزائفة
والعدل والأمان دايما ممنوعين
لهيك انحبس طفل عمره عشر سنين
عشت حياتي تأبني حلم
لأوقف وأطلع بوجه الظلم
بيستلم المسؤول عأساس وطني شريف
بطلع بالآخر حرامي وبالرشوة حريف
وهنن ما بيناموا غير عالريش
وكل واحد منا ما معه يعيش
مليتوا البلد أمن واستخبارات
حقوق الانسان صارت من المحرّمات
ما بتعرفوا تفرقوا بين الوطني والخاين
واذا بتسأل أعنى بيقول لك كل شي باين
بالعقل والعمل رح ناخد كل شي
واللي ما عجبه يحمل حاله ويمشي
ابدتوا حماه وروحتوا بشربة مي
اليوم بايدنا حماه وما حنقول خظي
بعتوا الجولان وروحتوا برخيص
نسفتوا القضية ومليتوا تدنيس
بيأكدلك التاريخ انو مافي صلة دم
بدنا نحقّق الحلم لو بدو يكلّف دم
سقوط الحكومة راح يكون القدر
ان هرب الملك او حتى نطمر

فساد وسرقة تحت اسم السلطة
بس اليوم واقفين لنسجّل الخطة
الرشوة بالقضاء ضوعو العدل
اوعا تكون مفكر راح تمرق بالسهل
الحقّ صار باطل و الباطل صار حقّ
وبس تحكي كلمة بيدكوك دك
جدّي و جدّك دفعو الثمن
شو ناظر يا سوري روح حرّر الوطن
انا اليوم جاي لوقف واحكي
مو كل يوم لازم تفكّر وابكي
يا خلف يا مخلوف يا سارق يا مسروق
يجي اليوم فيه من الكابوس راح نفوق
بلدي بحميه بمالي وعرضي
راح اوقف و احكي و ع كتفي نعشي
خيرات الوطن لعبة بين ايديكن
مفكّرين الشعب مو حاسس عليكن ؟
الامن مفروض بالسيف والفرد
اليوم وبكرا راح يكون في ردّ
عم يسرقو الوطن وبيحتفلو بالجلاء
يجي اليوم الي فيه يقف هالبلاء
وحدة حريّة اشتراكيّة
تفرقة طمع ديكتاتوريّة
إسلام ومسيحية منادي بالحرّية
كلنا ايد واحدة مع الثورة السورية

آه مع الثورة السورية

بيان رقم واحد الشعب السوري ما بينذل
بيان رقم واحد اكيد هيك ما حنضل
بيان رقم واحد من حوران جاءت البشاير
بيان رقم واحد للشعب السوري الثائر

 نزار قباني: القصيدة الدمشقية
وكيفَ نكتُبُ والأقفالُ في فَمِّنا؟
وكلُّ ثانيةٍ يأتيكَ سفّاحُ؟
حملتُ شعري على ظهري فَأتعبني
حملتُ شعري على ظهْري فَأتعبني
ماذا من الشعرِ يبقَى حينَ يرتاحُ؟

نداء: من حوران جاءت البشاير

Communiqué #1: The Syrian people won't be humiliated.
Communiqué #1: We certainly won't remain like this.
Communiqué #1: From Hauran came the good news.
Communiqué #1: This is for the revolutionary Syrian people!

We've been living in silence for years.
How long do we want to stay like this, like the dead?
We're always promised reform and freedom,
but it seems that there's never any intention [to help] the deprived.
Pictures didn't satiate you, so you filled [Syria] with statues.
But it filled us with every artifice and false act.
We have never been against any sect.
We're all united against the false authority.
Justice and security are always forbidden!
So why was a ten year-old child was arrested?
I have lived my whole life building [someone else's] dream.
I will go out and stand up in the face the injustice.
The man who's handed responsibility because he's honorable and patriotic
ends up becoming thief who's a professional at bribery.
I guess they can only sleep peacefully on feathers
while none of us have [what we need] to survive.
You have filled the country with state security and secret police.
Human rights have became taboo.
You don't know how to distinguish between the patriot and the traitor.
If you ask a blind man, [even] he tells you that everything is clear.
With the mind and with work we will take everything
and whoever doesn't like it can pick himself up and leave.
You destroyed Hama and it will never be the same [lit. "you went to get a drink of water"]
Today, Hama is in our hands and we will not make a mistake.
You sold the Golan and you did it for cheap.
You blew up the cause and filled it with desecration.
History confirms for you that there's nothing in it but blood.
We want achieve our dream even if it begins to cost blood.
The government's fall will be its fate
if the king flees or even if we perish.

Corruption and crime happen in the name of authority.
But today, we're standing up to write up the game plan.
Bribes for the judges have weakened justice.
Don't you dare think that you'll get off easy.
Truth has become lies and lies have become truth.
If you say one one word, they'll beat you terribly.
Your grandfather and mine paid the price.
What are you waiting for, Syria? Go liberate our homeland!
Today I'm coming out to stand up and speak out.
Don't you dare think that I'll cry!
You're either the abuser or the abused, the robber or the robbed.
The day has come in which we will awaken from this nightmare.
I guard my country with my money and [with everything else] I offer.
I will stand up and march with my coffin on my shoulder.
The nation's goods are a game in your hands.
You think the people aren't taking it easy on you?
That security must come from the sword and the gun?
Today and tomorrow there will be a response.
They're robbing our homeland and celebrating its evacuation.
But a day will come in which this torment stops.
"Unity, Freedom, Socialism" [The Baath party slogan]
[Means] "Discrimination, Repression, Dictatorship."
Muslims and Christians - we're calling for freedom!
We're all united with the Syrian Revolution!
Yeah, with the Syrian Revolution.

Communiqué #1: The Syrian people won't be humiliated.
Communiqué #1: We certainly won't remain like this.
Communiqué #1: From Hauran came the good news.
Communiqué #1: This is for the revolutionary people of Syria!

Nizar Qabbani: القصيدة الدمشقية:
So how do we write when there is a lock on our mouths?
And every second a killer comes for you?
Therefore, I carry my poems on my back and it exhausts me.
I carry my poems on my back and it exhausts me.
So what will be left of the poem when it collapses?

Crowd chanting: "From Hauran came the good news!"

Syria: Bayan Raqam Ithnain ("Communiqué #2") - Anonymous

Syria: Anonymous - Communiqué #2 (Bayan Raqam Ithnain
سوريا: بيان رقم اثنين ("بيان رقم اثني ٢") - مطرب مجهول
 Released on May 5, 2011

Arabic lyrics adapted from a YouTube video by FreeSyrianGuy.
Full Arabic lyrics and their English translation after the jump...

بيان رقم 2 الشعب السوري ما بينذل
بيان رقم 2 هيك ما حنضل
بأعلى صوت نقول كلنا بنحارب الطائفية
كلنا ايدة وحدة اسلام ومسيحية
مشكلتنا ياهو انه السوس منّا وفينا
مشكلتنا يا ناس ما فينا ننسى ماضينا
٣٠ سنة .. ونحن عم نمسح جوخ
مو كرمال شي بس .. كرمال ما ندوخ
الساكت عن الحقّ .. شيطان أخرس
عبارة بتخلي كل جبان يخرس
بالروح بالدم نفديك يا بشار
عبارة قديمة صار يردّدها الحمار
لا تفكّروا هلأ وعينا بس كنّا مخدّرين
بالتهديد والقمع والقتل يا مندسّين
تحية سورية للشهداء الأبرار
ياللي ضحّوا بدمهن لنعيش أحرار
طول عمرنا منعرف انه العدو اسرائيل
تاريكون ألعن منهن يا ولاد الـ..
شرّدتونا وقتلتونا وسرقتونا وفرقتونا
وحرّمتونا ومانعتونا حتى عن أبسط حقوقنا
نحن .... بعدتونا يا رامي يا مخلوف
والله لتاكل صوف مسوي حالك رجال اعمال
وأنت أكبر خروف يا ماهر يا أسد
يا زانق يا مزنوق اجا اليوم اللي فيه راح نركبك
عالخازوق نافخين عضلاتكون
عالشعب المسكين فرجوني مرجلتكون
وانزلولي عالجولان قولولي شو الفرق
بينكن وبين الامريكان تنيناتكون بس تجوعوا
بتبلشوا فتك بالإنسان إنسان
صارت كلمة للنسيان بسببكون ما عاد نعرف
كيف بدنا ننام I'm so disappointed
From the heart 'cause I'm seeing the people in Syria - they hurt
بالأحلام عيشتونا .. بالوعد سهرتونا
بكلامكون دوختونا .. بأفكاركون دمرتونا
بسياستكون كرهتونا .. بأرائكم مللتونا
بمشاريعكم فشلتونا .. وبسرقة مالنا هلكتونا
رسالة لكل شخص عايش في سوريا
رسالة لكل مواطن سوري يعشق وطنه
سوريا الله حاميها .. ومن دون بشار منبنيها
واسمها دوماً ببالي .. أنا سوري آه يا نيالي

Communiqué #2: The Syrian people will not be humiliated.
Communiqué #2: We won't remain like this.
With the loudest voice, we all say that we fight against sectarianism.
We're all united - Muslim and Christian.
Our problem is that the woodworms among us sufficed. [??]
Our problem, people, is that none of us will forget what befell us.
[After] 30 years, we're wiping the slate clean.
Don't humor anything but take care that you don't get dizzy.
Whoever is silent about the truth was silenced by Satan.
It's an expression of how you made every coward shut up.
"With our souls, with our blood, we will sacrifice ourselves for you, O Bashar!"
An ancient expression to which the jackasses respond.
Don't think that we only gained consciousness now. However, we were drugged
with threats and repression and killing, you foreign infiltrators!
Here's a Syrian greeting to the righteous martyrs,
to those who sacrificed their blood so that we may live as free people.
Our whole lives we've known that the enemy is Israel.
But you collaborate with our enemy [??], you sons of...
You expelled us and killed us and robbed us and divided us
and barred us and deprived us of the simplest of rights.
You exiled us, O Ramy Makhlouf.
I swear that you'll eat wool that you spun yourself. Businessmen!
You are the biggest sheep, O Maher [al-Assad], you "lion!"
You narrow-minded strangler, the day is coming when we will ride you.
Tough luck! You're straining all your muscles
against the poor [Syrian] people. Show me your manliness!
They kicked me out of the Golan! Tell me: what's the difference
between you and the Americans? Even your dragons are starving!
You shouldn't weaken yourself by thinking of a person [?].
It has become a word for women. Because of you, we no longer know.
How do we want to sleep? I'm so disappointed
from the heart 'cause I'm seeing the people in Syria. They hurt!
You made us live on dreams, you kept us awake with promises.
You made our heads spin with your words. You destroyed us with your ideas.
You scorned us with your politics. You wearied us with your opinions.
You failed us with your projects. You ruined us with your theft of our money.

A message to every person who lives in Syria.
A message to every Syrian citizen who loves his homeland.
Syria: may God protect her! Without Bashar, we'll build Syria [anew].
Her name is always on my mind. I am Syrian! Yeah!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Melhem Zein Ghebi Ya Shams Video Clip

The Arabic Music blog presents Melhem Zein -  Ghebi Ya Shams. Enjoy the best Arabic music and video songs by the best Arabic singers.

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ghab el ghaly Alawah
Enti Mchiti  

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Melhem Zein Ghebi Ya Shams Video Clip

The Arabic Music blog presents Melhem Zein -  Ghebi Ya Shams. Enjoy the best Arabic music and video songs by the best Arabic singers.

More songs for Melhem Zein   
ghab el ghaly Alawah
Enti Mchiti  

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Melhem Zein Kan Sadi2i

The Arabic Music blog presents Melhem Zein -  Kan Sadi2i. Enjoy the best Arabic music and video clips by top Arabic singers. 

More songs for Melhem Zein  
ghab el ghaly Alawah
Enti Mchiti 
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Melhem Zein Kan Sadi2i

The Arabic Music blog presents Melhem Zein -  Kan Sadi2i. Enjoy the best Arabic music and video clips by top Arabic singers. 

More songs for Melhem Zein  
ghab el ghaly Alawah
Enti Mchiti 
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Ibn Thabit - Benghazi II

Ibn Thabit - Benghazi II
ابن ثابت - بنغازي ٢
Released on April 7, 2011

Big shout-out to @TasnimQ of Majjal for her corrections.
Full Arabic lyrics with their English translation after the jump...

هيّا بنغازي
نقوا الأخيرة مش سادنا
نديرو واحدة جديدة شنو منها الكلام لاعوش
بنغازي Part II

بنغازي يا بنغازي انتي قاعدة على انساني
توا الدنيا كلها تعرف المقاصد والمعاني
ماهو قلت شبابها تريس نقاش مافيش
من البديمة من السلماني كمان في الكيش

كلنا نحبو بلادنا الليبيّين ما فينا فرق
وأكثر من قبل الحبّ اللي بين الغرب والشرق
نحن كلنا جهة واحدة لحمة واحدة عائلة واحدة
ما يجوعش حد ايّ في بنغازي حتّى ليلة واحدة
يعرف اللي يجيها مش مهمّ وينما يجيها
من أوّل نحن القيدة قلّت منها الهمجية
طيّش فيها بلطجية هيّا نعرفو شني بتقول لي
التريس اللي في بنغازي مش خائفين من هذولي
أعطوهم على رؤوسهم الكتائب اللي يجو
وأوّل روح فيهم الشهيد مهدي الزيو
بالعكالة جلاتين خشّ كتيبة الفضيل
والباقي للباقي خشّو عليهم زي مهابيل
مش أوّل مرّة اللي قلّبوها - ما في ٢٠٠٦؟
قلّبو الدنيا كلها فتنا الفتنة من الفتنة
الفرق في المرّة هذه الحرّية تنبح وتنادي
لكن مش متغيّرة ولا نقطة في المبادء
الاسباب قاعدين نفسهم الشباب قاعدين نفسهم
أمهات ضحايا ابو سليم قاعدين نفسهم
الفرق لو كان في الشعب كلهم صبّي
وطبعاً نحن نقبلو اللي يكتب لنا ربّي

بنغازي يا بنغازي انتي قاعدة على انساني
توا الدنيا كلها تعرف المقاصد والمعاني
ماهو قلت شبابها التريس - نقاش مافيش
من البابسي للعشرين وسيدي غريبيش

التريس في بنغازي هم معنى الشجاعة
أوّلما يسمعو بحاجة اعطيهم أقَلّ من ساعة
الآف رافعين الشهداء على اكتافهم
كانو عزل! الصبر والإيمان سلاحهم
الله يعزّ اللي يجاهدو بالأموال والنفوس
مش معقول نقولها من غير نذكّر محمد نبوس!
حطّه في أصعب موقف ويعرف كيف يتصرّف
جيب اللي يهتف القيدة هو ما يعرف إلا يخرّف
في واحد ما تنسوش را عندي عرق شرقاوي
من أوّل ــــــــ كان خالد ادريس المسماري
يا ناري تبوط أولى وكلها مسجونين
يا فتحي راهو قاعد تجري قصية ابو سليم
الحرّية مش رخيصة - تبي ضمان؟
تبي التريس بش يتأكّد ما يمشيش ـــــــــ
هذه حاجة والله اللي ما اني خائف عليه
ننتصر أو نموت قالت حتّى بنية صغيرة
بعضنا لعبة نديرو حفلة في خيالي ومش بعيد
هذه حاجة واثقة مية مية شي أكيد
بش يلاقي باقي كل تأخيرة فيها خيرة
بنغازي ما فيش ثورة من غيرها

بنغازي يا بنغازي انتي ديما على انساني
مستحيل ننساها و نتمنّى ما تنساني
فتيل* المدينة تلحق أولادها ديما مهبال
عندهم إي مشاكلهم و قاعدين أولاد أحلال

بنغازي يا بنغازي انتي ديما على انساني
مستحيل ننساها و نتمنّى ما تنساني
فتيل* المدينة تلحق أولادها ديما مهبال
عندهم إي مشاكلهم و قاعدين أولاد أحلال


Hey, Benghazi
The last song wasn't enough.
We're making a new one and there'll be no loose talk in this.
Benghazi, Part II

Benghazi, O Benghazi, you're still on my mind.
Now the whole world will know what we're aiming for and what we mean.
As I said her youth are real men, without discussion.
From Budima to Silmani to El Keesh [Benghazi neighborhoods]

We all love our country, all Libyans, there are no differences.
And, even more than before, love is what's between the West and the East [of Libya].
We're all one front, one flesh, one family
The stranger in Benghazi will not go hungry - even for one night!
He knows that when he comes here, it's not important what direction he comes from [everyone is welcome regardless of where he comes from]
As soon as Gaddafi was removed from Benghazi, the chaos that was there lessened.
He let loose the thugs in it and I know what you will say to me
The men in Benghazi aren't afraid of them
They fought back the battalions as soon as they came
And the first of them was the martyr Mehdi Zio
With jalateena bombs he went into the Fadeel Barracks
And the rest of them who broke into the barracks like madmen!
This is not the first time, remember 2006 [when Benghazi demonstrators were mowed down by police when they tried to storm the Italian Embassy]
They turned the world upside down and forgot about the crowd of "let's avoid fitna/trouble"
The difference is this time freedom is calling out to us
But not one bit of the principles have changed.
The causes are still the same. The youth are still the same.
The mothers of Abu Sliim are still the same.
The difference if there is one is that the whole nation is standing up
And of course we accept what our Lord has written for us [ie fate]

Benghazi, O Benghazi, you're still on my mind.
Now the whole world will know what we're aiming for and what we mean.
As I said her youth are real men, without discussion.
From Pepsi to 'Ashreen to Sidi Ghraybeesh [Benghazi neighborhoods]

The men in Benghazi are the definition of courage.
As soon as they hear about something, give them less than an hour [and they'll have responded]
Thousands are hoisting the martyrs onto their shoulders.
They were unarmed. Patience and faith were their weapons.
God grants dignity to those who struggle with their property and their souls.
It's not possible that I saw this without remembering Mohammed Nabbous!
Put him in the most difficult situation and he knows how to behave.
While the one who chants for Gaddafi is the kind who only knows how to spin lies.
There is someone you should not forget, since I have an Eastern vein [ie partly eastern blood]
Among the first, there was my cousin Idris al-Mismari [arrested as he spoke live on the phone to Al Jazeera]
They caught him, and all the prisoners
O Fathi [Terbil], the case of [the families of the victims of] Abu Sleem is still running
Freedom isn't cheap. You need people with a conscious.
You need men to ensure that it's not in vain.
This is something, I swear, that I'm not afraid for.
"We are victorious or we die," even the little girls say it.
We will celebrate, and it's not far away
Tthis is something I'm 100% confident in. It's something certain.
Soon the rest of the cities will catch up, "each delay has a good reason" [proverb]
Benghazi, I swear there's no revolution without her.

Benghazi, O Benghazi, you're still on my mind.
It's impossible for me to forget you and I hope that you don't forget me.
If you know the city, you know her children are always "crazy"
They like their problems, and they remain righteous people

Benghazi, O Benghazi, you're still on my mind.
It's impossible for me to forget you and I hope that you don't forget me.
If you know the city, you know her children are always "crazy"
They like their problems, and they remain righteous people
Saheit [Cheers/Well done]
Kheir [How's things/What's up]

Ibn Thabit ft. MC Swat - Win or Die

Ibn Thabit ft. MC Swat - Win or Die
ابن ثابت مع امسي سوات - ننتصر أو نموت
Released June 8, 2011

(Click "Arabic" to turn off the Arabic subtitles and read the English subtitles)

Full lyrics and translation after the jump...

Ibn Thabit
ابن ثابت و أمسي سوات شرق و غرب ليبيا في الهيب هوب
اللي أول مش آخر مرّة ان شاء الله
تبيها معمّر على الجبهة ولا حرب عصابات؟
رأسك حنجبوه مهما عدد الإصابات
مهما عدد الدولارات اللي تجيبهم المرتزقة
أحرق آخر التعرف الشعب اليبي ولّى غضبه
قتل الفرّ و الكرّ الحرارة في دمنا
اللي يرفع العلم بالسيارة و يمنعه
يجرو في جرائدهم و يكتشفو في التأمين
بش تعرف راهو الشباب نلحق المجاهدين
 اللي ينادو على طرابلس هم يردّو على الآعداء
والله ما تقدر تخيّل عدد الشهداء
طرابلس فيها رجالة طرابلس فيها تريس
غير أنّ في طرابلس القيادة وكتيبة خميس
بنسبة لطرابلس والله ما انا خائف عليها
الزاوية هي المدينة اللي واحد يبكي عليها
رجالهم يقتلو فيهم نساوينهم يغتصبو فيهم
لا حول الله حتى مساجد يدمّرو فيهم
اللي داروه ما داروهش حتى فرعون وجنودها
حينرقو زي لو القيدة قاعدها منهم حتعودها

ننتصر أو نموت

لا شرقية لا غربية كتشوف أحفاد المخنار
واقفينها ابلية بلبينا الحرّية رفع الانتصار
كرَئِى فوق تتعلم خطر في ملك المجنون
شكون الفكرة فرأسه؟ في جثث بالمليون
الشعب يطالب الحريّة قاتلين والله حتدفعها
لو كان لك شرف قيمة يبقى الصناعة الليبيّة
لك آخِر اساس نفاق عذبك اللي داروه في مصراتة
الشعب بحالك القوّة في واقف ضدّ هذه الانتفاضة
قتل في الاطفال الشيوخ النساء مجرم مقاتل ومسلسل
 ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ تخيّر مسترجل
شعبك يوقف ويقاتل مش همك حتى اللي يصفحك
مش همك حتى اللي معكم ضد ما كذب واللي غفّك
اخوي استيقظ راك غاسلين عقلك بكذب
قتل شني اللي طاغي واقف ضد شعبه واللي يحذّر
سبب واحد بس يكون أنه الملعون ضايع في الحاوية
جهنّم على الأرض يكون اللي داروها للرجال في الزاوية
آخر مرّة نحب نقول لمعمّر خذ منّي و تعلّم
الشعب الليبي حيدير يخلّيه الأرض جهنّم

ننتصر أو نموت
Ibn Thabit
الستاء هو ديما اللي ينزل بالصلاة
اللي يتابعو في القذافي العظيم هو الله
فجر حرّية في تونس كانت تتعاصد في مصر
في ليبيا قطع رأس القيدة هي لحظة النصر
بش تزيدها معمر الله مستحيل
ماهو اللي تقتل فينا ما دارتها حتّى اسرائيل
لو عنده النووية ما يخلّى إلا القزّة
عن الفلسطينيين اللي توا ولّو لغزّة
لا تزويد لا تزوير برّا شوف التصوير
اللي يعرف قدّاش صبرنا والله اللي يحير
يصبوها مش بسارة جماعة اللقني و الكرتة
مع شجاعة في الصدر مش قلتلكم هذه وردة
يا سابت قبل لا توقف معنا يا لوپي
فياسكو - اللي يوقف معنا ألان جوبيه
لللي يعلّق على ليبيا خلّى ينزل في الزنتان
هذه لا مصر لا تونس لا العراق لا افغانستان
لللي من برّا اطلع منّا احنا اللي نعرفو الخطر
و برك الله في مصر تونس و قطر

Ibn Thabit and MC Swat. Libyan hip-hop from the east and west for the first and not the last time, God willing.
Muammar, do you want it on the frontline or [in] guerilla warfare?
We will get your head no matter the number of losses.
No matter the number of dollars that you spent on mercenaries,
your day of reckoning is here. You don't know the Libyan people or their anger.
Fighting, attack, and retreat, our blood is boiling.
There are those waving the flag from their cars, before they bust.
They are pursued until they find out it is an ambush,
so that you know our youth are straight mujahideen.
Those who have called on Tripoli, they have answered the call.
I swear that you cannot imagine the number of martyrs there.
Tripoli has men. Tripoli has real men.
But Tripoli also has Gaddafi's base and the Khamis brigade.
As for Tripoli, I swear there is nothing to fear.
Zawiya is the town that one weeps for.
They are killing their men and raping their women
and even destroying the mosques.
What they are doing Pharoah and his soldiers didn't even do.
They will burn like bushes. There will not remain from them a single twig.

"We win, or we die."

Neither eastern or western, you can see the grandchildren of al-Mukhtar
standing with resolute intentions, lifting victory.
Look at Gaddafi up there uttering sheer nonsense, the king of crazy.
Who is he? What kind of ideas are in his head? Look at the million corpses!
The people are drumming for freedom, fighting you, you will pay.
If you had any honor or worth, it was Libyan-made.
Until the last bullet steadfast - look at what Misrata has done!
A people on their own standing up to you. This is an uprising!
He's killing the old, the young, and the women - a conspiring criminal.
He's sick in the head, pretending to be a man.
You stand against your people, killing them.
You don't care who's on your side.
He doesn't care who's with him. His mind is full of lies and deceit.
My brother, wake up! They have brainwashed your mind with lies.
Tell me what makes a tyrant stand against his people and threaten them.
One reason only and that's because his mind has fallen in the abyss.
Hell on earth is what faced the men of Zawiya.
One more time, let me tell you, Muammar: listen and take it from me.
The libyan people are capable of making earth hell for you.

"We win, or we die."

The solid person is the one who is always on account of his prayers.
You who follow Gaddafi, the greatest is Allah.
The dawn of freedom was in Tunisia. The rise was in Egypt.
In Libya, the beheading of Gaddafi is the moment of victory.
For you to continue ruling us, Muammar, I swear it's impossible
because what you did to us even Israel didn't do.
If he had nuclear weapons he would leave us nothing but sand.
We have Palestinians who have now fled to Gaza!
This is not fabrication or embellishment. See for yourself the pictures.
Whoever knows how patient we have been, I swear they will be amazed.
They seem to think this is a joke, the people of drinking and cards.
Didn't I tell you that the courage of the people of Misrata was passed down?
I really thought you were going to be on our side, Lupé!
It's a fiasco! Instead, the one who's standing with us is Alain Juppé!
If you want to talk about Libya, I invite you to come to Zintan.
This is not Tunisia or Egypt, Iraq or Afghanistan.
If you're from the outside, stay out of our business. We know the dangers.
And God bless Egypt, Tunisia, and Qatar.

Ramallah Underground - From the Cave

Ramallah Underground - From the Cave
رام الله تحت الأرض - من الكهف
Released in 2007

Many thanks to Chris at Arabic Song Lyrics in Translation for finding the lyrics, doing the translation, and letting me use both on my site. 

Full lyrics and translation below the jump...

بدهم يجوعوا الأهالي لأنو الناس لما يجوعو ما بوعودو يفكروا بالمقاومة

نازل العب بالموت , بدي اعرف ايش عدد الموت هون
مش سامع ولا صوت, اطفي التلفون اسأل لأنو ولا حد سائل
سواءاً سياسي أو دوبلوماسي , قاعدين ع هالكراسي وبتحدثوا
بروحوا بحوطوا روسهم و بتمددو , والبيوت في لبنان و غزة عم يتهدموا
اجا الوقت نرفع بعبوص لكل العالم لأنو راح يضلو يحكي وعمرو ما حيعمل
فئيش بدنا نضلنا نقنع و نستنا بتمنى , بس عالفاضي من زمان نسييو عنا
ساعة بتمسك حالك لما تشوف قدامك , اللي قامك واللي شالك
مش مستغرب اذا افكار جهنمية عم بدور ببالك
نازل بتنادي عالدنيا بس الدنيا نامت , وحتى اذا قامت ما حتسمع كلامك
ها! ما حتسمع كلامك
هون يوم معاك مية عليك , حواجز حواليك , كلبشات ع ايديك
قولي شو سويت , مابدي فوت بالحيط ياريت
بس انا فايت هيك هيك , حياتي عجل بسكليت
وهلأ فلت الجنزير اجا الوقت ادعس بنزين
ابدا شد ابدا مد حكيي , لكل النواحي , لأنو كلماتي سلاحي.

بدهم يجوعوا الأهالي لأنو الناس لما يجوعو ما بوعودو يفكروا بالمقاومة

واحد واحد اثنين اثنين ثلاثة ثلاثة عم يمحونا
هات لننزل عال ملاجئ قبل ما يشوفونا
بقصوفونا وين ما روحنا بس بحياتهم ما بطحونا
صامدون لأخر لحظة لصواريخكم ايصابونا
و رؤساء العرب سابونا تركونا و هربوا لعند عدونا
لأنو ما قدروا يعدونا , وعدونا بالمستقبل بس شوف لوين جابونا
 ٢٠٠٧ عالم بمشي دوغري و احنا فجرونا , جوعونا,بدهم ينسونا
قعدنا سنين نبني و اجو فجأة هيك هدونا , هددونا و خوفونا
بالديمقراطية سممونا,حتى نعيش حياة طبيعية ما خلونا
حطونا عخط النار ونسفونا دمرونا نشفولنا دمنا
كل هاد و لسا ما خلصونا من همنا.

HOOK #2 (x3)
بحاول اطنش بس السياسة بتشدني بقولها افلتي ما بدي
بتقولي انا جزء من حياتك مش حتقدر تمشي ضدي
!مش حتقدر تمشي ضدي

They want to starve the population because when the people are hungry, they no longer think of resisting.

I'm playing with death. I wanna know what the death toll is here.
I don't hear anything. Shut off the phone. Ask because no one's been asking,
whether he's a politician or a diplomat. They're sitting on these chairs and conversing.
Going and putting their heads back and relaxing while the homes in Lebanon and Gaza are being destroyed.
It's time for us to flip off the whole world because it's gonna keep talking and it will never do anything.
So what do we want? To become convinced by our deception? I wish! But it's all for nothing. They forgot about us a long time ago.
You try to hold yourself back when you see before you those who stood against you and those who arrested you.
I'm not surprised if diabolical thoughts are going through in your head.
You start to call out to the world but the world has gone to sleep - and even if it woke up, it wouldn't hear what you're saying.
Ha! It won't hear what you're saying!
Here, you win one, you lose a hundred (from يوم ليك يوم عليك). There's barriers all around you. Handcuffs are on your wrists.
Tell me: what did you do? I don't wanna hit the wall. I wish...
But I'm going on just like this. My life is a bicycle tire.
And now the chain is slipping. The time has come to hit the gas.
Start pulling! Start spreading words in every direction...because my words are my weapon!

They want to starve the population because when the people are hungry, they no longer think of resisting.

One by one, two by two, three by three, they're wiping us out.
Let's get down to the shelters before they see us.
They bombard us wherever we go, but they could never push us out
We stand strong to the final moment when your missiles hit us.
And the Arab leaders have abandoned us. They left us and fled into [the arms] of our enemy.
Because they couldn't help us, they promised us with the future - but look where they've brought us!
It's 2007 and the world walks on by as they blow us up. They starved us. They wanna make us forget.
For years, we kept building and, suddenly, they came and destroyed us. They threatened us. They frightened us.
They poisoned us with democracy. They didn't even let us live a normal life.
They put us on a fuse and detonated us. They destroyed us and wiped up our blood.
All that and they still haven't rid us of our sorrow.

HOOK #2 (x3):
I try to ignore it, but politics keeps seizing me. I tell it "Go away! I don't wanna!"
It tells me "I'm a part of your life. You cannot resist me."
"You cannot resist me!"

Barriers are all around me.
Barriers are all around me.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Ramy Ayach - Majnoun / New Album 2012[starttext]رامي عياش - مجنون[endtext]

Malak El Nasser - El Hawa Tayar Foustany[starttext] ملك الناصر - الهوا طير فستاني[endtext]

Karim Kamel - Gai Lmeen -pop[starttext]كريم كامل - جاي لمين[endtext]

Clouda Chemaly - Bossa Qatouleya[starttext] كلودا شمالي - بوسة قاتولية[endtext]

Badeeh - Yestargy[starttext]بديع - يسترجي[endtext]

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Arabian Knightz ft. Lana - Fokkak

Arabian Knightz ft. Lana - Fokkak ("Unwind Yourself")
الفرسان العرب مع لانا - فكّك
Released on June 16, 2007 (click here for the release promo)

NOTE: My translation is a rough draft for now - corrections are welcome!

NOTE: Wondering where Hoss (Hossam L Hossainy) went after he left Arabian Knightz? Check out this Hot Arabic Music article. Short answer: Hoss went mainstream while the Knightz stayed underground.

Full lyrics and translation after the jump...

Unlike anyone else, I live what I write.
Still got the streets of Cairo up under my Nikes.
Doing it real big (Sphinx!) - I'm living the life.
Flip the flow to get the dough - yo, I'm killing the mic!
The industry's a battlefield so I roll with the Knightz.
Word of advice: you better think twice. The aim is precise!
The murder is right. Yo, we can get this cracking tonight.
Arabian knight. Don't care if you like it! FOKKAK!

أربع فرسان عرب الفشل منهم هرب
والأمل منهم تربّط الآمهم لغيرهم خبط
على وش الحقد ضرب مش مسألة حظّ ضبط
كلامي أوّلما بدأ إي موني عليه تكتب
الفنّ عليَّا قبض لما حسّيت كلامي انقرض
كلّ باصص على جيب الميديا عشان كذا جيب الميديا تنفض
ودلقتي وسّع لي اسمعني ميم صاد ري
من صدري لألمي إي موني بيغنّي

فُكَّك من اللي انت فيه
هأقول لك "ايه هو الجديد؟"
هنجيب لك مزيكا ليك
هتشدّك - ما فيهش تاني

من جوّا الزمن آي كاي عملو انقلاب
ظهرو بين الكلام بفريد فتحو الأبواب
والوقت تحسّم والمشوار ترسّم
بالورقة والقلم ونسر تختّم
على فكرة المسيقى منكو بريئة
جيتو تكحلوها قلبتوها حريقة
ملوك للأسف فقلّة الأدب
الفنّ تخسّف وانتم السبب

المزيكا بقت ماشية بطريقة أدى زوبا زئا
انا اتبع الزحمة؟ أئا أئا لأ
كلّ لزيقك جاهل للموجة راكب
في ويط الهوجا فارس جاي بـ"الفلو" يبارز
لو عايز "رابر دايرس" ناديني زيّ مريام فارس!
للإسفاف ناسف لكلّ دماغ ناشف
بالكاد حاسس لنفس الإحساس ناسف
آسف بس too bad الراب على المشارف ياي

فُكَّك من اللي انت فيه
هأقول لك "ايه هو الجديد؟"
هنجيب لك مزيكا ليك
هتشدّك - ما فيهش تاني

G.P. The boss. Hoss. Pali Rock. Molotov.
Killing off the soft talk with the flow lock stock!
الموازن مقلوبة والفنّ بقى سبّوبة
والناس الموهوبة رخصهم مسحوبة

Man it's the super duper rush
أساميهم مشطوبة
You're listening now to the real rap King Tut.
Pharaoh, Shogun, on a heated mission.
I shine on classic music like [Abdul] Haleem [al-Hafez] was listening

يا فريد قولوهم lose it زي أمنام
لو كلّهم بانو صادهم هاقف ضدّهم ولو في وشهم بكلّ اللي عندهم
كلامي من الشارع راجع للشارع فعشان كذا
I spit عمري ما وقفت سفينكس انا عمري ما ثبت فهوريهم أزّاي
Ridiculous. Number one on your hit list.
Bear witness to the greatness straight outta Egypt.
Lyrical genius - 3araby or English
فكّك I'm finished خلاص خلص

فُكَّك من اللي انت فيه
هأقول لك "ايه هو الجديد؟"
هنجيب لك مزيكا ليك
هتشدّك - ما فيهش تاني

Unlike anyone else, I live what I write.
Still got the streets of Cairo up under my Nikes.
Doing it real big (Sphinx!) - I'm living the life.
Flip the flow to get the dough - yo, I'm killing the mic!
The industry's a battlefield so I roll with the Knightz.
Word of advice: you better think twice. The aim is precise!
The murder is right. Yo, we can get this cracking tonight.
Arabian knight. Don't care if you like it! FOKKAK!

Four Arabian Knightz. Failure fled away from them
and the hope from them was connected to the pains that others inflicted on them.
In the face of the hatred that struck - it's not an issue for fate to resolve.
From the outset, my words seemed to have e-money written on them.
The artistry was always with me when I felt my words go extinct.
All the cats were bringing the media because the media brought a shake-up
And now make way for me! Listen to me! Meem - Saad - Raa' ["Masr" (Arabic for Egypt)]
From my heart, for my pain, E-Money sings!

Unwind yourself from what you're burdened with.
I'll tell you, "hey, what's new?"
We'll bring music for you
and it'll grab you! There's nothing else like it!

A long time ago, the Arabian Knights pulled off a coup.
They emerged from the words with Fredwreck and opened the doors.
The time was settled and the journey was drawn
with the paper and the pen and an eagle was sealed.
By the way, the music from you is innocent.
You came to blacken it with kohl. You set it on fire.
Rulers, unfortunately, are lacking in etiquette.
Art is dying and you're the reason!

The music remained on the path that  _____ gave it.
I follow the crowd? Unh-uh! Unh-uh! No!
All your music is ignorant of the wave that you're riding.
In the midst of the agitated crowd coming with a flow that's distinguished.
If you want "Rapper diaries," call out to me like Mariam Fares.
For the smallness is explosive for every ruffled mind.
_____ I feel the same feeling ___________
I'm sorry but that's too bad! Rap is on the periphery! Yeah!

Unwind yourself from what you're dealing with.
I'll tell you, "hey, what's new?"
We'll bring you my music
and it'll grab you! There's nothing else like it!

GP. The boss. Hoss. Pali Rock. Molotov.
Killing off the soft talk with the flow lock stock!
The scales are overturned and the art became a trouble-maker
and the gifted people's licenses are withdrawn!

Their names are _________. Man, it's the super duper rush!
You're listening now to the real rap King Tut!
Pharaoh, Shogun, on a heated mission,
I shine on classic music like [Abdul] Haleem [al-Hafez] was listening.

Like Eminem, lose it, Fred! Tell them
that if they all build their barriers I'll stand up to them and if I'm in their faces it'll be with everything they've got.
My words are from the street and go back to the street, so because of that
I never stopped Sphinx. I never set their ____________ like I SPIT!

Ridiculous. Number one on your hit list!
Bear witness to the greatness straight outta Egypt!
Lyrical genius - Arabic or English!
Enough! It's finished! I'm finished! FOKKAK!

Unwind yourself from what you're dealing with.
I'll tell you, "hey, what's new?"
We'll bring you my music
and it'll grab you! There's nothing else like it!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Ih fih amal fayrouz. - ايه فيه امل - فيروز

Fairouz in Concert December 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dania Ben Sassi - A Revolutionary Amazigh Song

Dania Ben Sassi - A Revolutionary Amazigh Song
Released June 7, 2011

This song isn't hip hop...or Arabic...or particularly timely (what with the overthrow of Gaddafi and all). But it's quite a good song. Simply singing in Tamazight (a.k.a. the Berber language), which Gaddafi's regime outlawed, was a pretty revolutionary act.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fairouz دقوا المهابيج - فيروز

Darine Hadchiti - YA Toqborny[starttext]دارين حدشيتي - يا تقبرني[endtext]

Mohamed Hamaki - Fi Hodn Eineik[starttext] محمد حماقى - فى حضن عنيك[endtext]

Iwan - Adini Gambak[starttext]إيوان - أدينى جمبك[endtext]

Monday, December 5, 2011

Dimira - Am Tebky Alayi[starttext]ديميرا - عم تبكي علي[endtext]

Reem El Sherif - El Malaykah[starttext]ريم الشريف - الملائكه[endtext]