Tuesday, February 21, 2012

REACH OUT by SIMONA ABDALLAH (www.facebook.com/orientaldrummer)

Simona Abdallah 4 (2010)

Uploaded by on Nov 24, 2010

Fantastic Danish-Palestinian percussionist. The main instrument is the Arabic darbuka served with great enthusiasm and skill.
Skovgård Hotel in Brovst, Denmark- November 2010

‫رقصة الحجاله من اجمل ما صور للراقصة نجوى فؤاد‬‎.flv

فيروز / سمرا يا ام عيون وساع

سمرا يام عيون وساع

سمرا يام عيون وساع والتنورة .. النيلية
مطرح ضيق ما بيساع رح حطك .. بعيني
يا عيني عا ها لعيين العادنية ورد انفخوا
وكيف ما التفتو عا لميلين قلوب قلوي بيندبحوا
في نجم بلفتاتك ضاع حكيت عنك غنية
وسحرك ياللي ما بينباع مبكي الورد الجورية
لم بتكوني حدي بشوف الدني مزارع ورد وفل
جوانح تعباني ورفوف حساسين تزقزق وتطل
ولما الأسرار بتنذاع وبزعل من شي خبرية
بتقو ليلي ارجاع ارجاع ومدري شو بيصيرفي

جلسة لنا وعا لحب مجتمعين
واتنينا عالمقعد مجانين
لك قربي تنحكي شوي
عيونك وقلبي وسرها لحلوين
مبارح كانت عم بتقول عصفورة لاختها بالسر
شالك يا سمرا مغزول من لون الزهر المخضر
خليني بعينيك شراع قاصد منيا منسية
وان شي مرة الزنبق شاع خبيلي منو شوية

عالهدا Fairouz

فيروز - يا مهيرة العلالي

فيروز ضوّى الهوى قناديلو

Fairuz - Ya Mahla Layali El Hawa

فيروز يا محلا ليالي الهوى

All people went to sleep , except me, ِالناس نامت محمد منير Mohammad Mounir -

غريبه محمد منير

sherin - Be kelema menak

Enjoy best Arabic music & video songs by sherin - Be kelema menak.

More of Shereen Songs:

Kattar Khairi
enkatably 3omr 2010

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sherin - Be kelema menak

Enjoy best Arabic music & video songs by sherin - Be kelema menak.

More of Shereen Songs:

Kattar Khairi
enkatably 3omr 2010

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Emad Ghavidel & Hamed Fard - The Battle For Homs

Emad Ghavidel & Hamed Fard - The Battle For Homs (Farsi)
معركة حمص - عماد قویدل وحمد فرد
Released February 17, 2012

The English translation and my Arabic translation of it after the jump...
الترجمة الإنجليزية وترجمتي منها إلى اللغة العربية موجودة تحت هنا

Arabic Lyrics - الكلمات العربية
ترجمتي إلى اللغة العربية من الترجمة الإنجليزية - My translation into Arabic from the video's English translation

معركة حمص
لعماد قویدل وحمد فرد
مترجمة من الفرسي

ما أحلى الحياة!
افقد حياتك ولكنّك لا يقبل الظلم
لا تشعر بالحزن...تجيء الأوقات الفرحانة

أحياناً الاستماع أحسن من
الغناء على المشاكل في بلادي
أحياناً من الأحسن أن أسدّ فمي
ورائحة الدنيا مثل إبطي

الرجل التعبان الذي يذهب إلى صراع
كأنّه سمك ضغير استولاه حيتان
الحيتان الذي أتكلّم عنه هو مسمّى بالحرب
الحرب الذي يلمسه جيلنا كله جيّداً

نفهم هناك سبب وراء كلها
أليست هناك مشاكل كافية!؟ هل كل شيء أصبح مجاناً؟
كانت هناك أنظمة استبدادية استعملتها القوّة وتستمرّ في استعمالها!
تونس! مصر! ليبيا! وسوريا الآن!
حتّاما تصبح الأمم المتحدة سكرانةً
الأصغار في حمص سوف يعانوا من القذف بالقنابل!
يا ميدفيديف لا أعرف ماذا تعتزم أن تفعل
لكن الحق أنّك أصبحت اسماً شريراً في التاريخ

أقسم برثاء الأمهات المكلومات ودموعهن
أنّك سوف تدفع الثمن يا بشار الأسد!
حتى لو كنت مغروقاً بدمي
أنا لن أخرس!
من المفروض أن تعرف ألّا يقدرون الإيرانيون على السكوت وأنت تقتل
اسمك الأسد (يعني الحيوان) لكنّك أسد بدون عرف
ماذا أقول؟ أنت لست أسداً وأنت حتى لست ضبعاً
لا تستحق حتّى العلاج مع الغضب!

قد أصبح بشار الأسد عزرائيل ثاني
ولكن الدنيا تتكلّم عن إسرائيل
كلماتي لا يمكنها تأثير إي شيء
والناس مثلنا لا يمكنهم أن يفعلوا إي شيء
أتقدر على سمع الناس الذي ينادوا للمساعدة؟
لماذا يجب أن تُقتَل الناس بالرصاص والقنابل والدبابات
هي كذبة أن مدينة حمص طويلة العمر
لا يكمنني أن آكل الآن ولايمكنني أن أبتلع الطعم
قد دمّروا الدين!
في دمشق بعض الأشخاص الخاصّين يضحكون
ولكن شعب حمص يبكون
الرجل الذي كان يرافقه ابنه إلى قاعة الرياضة
الآن ينظر إليه يتمدّد على السرير وهو ميّت
يا ميدفيديف حوّلت عالمنا إلى فلم رعب
ولكن لا تفكّر في أنّك فزت!
هزهك التاراخ!

أقسم برثاء الأمهات المكلومات ودموعهن
أنّك سوف تدفع الثمن يا بشار الأسد!
حتى لو كنت مغروقاً بدمي
أنا لن أخرس!
من المفروض أن تعرف ألّا يقدرون الإيرانيون على السكوت وأنت تقتل
اسمك الأسد (يعني الحيوان) لكنّك أسد بدون عرف
ماذا أقول؟ أنت لست أسداً وأنت حتى لست ضبعاً
لا تستحق حتّى العلاج مع الغضب!

لا تفكّر في أنّك قهرت شعبك
من الممكن أن أرى اليوم فيه تموت من الرعب
اليوم فيه بطانتك تهرب
ولكن الذين تقتلهم سوف يعيشون إلى الأبد!
رغم أنّك تقتل الناس مع كل صاروخ
الناس مثلك ماتوا في المجارئ كجرذان
الذين ماتوا أروا طيور السنونو
الذين ماتوا تتحرّروا من أكاذيبك
قرأت الخوف في وجهك قبلما رأيت وجهك
هذه الجمل كانت قصائدي
حتى في السكوت هناك وجع مخفي
وأسراره وراء الستار
أنا أفرّق بين مسؤوليتك (النظام الإيراني) له لأنّني غضبان من واحد آخر
ولكن كيف أترك بلادي
حتى لو كنت أقدر على الوصول إلى ميدفيديف؟
أريد أن أطفو عليه ولكنه ليس جديراً به

أقسم برثاء الأمهات المكلومات ودموعهن
أنّك سوف تدفع الثمن يا بشار الأسد!
حتى لو كنت مغروقاً بدمي
أنا لن أخرس!
من المفروض أن تعرف ألّا يقدرون الإيرانيون على السكوت وأنت تقتل
اسمك الأسد (يعني الحيوان) لكنّك أسد بدون عرف
ماذا أقول؟ أنت لست أسداً وأنت حتى لست ضبعاً
لا تستحق حتّى العلاج مع الغضب!

(لشعب حمص الشجعان وكل الناس السوريين الذين يكافحون لحريتهم

 English Lyrics
Note: I got rid of my original English version, which was a corrected version of the English subtitles in the video, because Chris's translation (reproduced below) was WAY, WAY better.

Emad Ghavidel and Hamed Fard - Battle for Homs

There’s nothing sweeter than life
But you shouldn’t be afraid to lose it
Why be afraid of going when something better is coming?

Verse 1:
Sometimes it’s better for me to listen a little
Instead of talking about my country’s problems
Sometimes it’s better for me keep my mouth shut
When the world stinks like an armpit of
That tired man you see on his way to battle
He's like one of the lil fish caught by a whale
That whale I’m talkin bout is called war
A war that our generation knows all too well
We understand that there’s a reason behind this all
What like we need another problem? So everything is cheap?
The governments were using force and now they’re gonna keep power by force? (now that people are dissatisfied?)
For Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and now Syria
So long as the UN is drunk and unaware
The bombs will rain down on the children of Homs
Yo Medvedev, I dunno what kinda plan you have
But the reality is your name will live in infamy

I swear on the mourning of every mother and her tears
You’re gonna pay the price Bashar Assad
Even if I’m going to drown in my own blood
I won’t shut my mouth
You should know that Iranians can’t sit and remain silent
Your name is Assad (lion) but a lion without a mane
A lion? What am I sayin? You’re not even a hyena
You’re not even worthy of [my] anger


Verse 2:
When Bashar Assad became another Angel of Death (Azrael)
Everybody’s sitting and talkin bout Israel
Nothing will come from these words that I’m sayin
And guys like us can’t do nothin
Can’t you hear that voice cryin for help?
Why do all these people gotta die?
Under the dirt, tanks, guns, rocks, bombs, and shooting
Anyone who says the city of Homs is calm is lying
I have no desire to eat, I can’t swallow (i.e. I can’t stomach what I see)
They’ve done something that kills all religion and morals
In Damascus they’re laughing, the people are happy and content
But the ones who are crying are the people of Homs
The guy who was taking his kid to the gym, now he sees him lying dead in the morgue
Medvedev you’ve made the world into a horror film
You thought you’d won, you’ve lost to history


Verse 3:
Don’t think you can just suppress your people so easily
I can see a day when you’ll have a heart attack from fear
One day those around you will toss you aside
But the ones who you’re killing will live on forever
Even if you kill a couple people with every shelling
A guy like you will end up in a rat hole (like Saddam Hussein)
Those who died saw many sparrows in that city
Those who died are free of a world full of lies
I could read the fear in your face without even seeing you
These were the sentences that I had sung
Even in silence, there is an untold pain
The secret of which lie hidden behind the curtain
You’re another story [Bashar], I’m resentful of my own (i.e. the situation in Iran)
But how could I leave me country and my city?
The one I can’t reach is Medvedev
I wanna spit on him, but it’d be a waste of good spit

 Farsi Lyrics

عماد قويدل و حامد فرد - نبرد براى حمص

خوش‌تر از جان چه بُوَد
جان برود باک مدار
غم رفتن چه خوری؟
چون به از آن می‌آید

گاهی بهتره، یه حرفایی رو بشنوم یه‌کم
به جای اینکه از مشکلات کشورم بگم
گاهی بهتر که، بکشم زیپ دهن
وقتی دنیا بو می‌ده مثل زیر بغلِ
اون مرد خسته‌ای که تو مسیر نبردِ
ِمثل ماهی‌های کوچیک اسیر نهنگ
اون نهنگی که می‌گم اسمش جنگه
جنگی که نسل ما به خوبی حسش کرده
ما می‌فهمیم که پشت این کارا منظوریه
مگه مشکل کمه، مگه کالا ارزونیه؟
یا حکومت زور بود و حالا هم زوریه؟
که تونس و مصر و لیبی حالا هم سوریه
تا وقتی سازمان ملل خماره بی‌حاله
رو سر بچه‌های حُمص خمپاره می‌باره
هی مدودف نمی‌دونم چی برنامه داری‌
ولی، حقیقت اینه می‌شی بدنامِ تاریخ

به ضجه‌های مادر به اشکاش قسم
تو هم تقاص پس می‌دی بشّار اسد
اگه، قرار باشه غرق خون بمیرم
حاضر نمی‌شم که خفه‌خون بگیرم
بدون که ساکت، نمی‌تونه بشینه ایرانی
تو اسمت اسدِ ولی یه شیر بی‌یالی
شیر چیه؟! چی دارم می‌گم تو کفتارم نیستی
حتی لایق این خشم توی رفتارم نیستی

وقتی بشار اسد شده یه عزرائیل دیگه
دنیا نشسته داره از اسرائیل میگه
از این حرفا که می‌گم هیچی در نمی‌آد
و از دست امثال ما هیچی بر نمی‌آد
نمی‌شنوی صدایی می‌گه به دادم برسید
چرا باید که این همه آدم بره زیر
خاک و تانک و توپ و سنگ و بمب و تیرباران
دروغِ اون‌که می‌گه شهر حمص ُ دید آرام
میل به خوراک ندارم لقمه پایین نمی‌ره
کاری کردن که دیگه دین و آیین بمیره
توی دمشق دارن می‌خندن مردم خرسندُ
اونا که اشک می‌ریزن مردم حُمصندُ
اونی که بچه‌شو با خودش می‌برده زورخونه
حالا می‌بیندش رو تخت مرده‌شورخونه
مدودف تو از دنیا فیلمی تاریک ساختی
فکر نکن که بردی، تو به تاریخ باختی

به ضجه‌های مادر به اشکاش قسم
تو هم تقاص پس می‌دی بشّار اسد
اگه، قرار باشه غرق خون بمیرم
حاضر نمی‌شم که خفه‌خون بگیرم
بدون که ساکت، نمی‌تونه بشینه ایرانی
تو اسمت اسدِ ولی یه شیر بی‌یالی
شیر چیه؟! چی دارم می‌گم تو کفتارم نیستی
حتی لایق این خشم توی رفتارم نیستی

تو فکر نکن که مردمتو سرکوب کردی
می‌بینم روزی رو که از ترس تو سنکوب کردی
روزی که، اطرافیانتم تو رو جا می‌ذارن
ولی اونایی رو که می‌کشی جاویدانن
اگرچه می‌کشی تو عده‌ای با هر سقوط موشک
اما مثل تو، در اومد حتی از تو لونه موشم
اون که مُرد دید کلی پرستو توی اون شهر
اون که، رها شد ازدنیا از دروغه توشم
من ندیده توی چهره‌ی تو ترس ُ خونده بودم
اینا جمله‌هایی بود که من سروده بودم
حتی در سکوتِ اونم یه درد نگفته‌ست
که راز و رمزش لای پرده نهفته‌ست
تو حسابت جدا من از یه خودی دلخورم
ولی شهر و کشورم رو من چطوری ول کنم
ِکسی که دستم بهش می‌رسه مدودف
ِمی‌خوام تف به روش بیارم ولی حیف تف

به ضجه‌های مادر به اشکاش قسم
تو هم تقاص پس می‌دی بشّار اسد
اگه، قرار باشه غرق خون بمیرم
حاضر نمی‌شم که خفه‌خون بگیرم
بدون که ساکت، نمی‌تونه بشینه ایرانی
تو اسمت اسدِ ولی یه شیر بی‌یالی
شیر چیه؟! چی دارم می‌گم تو کفتارم نیستی
حتی لایق این خشم توی رفتارم نیستی

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Soultana - Sawt Nssa ("The Voice of Women")

Soultana - Sawt Nssa ("The Voice of Women")
صوت النساء - سلطانة
Released in early 2010. Single re-released on May 2, 2011. Video released on August 8, 2011
 Note: Soultana is a member of the group Tigresse Flow. Sawt Nssa is her first solo single.

 Arabic lyrics coming soon. The English translation is after the jump...

Every time I met her, all her talk was about him.
I hated him even though I didn't know him. Maybe
I hated him even though I didn't know him. Maybe
because I knew she loved him.
She gave him money, love, and life.
He gave her lies and violence
and made her turn tricks for quick cash.
She's like the girls her age, like the candle
that burned out before the end of the night.
And she said:
Why do you call me a whore?
Do you know how much I have suffered?
Maybe the money wasn't enough for me.
Maybe I was blind. I thought about money.
I thought of life so I chose a life on the street,
wanting to live better, to be better.
Today I lost my beauty.
I'm lost in the dark, in search of the light.
Show me a way. Show me a sign.
This is the Moroccan woman.
This is one of a million.

The woman's voice is what I'm calling.
The girl's voice that is lost in my country.
The voice of those who want to talk, who want to say:
a voice of all women who want a sign.

She saw in your face the life she lost.
You looked at her like she was a cheap thing.
She saw in your face what she wanted to be.
You looked at her, a look of humiliation.
She's selling her body because you are the buyer.
And when she's walking by, you act all Muslim.
She's prostituting to earn a living for her orphan brothers.
They live in the projects and you live in a mansion.
Please don't insult them. Don't humiliate them.
Don't forget that paradise lies at a mother's feed.
She could be your mother. She could be your sister.
It could be her, me or you.


I chose my words to show you what I wanted to say.
All of you know what I'm talking about.
Tell me how many mosques were built on ruins.
How many Muslims were a terrorist or a thief?
How many girls lived their nights as hookers?
How many girls returned home to be good mothers?
And are you one of them? Don't ever forget that you are.
A rose is still a rose.


Women's voices
Girl's voices.
The voice of those who want to talk, who want to say:
a voice of all women who want a sign.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Assad Edin ft. Mauro - Révolution?

Assad Edin ft. Mauro - Révolution?
الثورة؟ - أسد الدين مع مورو
Released January 17, 2012

Big shout out to Marouane Alilou for asking me to translate the song and correcting my lyrics
Arabic and French Lyrics and their English translation after the jump...

rabaw le krouch ou banet fihom el cha7ma
kifach (kayfa) rais 5essou y koun malik ? tina fehma !
rafale kalash aka 47
bel 3ounf wel 9ouwa hadi hiya el 7ikma

bouzizi allah y rahmo nta7ar 7it 3ach el 7agra
wel 3alam el 3arabi lyoum teb3o ou bdat tawra
sourate el 5awf li kanou 3aychin fiha chou3oub
tharset ou trejhet ou jaw wa5t el ghouroub
doulm el ijtima3i wel fassad wel ma7soubiya
we taifiya fardin 3lina taba9iya
7naya 7naya cha3b el maghdom
7naya 7naya 7naya el madlouuum
li fi sourya  kan moutou bel oulouf we 5outna nsawna
li fel yaman min ba3d tawra 5otna klawna
li fi jomhoriyate masr al 3arabiya el jaych 9ma3na
7na chohadae Lybia wel 3alam chafna
el watan teghsel we tna9ab dem chouhadae
w rada ri kbir ou y 3lem delm chourafae
li 3arfin  el 9ima del 7oriya cheni hiya
li 3arfin cha3b 5esso el 3adala jtima3iya

Nas kad mout 3la le flous bismi tawra Fe zna9i deem y siiiil...Le corps percés
Sen7a le 3bad ou 5alawhoum y yaklou ba3toum ou nharom rja3loum liiiiil...Le sang Versé
Andima 7oukoumat ba9i las9in ou la3boum ba9i twiiiL...Manipulés
Rafale kalash aka 47    La3boum ba9i twiiiiiL...Ca va fumé !

Vend des amres au dirigeants vend des armes  à la peuplade
sponsortise la guerre civile et appele ca printemps arabe
met de l'huile sur le feu ou plutot ouvre le feu sur l'huile
et au jT la pute d'service te dira qu'les bédouins sont libres
Révolution !  Faites attention !
Le peuple a faim car il ne voit plus le bien donc il dit non !
Qui la enflammé ? Quel Media sont complices ?
quels personnes aiment la Fitna D'iblis ?
faut pas etre Naif ces évènement cachent des intérêts
et les intérréssés jouent le rôle de "L'Humaniste"
décidément les amoureux de l'homme aiment l'hemoglobine
à croire que L'O.T.A.N. est de venu necrophile ?
les arabes ont le sang chaud on les abat de sang froid
Sans foi ni loi, ne les arretez pas !
ils veulent la libertad ! c'est ce qu'il veulent nous faire croire
D'la propagande de BBC à celle D'al jazeera !

Nas kad mout 3la le flous bismi tawra Fe zna9i deem y siiiil...Le corps percés
Sen7a le 3bad ou 5alawhoum y yaklou ba3toum ou nharom rja3loum liiiiil...Le sang Versé
Andima 7oukoumat ba9i las9in ou la3boum ba9i twiiiL...Manipulés
Rafale kalash aka 47    La3boum ba9i twiiiiiL...Ca va fumé !

le 3rab demom s5on 9etlohom be dem el bared
9adafi safi tedbah, 7osni mobarak 7ta howa tla7
ou Zinhom El 3abidine jma3 raka Safi Ba7 !
Fel yaman 3abdellah sali7 flet mel mout ou rja3 y nta9em
Ou El Assad rja3 7agar dedo cha3b ou zid el 3alam
chkon li 3aref chkon li fahem chkon li 9dar y 9ol el wa9i3
(channel tv) woulla Al jazeera  WOula el aflam del fen essabi3
tawra dle 3rab woul muslimin 3adloula "Saisi" (fr)
Bdaw bel 3iraaaq ou libya Mchaat a 3zizi
Ha chi3a ha sounna ha Al 9a3ida ou Talibane
El 9ital lyoum kbir fta7 3aynek ou chouf mezyane
tema tarwa tema solta Rais awla Soltane !
Ou li 9albo faya9  ray 3raf hadi FItnah !
3lach ch3alna? 3lach 8rakna? 3lach tlefna ?
7it fe din sma7na jib el 3az wella k7az
Revolution 7ta ne 9a3 !

Nas kad mout 3la le flous bismi tawra Fe zna9i deem y siiiil...Le corps percés
Sen7a le 3bad ou 5alawhoum y yaklou ba3toum ou nharom rja3loum liiiiil...Le sang Versé
Andima 7oukoumat ba9i las9in ou la3boum ba9i twiiiL...Manipulés
Rafale kalash aka 47    La3boum ba9i twiiiiiL...Ca va fumé !

Allah y rham chouhadaa
Allah y rham li da7a
Allah y rham ay wa7ed
tunis, masr, libya, yemen, wa kul li baqi maji fi tri9
Haha! le 3rab demom s5on 9etlohom be dem el bared
fae9 ya khoya
JIb EL ez Wella K7az

BIS (x2):
They have filled their bellies and shown their grease.
How can a president try to become a king? Know what I'm sayin'?
Fire the AK-47 Kalashnikov
with violence and force: this is wisdom!

Bouazizi, may God have mercy on his soul, took his own life because he lived in humiliation
and the Arab world follows him today, so they started a revolution!
The path of fear in which the people were living
is broken and shattered. The sun has set upon it.
Social injustice and corruption and nepotism
and sectarianism and every-man-for-himself-ism and class-ism were inflected upon us.
We are the tyrannized people.
We are the oppressed people.
Those in Syria who died by the thousands [said], "Our brothers forgot us!"
Those in Yemen after the revolution [said], "Our brothers devoured us!"
Those in the Arab Republic of Egypt [said], "The army oppressed us!"
[Those in Libya said,] "We are the martyrs of Libya and the world saw us!"
The homeland is cleaned and purified by the blood of the martyrs
and tomorrow it will grow and become a mark of the shadow of the honorable people
who know the value of freedom and what it is
[and] who know that the people will realize social justice.

The people are dying for money in the name of the revolution! in the street, the blood flows...Bodies are pierced!
They have armed the people: they let them kill themselves and their daylight becomes darkness...The blood flows!
When the governments remain and stand firm and play, it will be for a long time... Manipulated!
Fire the AK-47 Kalashnikov! It will last for a LONG time...

It sells arms to the leadership and sells arms to the common man.
It sponsors a civil war and call it "an Arab Spring."
It puts oil on the fire, or rather, it opens the fire up to the oil.
And on TV news, the bitch tells you that the Bedouins are free!
Revolution! Pay attention!
The people are starving because the ordinary man no longer sees well. He will say, "No!"
Who inflamed it? Which media are complicit?
Which people like the Devil's Fitna?
Don't be naive! The event obscures the interests
and the stakeholders play the role of "Humanist."
So those who love mankind are strong hemophiliacs.
Makes you wonder if O.T.A.N. [NATO] became necrophiliacs?
Arabs are warm-blooded but they were slaughtered in cold blood.
Lawlessness? Don't stop them!
[Western governments] want freedom?! It's what they want us to believe!
The propaganda of the BBC is on Al Jazeera's screen!

The people are dying for money in the name of the revolution! in the street, the blood flows...Bodies are pierced!
They have armed the people: they let them kill themselves and their daylight becomes darkness...The blood flows!
When the governments remain and stand firm and play, it will be for a long time... Manipulated!
Fire the AK-47 Kalashnikov! It will last for a LONG time...

The Arabs' blood is hot. They killed them in cold blood.
Gaddafi: it's all over! Hosni Mubarak: even he was deposed!
And their Zine El-Abidine knelt down and disappeared.
In Yemen, [Ali] Abdullah Saleh escaped from death and came back to take vengeance!
And al-Assad has been beaten back. Against him are his people plus the world!
Who's the one who knows? Who's the one who understands? Who can speak about reality?
Informations Channels, Al Jazeera or films of the 7th art?
The Arabs' and Muslims' revolution was seized!
They began with Iraq and Libya, my dear!
There are Shi'a, there are Sunnnis, there's Al-Qaeda, there are the Taliban
and today the slaughter is huge! Open your eyes and watch it carefully!
There are riches, there's the throne, [whether there's a] president or king
and whoever's heart is alive will understand this is fitna [strife among the Islamic community].
Why were we lit on fire? Why did we drown? Why did we lose our way?
It's because we turned away from religion, so bring the enthusiasm or get out!
Revolution to the death!

The people are dying for money in the name of the revolution! in the street, the blood flows...Bodies are pierced!
They have armed the people: they let them kill themselves and their daylight becomes darkness...The blood flows!
When the governments remain and stand firm and play, it will be for a long time... Manipulated!
Fire the AK-47 Kalashnikov! It will last for a LONG time...

May God rest the martyrs' souls
May God rest the victims' souls
May God rest all their souls.
Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and all those who are still [rising].
Haha! Arabs' blood is hot , they kill them with cold blood
Wake up , Bro !
Bring the enthusiasm or get out!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sabreena Da Witch - Where No One's There

Sabreena Da Witch - Wein Ma Fi 7ada
(Abeer Alzinaty) - ("Where No One's There")
Video released on March 16, 2011

Abeer's interview with Diana Stern in The Bohemian, March 2011
Ghadeer Malek's interview with Abeer in Sawt al Niswa, August 2010
Electronic Intifada's interview with Abeer about her new album, April 2010
Abeer's powerful blog post about fighting "a personal occupation," May 2009
Electronic Intifada's 2004 article about Abeer's firing from a McDonald's for speaking Arabic

Full Arabic lyrics with their English translation after the jump...

اذا الموسيقى مش كفاية
عشان تفهم اللي جوّيَّ

فأنا مش عارفة
شو بدّي اسوّي

انا بقول لك

كلمتين كلمتين كلمتين كلمتين كلمتين

حلّ عنّي! حلّ عنّي! حلّ عنّي! حلّ عنّي!
حلّ عنّي! حلّ عنّي! حلّ عنّي! حلّ عنّي!



اذا الموسيقى مش كفاية
عشان تفهم اللي جوّيَّ
فأنا مش عارفة
شو بدّي اسوّي

حلّ عنّي
[A tribute to all those who lost their lives before their time]

If the music isn't enough
for you to understand what's inside me,
then I don't know
what to do.

If the music isn't enough
for you to understand what's inside me,
then I don't know
what to do.


I'm saying to you...


Two words. Two words. Two words. Two words.

Get off my back! Get off my back! Get off my back! Get off my back!
Get off my back! Get off my back! Get off my back! Get off my back!



If the music isn't enough
for you to understand what's inside me,
then I don't know
what to do.

Get off my back!

[A tribute to all those who lost their lives before their time]

Ibn Thabit ft. Junior - The Western Mountains

Ibn Thabit ft. Junior - The Western Mountains
الجبل الغربي - ابن ثابت مع جونيور
Released on May 2, 2011

Big shout-out to @TasnimQ of Majjal for her help and corrections.
Full Arabic lyrics with their English translation after the jump...

الجبل الغربي هيا يا جمالة
الجبل الغربي بوحده تتعالى
أياما سبقو من اجسام أياما شافو من أيام
ربّي ثبّت الأقدام وثابتة على ـــــ

ما عندي ولا فرق بين الشرق والغرب
اللي يدافع على أرضه عنده حق في الحرب
سواء انهَ كان من نالوت من القلعة من الزنتان
الأمازيغي في يفرن أو العربي في الرجبان
الرّياني اللي لقبه الشيناني كلنا نفس الكلام
لما يطيرو قوات القذافي نفس الأعلام
حتّى قدّام الشاشة ديما نفس الأعلام
نحن كلنا يد واحدة أياما يحاول يفتّن فينا
وقفة واحدة طلعة واحدة الشعب الليبي الله عينه
واللي يحراب فينا ويشتن فينا الله يحينه
واللي يقولك هذه فتنة فينا - شني دخلك فينا؟
ما يسمعو في الجبال إلا الرصاص والصياح
وانت مقمعز فيه مرفوع رجليك ومرتاح
مTamazight مش بعيد بنكتشفوه
برّا انت يعزم مسيقاك يا معمّر توا نجو

الجبل الغربي هيا يا جمالة
الجبل الغربي بوحده تتعالى
أياما سبقو من اجسام أياما شافو من أيام
ربّي ثبّت الأقدام وثابتة على ـــــ

يفرن والله مش غريبة إليهم القتل
آخِر حاجة ألفين و ثمانية اللي يبي يدوّر على المثل
لما ينهضو ينهضو مرّة واحدة وانا لعيوني
ما توقع أقلّ من هيكي من احفاد الباروني
بنسبة لهم نفس الحاجة الدبابة والذوّ
ما يقدر يزعزعوه حتّى شعر في كاباو
نفس القصة في الرجبان نفس القصة في الزنتام
نفس القصة جيب لي جبل نفوسة في إي مكان
أراضيها اسمها وتُزرَع فيهم كرموس
وتُزرَع فيها التريس اللي يحاربو زي الوحوش
التيوس يبو يركبو الجبال ما يقدروش
تحسبوها سهلة ويعرفكم ما تعرفوش
شكون قبيلة الخبخبة؟ شكون الغراديّين؟
شكون الطاغية اللي معني؟ شكون مشوشيّين؟
مش بسارة لما ننقولوك ننتصر أو نموت
قول لللي توا على البوركانة جاي من الجبل تاع نالوت

الجبل الغربي هيا يا جمالة
الجبل الغربي بوحده تتعالى
أياما سبقو من اجسام أياما شافو من أيام
ربّي ثبّت الأقدام وثابتة على ـــــ

من هذا الجبال حتمسح بنا؟ قول اللي تبي تقوله
أــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ راهو هنايا الرجولة
بنسبة لكلاب معمّر شني ما زال بتجونا؟
توا يصير فيكم زيما صار في معركة التَّحونة
بالله نبي وينكم يا ترهونة و غريان
اللي يموتو هذا أخوتكم كيف تقولهم جرذان؟
اللي يبي يفهم هالفتنة خلّي نوضّح الصورة
الفتوى جيت من الغرياني المصدَّق في تاجوراء
مالا نبي شني تقولو على الخطف والاغتصاب
بلكي ما تدركوش غير يفوت الدبّاب
ما فيش إلّا القردافي اللي نبو ننتقمو منه
لللي تدعي للنصر هذه أكيدة يا حنّى
أصلاً شني ما زال سنة مش بعيد من توا يطيح
يا ريت يجيبوه حيّ ونعدوه مليح
حنحاكموه ونشقروه ونحطّ رأسه في السونية
يقعد غير *الطاع زي الوادي الرومية

الجبل الغربي هيا يا جمالة
الجبل الغربي بوحده تتعالى
أياما سبقو من اجسام أياما شافو من أيام
ربّي ثبّت الأقدام وثابتة على ـــــ

The Western Mountains - oh how beautiful they are!
The Western Mountains - elevated in their unity!
How many bodies have gone before, how many days they have seen?
Lord, keep our feet fixed firm on the ground, firm on the ground.

To me, there's no difference between the East and the West [of Libya].
Whoever defends his land has the right to go to war.
Whether he's from Nalut, from Qal'a, or Zintan,
[Whether he's] the Amazigh [a.k.a. Berber] in Yifran or the Arab in Ar-Rujbaan.
The man from Ar-Riyayna whose last name is al-Sheebani  - it's all the same,
When they fight Gaddafi's forces they wave the same flags
Even on the screen [you see] always the same flags.
[Tamazight language]
We're all one hand. However much he tries to cause fitna among us.
(We) stand as one, fight as one, God is with the Libyan people.
And those who fight us, and insult us, God will humiliate them
and whoever tells you that this is fitna among us - what have you got to do with it?
In the mountains they hear nothing but bullets and screams
And you are sitting in your sitting room, with your feet up, relaxed.
[Tamazight language]...we'll find you soon!
Go on, you go play your music for Muammar, we'll come for you.

The Western Mountains - oh how beautiful they are!
The Western Mountains - elevated in their unity!
How many bodies have gone before, how many days they have seen?
Lord, keep our feet fixed firm on the ground, firm on the ground.

Yifran, you say, they are no strangers to death.
The last time was in 2008, if you want to look for examples.
When they rise up, they rise up as one
and I for my eyes don't expect less from the grandhchildren of Al Barouni
As far as they are concerned, the tank and the rifle are the same thing
They can't unsettle/frighten even one hair in Kabaw
It's the same story in Ar-Rujbaan. It's the same story in Zintan.
It's the same story - give me any place in the Nafusa Mountains!
Their lands are beautiful and planted with figs.
And they also grow real men who fight like beasts.
The fools wanted to climb the Nafusa Mountains but couldn't!
You thought it was easy...we know you don't know.
Who is the Bkhabkha tribe? Who are the Gradiyeen?
Who are the Taghma and the Maani? Who are the Mshushiyen?
It's no joke when they tell you, "We win or we die."
Tell it to anyone now who's on the volcano that's come from the mountains of Nalut!

The Western Mountains - oh how beautiful they are!
The Western Mountains - elevated in their unity!
How many bodies have gone before, how many days they have seen?
Lord, keep our feet fixed firm on the ground, firm on the ground.

You think you'll wipe us out from these mountains? Say what you will.
Stop dreaming. This is where courage is.
As for as Muammar's dogs are concerned, what, are you still thinking of coming for us?
What will happen to you will be the same as what happened in the "tahuna battle."
By God, I want [to know] where you are, Tarhuna and Gharyan.
Those who die - these are your brothers. How can you call them rats?
Whoever wants to understand this as "fitna," let me clarify the picture.
The fatwa came from [Sadeq] al-Gharyani in Tajoura.
So I want [to know] what you say about kidnapping and rape.
Maybe you don't know, just  wait till the fog clears
It is only Gaddafi we want revenge from
To those who pray for our victory, this is certain
How many years can this go on, it is not long now, and he will fall
I wish they would bring him alive
and we would execute him properly, put him on trial and hang him and put his head in a bowl
and he'll be just a headless body like the Roman statues

The Western Mountains - oh how beautiful they are!
The Western Mountains - elevated in their unity!
How many bodies have gone before, how many days they have seen?
Lord, keep our feet fixed firm on the ground, firm on the ground.

Ibn Thabit ft. Salah Ghaly - Mabrook al Horria

Ibn Thabit ft. Salah Ghaly - Mabrook al Horria
مبورك الحريّة - ابن ثابت مع صلح غالي

Released on September 13, 2011
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acgXjsF0JYY
Click here to download the mp3

Big shout-out to @TasnimQ of Majjal for her corrections.
Full Arabic lyrics with their English translation after the jump...

مبروك علينا للنصر كل عام وانتم بخير.

مبروك الحريّة يا بلادي الحبيبة
نتمنّى ديما فرحة تزيد منشوفك كل يوم في عيد

هذه اللحظة اللي كلنا ننستنّو فيها
اللي كلنا نتمنّو فيها هذه الفرحة مش عادية
فيش جنازة على اللي خزّيه. ارقصو وغنّو!
اللي يبوش ــــــــــــــــــ خلّيهم ـــــــــ
ــــــــــ هم الكلاب اللي قاعد تماعه
تمّت للشفشوفة تبيه ولا لا
في ميدان الشهداء العلم مرفوع عالي
والعباد كلها تغنّي تعالى في العالي
والله ما عادي الشعور يا ناس
الاحساس هذا مــــــــ بين قلوب الناس
والله ياسر للعناد ياسر للفساد
يا سيطر وياسر للرصاص يا اولاد

مبروك الحريّة يا بلادي الحبيبة
نتمنّى ديما فرحة تزيد منشوفك كل يوم في عيد

تبي تقول لي كلمة ولا كلمتين؟ قول عشرة
اللي تقولها كلها ما يجي إلا الطشعة
في قصة الدوى لي عندي فيها الخبرة
لقينا هذه را ما فيش فيها العبرة
اطلع توا وقول اللي تبيه بصوت عالي
بلكي تبي تقعد ساكت حتّى هيكي باهي
ما فيش داعي تعقد لهي بالثاني
بالله تبي تقعد وـــــ عليه؟ عادي صبّ الشاي
يا رأيت يا شفشوفة؟ الشعب الليبي اخوة
الشعب قال كلمته: موت يا طاغوت!
خلّيني نشمّ الحلوة توا ـــــــ مرأة توا
بنبو بلاد نقدرو نربّو فيه ضغار توا

مبروك الحريّة يا بلادي الحبيبة
نتمنّى ديما فرحة تزيد منشوفك كل يوم في عيد

Congratulations for the victory. God is greater! May you all be well every year.
Mnawreen [Welcome, lit. you have brought light with you]

Congratulations on the freedom, my beloved country!
I wish that the happiness always increases and I see you having a holiday every day!

Yes, this the moment we've all been waiting for,
that we've all wished for. This happiness is extraordinary!
There's no funeral for the one who has shamed himself [Gaddafi]. "Sing and dance!" [he said].
So we will! As for those who want to weep and wail, let them!
The dogs who are still with him.
It's finished for Shafshoofa [Gaddafi] whether you want it to be or not!
In Martyrs' Square [in Tripoli], the [Independence] Flag is raised high
and all the people are singing "Rise Up Higher" [a revolutionary song].
By God, the feeling is extraordinary, people.
This feeling is binding the hearts of the people together.
By God, enough stubbornness! Enough corruption!
And enough with the bullets, guys!

Congratulations on the freedom, my beloved country!
I wish that the happiness always increases and I see you having a holiday every day!

You want to tell me one word or two words? Say ten!
Everything you want to say is only a drop in the ocean
in the bowl of talk. I have experience with it.
As for this, there are no metaphors here.
Get out now and say what you want in a loud voice.
Or maybe you want to stay quiet - even that is okay!
There's no need to watch what you say.
Or do you want to stay and talk to me? Fine, pour the tea.
Now do you see, Shafshufa [Gaddafi]? The Libyan people are siblings!
The people said their word: "Die, you tyrant!"
Now I can smell freedom. Now I can marry.
And we want a country we can raise our children in.

Congratulations on the freedom, my beloved country!
I wish that the happiness always increases and I see you having a holiday every day!

Ibn Thabit and MC Swat - No Doubt

Ibn Thabit and MC Swat - No Doubt
لا شكّ - ابن ثابت و سوات
Released September 28, 2011

Big shout-out to @TasnimQ of Majjal for her help and corrections.
Full Arabic lyrics with their English translation after the jump...

اسمع...اللي يحسبه سهل يسرق ثورتنا، دير في باله راهو جوّه    ما تقدرش تمشي علينا

نبيك ترجع قبل الثورة - تتذكّر كيف كنت تتفكّر؟
لما تشبح كنت الغلط غير فمّك كان مسكرّ؟
توا ليهم السنين كل السبت الاهالي طالعين
مظاهرات أمّهات صحايا ابو سليم
أعطي روحك الصراحة مش لازم تقولها لحدّ
قدّاش مرّات تسبّ في الدين من السبت إلى الأحد؟
ولسانك هذا نفسك كم مرّة تستغفر وتتوب؟
وأوّلما يحسّ بالعفصة اللي يسبّس في القلوب
اللي يبي حتنجح الثورة يبدأ بروحه
مش زي اللي يطلع في الإذاعة بش يخاطب من الدوحة
ما فيش زي اللي يعيش في الواقع *على منحيش
من وُلِدَت نفرّغ في صدري زي *شيشما
بلكي سوء النوايا لكن اللي يبي يطلع في الصورة
على طول نشكّ فيك خلّيه يتعلّم مشورى
توا فتنا مرحلة الخوف ومن الموت ولا؟
وكل واحد توا ولا عنده صوت ولا؟
ماهو العدو الجديد السكوت والهدوء
على الإجرام اللي ساكت في وجه الظلم راهو حرام
توا حلم الشيطان انّه ما يتغيّر فينا شيء
أكثر حاجة حنحاربها وانا ما دام وقاعد حيّ

كان ما عندك في الثورة ولا تركّز لايش تسمع فيَّ؟ يا اخوي
بس تحرّك في رأسك على الفاضي مش فاهم لا شيء
تعرف النية؟ اسمع ـــــــــــــ ركّز دو على شيء مكتوب
ولد الثورة من بنغازي نغنّي قلبي كان مغلوب
ـــــــ انا نعبّر الثوّار نكبّر صوتي فيهم واضح
وسطهم ـــــــ مكتب و صوتي عالي ما اني راضخ
لأي ضغوط كان نحرّك الشعب مظبوط
من الجبهة الشرقية و للغربية عندي فيهم أصول
بنغازي و طرابلس تلاقى في شخص ودّاد بشاكن
لو عندك ليبي يحارب من بنغازي في طرابلس ساكن
عندي دوى نحكيها مش محتاج المنبر
مش محتاج إلا الميك والورقة والقلم والسنتر
مش نقدر نحكي وشدّك مش نقدر نصولها عندك
مش نقدر حتّى معلومة في رأسك وما تقول اللي ما قلتلك
أنه الثورة سرقت منّ اللي داروها والشعب راقد
اخوي يعرف انه الوضع الحالي لونه غامض

توا نعرف الجواب للسؤال اللي سألتوه
هل سوف الشعب الليبي يحارب العدو؟
قلت لك نعرف الإجابة للسؤال اللي طرحوه
هل سوف الشعب الليبي يحارب العدو؟
سألوني هل سوف الشعب الليبي يحارب العدو؟
لللي قبل شكّك في الأسود راهم يجؤو
سألوني هل سوف الشعب الليبي يحارب العدو؟
لللي قبل شكّك في الأسود راهم يجؤو

تبي تتكلّم عليَّ عادي ردّيته لثلاث سنين
ونعود في نفسه تسكن عيد في أربعة ثلاثة اثنين
واحد لحد اللي ديما قلتهم حافظ على الغاية
وقف ونزلو جنبي شظايا انا في رايّا
كانها جديّات بنبو ولا نخوط
كل واحد فينا طاحت راهم الطاغوت
 في جبهة كوط قلب نبي نعرف شنو شارع القانون
لما العباد نبدأ طالع في القرون ربّي سمحكم
أوّلما حطيتها الاغنية ديما تتفخّر
مش نتفكّر ثلاث السنين الأخيرة كوخّى
كانه واحد يلقي عليك القرشات الهبل
وتقدمك ديدك رجاني اللي ما قبل
هكي تبوه يخوط اكيد لا
مع المستوى المطلوبة ما زلت بعيدة
شني اللي ناقص الله و مسؤول العلماء
مش بعيد نفس التريس والعملاء

شني اللي قتل فينا حقوق يضرب الابهاد
شني اللي ما كانها من ثاني رغمها من ذهب
هذول الحد اللي يقوللي فيماهوش ام الراهي
هاي ذه من هاي دممهار لأنهم مش معروف لا شي
الوضع ايا صوت قلبك فين ادرج شوت اضرب بخب
فم حارة ليبي هيكي صومالي في تراكب
انتو ضرفي ها عناد رغمك ليبي تحسبه
أكثر من حد يلقيه باقي دولة اللي زادت
فياة ضايعة ايطاليا و فرادي في قطر
بالإعلام الفاجئ الوضع حسم مهم
لذلك مهم أنك تعرف مراحل خطر
خلّي بالك ان الشعب الليبي حيحفظ على قتر
لقيتلك اخوي لازم تعرف من عدوك اللي معك
من اللي ضدّك لو كانه رضك عدلك و الاكتثار
انت دراسة فيها الرجل من اللي متارسى
نسكف ستاورة الدورة يا ريت كراية في رأسه
الله اكثر حفّظ اللي مان قدنا بنا قدّام
في راية واحدة لازم ينزلو شي كان دوره الإسلام
توا رقمه من المكان ضد الطاغية ضدّ المجال
الشعب كلمة واحدة وهي كلمة تحتظار
وانا توا عارف الجواب للسؤال اللي سألتوه
هل سوف الشعب الليبي يحارب العدو؟
انا قلت لك عارف الجواب للسؤال اللي سألتوه
هل سوف الشعب الليبي يحارب العدو؟

مش قلت لك سألوني هل سوف الشعب الليبي يحارب العدو؟
لللي قبل شكّك في الأسود راهم يجؤو
سألوني هل سوف الشعب الليبي يحارب العدو؟
لللي قبل شكّك في الأسود راهم يجؤو

What you just heard was two of Libya's livest live in Tripoli
letting everyone know nobody's getting off easy.

في واحدين الصبى ما قدّمو شي للثورة
و قول للهم نورين من دوروكم

Listen. Whoever thinks it will be easy to steal our revolution, keep in mind that you will not be able to hoodwink us with the same tricks.

I want you to go back to before the revolution. Remember how you would think?
When you saw wrongdoing, why was your mouth shut?
Now every Saturday, for many years, the families would go out
in the demonstrations for the mothers of the victims of Abu Sleem.
Give yourself the truth, at least. You don't need to confess it to anyone [else].
How many times did you curse religion from Saturday until Sunday?
And this same tongue of yours, how many times did you seek forgiveness with it?
And as soon as this guy feels oppressed, he returns to being the guy who smokes up.
If you want the revolution to succeed, begin with yourself,
unlike those who go on TV to give their speeches from Doha.
There's no one like those who live the reality on the ground. I'm ___________
Since I was born, I've been letting out what's in my heart like a faucet.
Maybe it's wrong to doubt people's intentions, but anyone who wants to appear "in the picture."
I immediately doubt him. Let him learn to consult others first.
Now we've passed through the time of fear and death, right?
And now everyone has a voice, right?
Then the new enemy is silence and quiet
about the crimes of the past. Whoever is silent in the face of oppression, this is a crime!
Now, Satan's dream is that nothing inside us changes.
It's the thing I'll fight against the most for as long as I live.

If you're not with the revolution, not concentrating, why are you listening to me?
Brother, what's wrong with you? Why are you nodding your head in vain without understanding anything?
Listen to the way I speak, concentrate on the words and what is written:
[I'm] a son of the revolution from Benghazi and I sing when my heart is on fire from frustration
My voice is my megaphone, loud and clear.
It reaches the arrogant. My voice is loud and I will not be suppressed
by any pressure until I stir the people
from the East to the West (and I have origins there!).
Benghazi and Tripoli have met in one person
and you know what to do if a free Libyan calls you from Benghazi and you live in Tripoli.
I have words I want to say and I don't need a podium.
All I need is a mic, paper, a pen, and the [recording] center
to speak to you and grab your attention, to reach you
to plant the idea in your mind. Don't say I didn't tell you
that the revolution has been stolen from those who created it while the people sleep.
Brother, let's open our eyes and recognize that the current situation is a dark mystery.

Now I know the answer to the question you asked.
"Will the Libyan people fight the enemy?"
I told you that I know the answer to the question they asked.
"Will the Libyan people fight the enemy?"
They asked me, "Will the Libyan people fight the enemy?"
To those who were doubting the lions, here they are!
They asked me, "Will the Libyan people fight the enemy?"
To those who were doubting the lions, here they are!

You want to speak about me? That's fine. I've been repeating all this for three years
and you'll notice that I always kept the cause in mind.
I'm one who, by himself, was always telling them to preserve the goal,
standing as the shrapnel rained down around me. This is what I think:
if we are serious we need to be brothers
and every one of us must cleanse ourselves from tyranny
At the front of Kut, I wanted to know what the law would say
when people start to "grow their horns." God forgive you!
As soon as he puts his hand on the loot he captured, it disappeared!
Does this not remind you of the mess of recent years? Just rewind.
If someone hangs up all the money for you on a line
and you reach your hand out to take it, then we've gone back to the old days.
Is this how you want it my brothers? Of course not.
Then we still have a long way to go to reach the required level.
What is missing? God knows. Ask the analysts.
It won't be long before we divide the men from [Gaddafi's] agents.

What is it that killed the fear in us? Made us rise up and demand our rights?
What is that can plant the fear back in us again, despite what we've been through?
Those who speak to us pay no attention to this.
Either supporter or opponent, or someone who can't be pinned down either way.
wandering between the walls in a daze.
The Libyan's situation has become like Somalia's situation: we are in waiting.
Waiting for aid, despite the fact that in the Libyan accounts,
there is more than the debt to the World Bank.
And what's more, the money is being wasted between the bars of Italy and the hotels of Qatar
And the media is a failure, and the situation is critical.
This is why it is important that you know you are in a dangerous stage.
Keep in mind that the Libyan people are still looking for their hero.
I told you brother you must know your enemy from your ally from your opponent.
If your mind returns you back to the past,
we could do a study of when it was clear who was a man and who was a fake.
They picked up weapons and they raised their banner
and engraved in their minds was God is great, this was what moved us forward.
The banner is one, we can not forget what role Islam played.
The revolution was against the unbeliever, the tyrant, against the one who said
the nation is one word - and that word was an insult!

And now I know the answer to the question you asked:
"Will the Libyan people fight the enemy?"
I told you now I know the answer to the question you asked:
"Will the Libyan people fight the enemy?"

Didn't I tell you they asked me "Will the Libyan people fight the enemy?"
Those who doubted the lions, here they are!
They asked me "Will the Libyan people fight the enemy?"
Those who doubted the lions, here they are!

What you just heard was two of Libya's livest live in Tripoli
letting everyone know that nobody's getting off easy.
There are thieves around who sacrificed nothing for the revolution.
Tell them welcome! Know that we will be looking for you.
My salutations.

El Rass - The Volcano of Beirut

El Rass - The Volcano of Beirut
بركان بيروت - السيّد الرأس
Released in December 2011 (from the upcoming album "Kachf el Mahjoub")
Lyrics courtesy of Rayya El Zain, Nizar Ghanem, & Shadia Mansour in Shahadat's Winter 2012 issue (16 professionally translated Arabic rap songs with English and Arabic side-by-side. Check it out!

Full Arabic lyrics with their English translation after the jump...

مبارح شفت بلمنام بيروت عمتغرق تحت رماد بركان
فحموا الناس بس ال"سكاي بار" كان بعده ولعان
بيروت ثبتت حبة الثورة اللي فينا نبتت
لما أحبطت نفوسنا من الجمود
فينا بيروت تحركت
عدمّ دمارنا وعدم حرية خيارنا
بيوت بيروت تعمّرت
سكرنا عجفاف دموعنا جفوننا عليها تسكرت فتخمرت
إذا بطلت تطير قدرك علأرض مقهور
إذا وقفت تكسير بتصير جزء من الديكور
بحاور بناور بالآخر بواجه التاج
بتوضى بصلي بتوصلني أصوات أنّات المحتاج
تأمل العلم بعرّي العمل من العمل
خياري عنار خفيفة دوب المسمار وتستوي الأفكار النظيفة
عمّروا دمروا زمروا تذمروا
ربك صبره دربه جربه
عقلن خربوا غربوا هربوا
وقبلوا بالفن عحيط الشارع
عشرط ما يكون في شك بشارع
هيدي مش عاصمة ثقافة هيدي حلبة المصارع
بيروت لا تعرف في الماضي ولا تعرب بالمضارع
تحول التركيبة خلى العقل الجامد فكّر حاله مالك المدينة
رقبته طويلة متل مالك الحزين وايده لوزيري
اعتبر نفسه أول مين اكتشف هلجزيرة
بأجر الفقير شقق بأسعار مدروسة
بشكل تضل طموحاته ممعوسة
نهبوا الأرض من ربعي وصارت الحرب شركة استثمار بمفعول رجعي
تحت شعار إعادة الإعمار
لو ما كان خلص دوره وانتهى عقد الايجار
كان الحريري ما طار وما صار مطار الحريري
عاصمة لبنان بتوازن بين ضريحين
واتنيناتن عاغتيالن في علامة استفهام
واحد قدّس الموت بس لسبب
واحد قدّس الحياة بس بالكذب
واحد بايدو تحّول الدهب سمّ
وواحد تخبّى من الدهب بالدم
مين الشهيد؟
اللي مات تحت صبابيط ثورة عبيد شهيد؟
اللي مات فتحول على حملة اعلانات هدفها ترفع الطايفة معدلات التجنيد؟
قنابل بالبريد وصل
سيوف علوريد حصل
الموت للبليد صنم
الصبر للعنيد حلم
تأليه الشهيد ظلم
خليط الحديد والدم، العلاج والسم،
الرفاه والهم، النوعية والكم
الدعارة وورقة التوت
بمدينة بيروت علم

Yesterday I dreamt Beirut was drowning under volcanic ash
The people were turned to charcoal but Sky Bar [a posh Beirut club] was still lit up.
Beirut suppressed the seed of the revolution, the one that sprouted
When our spirits were foiled from immobility
In us Beirut moved.
On the blood of our destruction, and  the negation of our freedom of choice
The houses of Beirut are rebuilt
We got drunk on the dryness of our tears, our eyelids closed on them and fermented
If you stop flying your destiny on land is distress
If you stop breaking, you  become part of the decoration

I discuss, I maneuver, ultimately I confront the crown
I perform ablutions, I pray, I receive the moaning of the needy
The meditation of knowledge strips work from hope
My choice is on low fire, melting the nails, and clean thoughts are ripening. 
They built, they destroyed, they honked, they complained
Your god made him patient, tested him and trained him
Their minds: ruined, westernized, chased off
They accepted art pissed on back alleys
As long as there is no doubt in the streets
This is no capital of  culture, it’s a wrestling ring
Beirut can’t speak of itself in the past nor conjugate itself in the present.

Transitions and transformations made the closed mind think he owns the city
His neck is long like a stork, his fingers long like a politician’s
He thinks himself the first who discovered this peninsula
He lets the poor rent apartments at prices studied
To crush ambitions
They stole the land from my cousins
And the war became a backward-looking investment
Under the slogan of reconstruction
If his time wasn’t up and his contract finished
Hariri didn’t have to fly and it wouldn’t have become the Hariri airport
Lebanon’s capital keeps balance between two shrines
And on both assassinations, there is a question mark
One sanctifies death but for a reason
And one sanctifies life with lies
In one’s hand gold turned into poison
And the other hid from gold with blood
Who is the martyr?
The one who died under the shoes of the oppressed’s uprising is a martyr?
The one whose death was transformed into an ad campaign for sectarian enlistment?
Bombs came in the mail,
Swords to the jugular: true stories
Death to the cold is statuette
Patience to the stubborn is a dream
Divinity to the martyr is oppression
The mixture of steel and blood, the cure and poison
Luxury and distress, quality and quantity
Prostitution and modesty:
The science of the city of Beirut

Sunday, February 5, 2012

ModyRap (Mohamed Osama) - There's No Going Back

ModyRap (Mohamed Osama) - There's No Going Back
(ما فيش رجوع - مودي راب (محمد أسامة
Released on November 21, 2011

 Huge shout-out to QabilaTV for producing the YouTube video and putting the Arabic lyrics and English subtitles in it. This was the easiest song translation post that I've ever done!

Full Arabic lyrics and their English translation after the jump...

إهداء إلى آبطال التحرير...

كلمات و الحان و غناء:محمد اسامة
جرافيكس: نوارة محرم و منى دياب
إشراف عام: آحمد فتح الباب
إخراج: نوارة محرم و منى دياب

مفيش رجوع.. دي ثورة بعد جوع
جايين ناخد بتارنا تمن الدم و الدموع
مش هنقبل غير وقوفنا كلنا وقت الشروق
إيد في إيد بقلب دامي نتحد ما فيش فروق
الأماني في العروق بتتحول لعلم مصر
أحمر و أبيض و إسود متشبع بروح النسر
مهما قالوا عن كلامي مفتعل أو شعارات
هفضل أخلق الذريعة اللي تدمر الانكسارات
سلاح عدوي هو يأسي من أمل قريب
و طول ما فيا قدرة التنفس مش هغيب
الميدان صوت القلوب النقية و العقول
مفيش مكان في بلدي للمخرب و الفلول
يلا نوجد الأمل حتى لو من العدم
عشان هتندم لو ضعفت يوم ما ينفع الندم
بنتوحل في كل درب لسه عشان طريقنا واعر
استمد قوتك من العزيمة و المشاعر 

مفيش رجوع
حرية ، عدالة ، نزاهة ، كرامة
العزيمة قيمة و الصمود جبل
وسط الجموع
إرادة ، كفاح ، مضادة للنباح
إكسر السلاسل إوجد السبل

مش هتدبل الورود مش هينطفي الصمود
مش هيبطل حفيدي يحكي اللي عمله الجدود
انتفضنا للمقاومة جيل ما يعرفش الهزار
نسترد كل حق خلاص بقى القرار
مفيش هروب مفيش فرار قبل راية الانتصار
قبل ما السعادة تتولد في كل دار و دار
قبل ما كل أرض بور في مصر تتحول خضار
قبل ما أبدأ ارسم وش مبتسم على الجدار
تنتصر أو تندفن ليك حرية الاختيار
انا عن نفسي هفدي نفسي و انا بعدل المسار
هفك أسر كل روح سجينة في المغارة
مفيش مجال نشك أو نكون ساعات حيارى
الأمل سلاح مدمر لو نوجهه لهدف
انتهت طريقة ترك كل حاجة للصدف
و هنتصر في كل حرب عشان قضيتي عادلة
الجريمة و العقاب هبدأ أوزن المعادلة 

CHORUS (x2):
مفيش رجوع
حرية ، عدالة ، نزاهة ، كرامة
العزيمة قيمة و الصمود جبل
وسط الجموع
إرادة ، كفاح ، مضادة للنباح
إكسر السلاسل إوجد السبل

مفيش رجوع !

Dedicated to the heroes of Tahrir.

I am an Egyptian citizen.
I affirm that I am of sound mind,
that I will defend the Egyptian people
against injustice and oppression,
against adversity and tyranny and corruption,
against anything that could possibly strip him of his rights
and finally, against aggression...

There's no turning back. This is a revolt after starvation.
We're coming to take our revenge at the cost of blood and tears.
We will not accept anything less than all of us standing at the dawn,
hand in hand, a bleeding heart, we unite. No differences between us.
The hopes in our veins become our flag.
Red, white, and black, bearing the Eagle's spirit.
Whatever they say about my words being fabricated or just slogans,
I will continue to create excuses to overcome despair.
The enemy's weapon is pessimism, dashing hopes so near.
As long as I can breath, it won't take long.
The square is the sound of pure hearts and minds.
There is no place in my country for subverters or remnants [of the old regime].
Let's find hope even out of nothing.
You will be sorry - If you falter, on the day when apologies mean nothing.
We're still stumbling at every path because our road isn't easy.
Take your power from determination and from passion.

CHORUS (x2):
There's no turning back!
Freedom, justice, integrity, dignity, (Egypt!)
Motivation is a value and persistence a mountain!
Amongst the crowd,
will, struggle, against the odds (Egypt!)
Break the chains! Find the way!

The flowers will not whither. The persistence will not be extinguished.
He will not stop my grandson from talking about what his grandparents did.
We rose up in resistance, a generation that doesn't joke around.
We reclaim every right. It's already decided.
There's no evasion, no escape before the sign of victory,
before happiness is born in every home,
before every bare patch blooms,
before I paint the walls with smiles.
You'll be victorious or be buried. You've got freedom of choice.
As for me, I will redeem myself. I will rectify the path.
I will release every imprisoned soul in the dungeon.
There is no room to doubt or to be at all confused.
Hope is a destructive weapon if we aim it towards a goal,
The path of leaving things to chance is over.
I will prevail in every battle because my case is justice.
Crime and punishment, I will weigh the scales.

CHORUS (x2):
There's no turning back!
Freedom, justice, integrity, dignity, (Egypt!)
Motivation is a value and persistence a mountain!
Amongst the crowd,
will, struggle, against the odds (Egypt!)
Break the chains! Find the way!

There's no turning back!

Arabian Knightz ft. Shadia Mansour - Prisoner

Arabian Knightz ft. Shadia Mansour - Prisoner 
السجين - الفرسان العرب مع شادية منصور - Not Your Prisoner
Egypt and Palestine
 Released on February 4, 2011
Lyrics courtesy of Rayya El Zain, Nizar Ghanem, & Shadia Mansour in Shahadat's Winter 2012 issue (16 professionally translated Arabic rap songs with English and Arabic side-by-side. Check it out!)

Full Arabic lyrics and their English translation after the jump...

You wanna keep me here forever...
I can't escape what many thousands hear...
Then you completely turn against me...
 and I'm afraid...

فرسان عرب - يي! عرب - يي! عرب - يي! عرب

بلسان فاكريني انو مافيهوش هتكلم عن
كل حلم اترسم من غضبهم اتدفن
انقسم اتحاط بالألم من الفكر فالمرحلة السمعية
والحلول اللي تنقذ عانوين جانبية
 ارهابية من عيون معنية باستقلالية
بعد حروب عالمية محمية متدارية
منسية مرمية على اكتاف مش مرضية
مستخبية بطريقة اتكالية عالاراضي العربية
بسلبية مرئية انتهازية
وراء الاعلام الاسلامية بباينوا النية
احتيالية عنادية سيكوباتية
سرية انانية استراتيجية ضد الانسانية
وبعد المسايسة متابعة من قاعة المشاهدة
لكل عربي بينزل مستانى مساعدة
ماخلاص كسروا بنا كلمة مساندة
ومن عقولنا اخذوا الورق اللي يكسب في اللعبة
أنا عايز بلد حرة من الظلم
عايز بلد حرة من القهر
عايز بلد حرة من الشر
عايز أرضي و أرض العرب - يي
العرب - يي! العرب - يي! العرب - يي

Destructive destruction destroying my district
Anti-Christ running it, spitting evil wisdom
I’m destroying the oppressors in Arabic settlements
I'm known for blowing up beats and governments
My peeps die in their cribs while y’all close your eyes
Two of y’all are kidnapped you call it a terrorist crime
The media is backing up murderous propaganda
While we fight eternally like immortal highlanders!
Al Durrah, Sheikh Yassin, the pains unseen
Forging your own stories for the blind to see
Want to draw your own opinions bout the bombs we face?
What’s your opinion if you’re enslaved and your mom is raped?
It’s too easy to speak when you’re far from the heat
Through the White House I creep and yes I’m armed to the teeth
With a mic and a pen and a pad here’s your evidence:
“Weapons of Mass Destruction,“ Mr President!
أنا عايز بلد حرة من الظلم
عايز بلد حرة من القهر
عايز بلد حرة من الشر
عايز أرضي وأرض العرب - يي
العرب - يي! العرب - يي! العرب - يي
They’re dropping bombs over Baghdad, Libnan, Afghan Palestinians, Bin Laden, Saddam
Listen, Islam is all about the peace, man
But wars up in these streets, man, got me losin’ sleep, man
Mr. Politician, I got a little question:
How come you are eating and all your peoples isn’t?
I am on a mission to break up out of this prison
If you’re with me and share my vision, let’s start by saving the children!

احنا منمشي بالكرامة والثقة بالنفس
معّصنا قوانينكم بالثبوت بالدم
لو إن ضميركم بتريحكم بتتكلموا من وراء الفرد؟
قول لي مين ما عم ينام بالليل - عن جد؟
ع بين انتو بتبنوا حواجز احنا بنكبر
عيالنا وبنظلنا نزيد العدد
نحن السبب ليش ما بتسترجوا تغمضوا عين
في فرق كبير بين مقاوم ومقررين

You wanna keep me here forever...
I can't escape what many thousands hear...
Then you completely turn against me...
and I'm afraid...
Knightz! Arabian YEAH! Arabian YEAH! Arabian YEAH! Arabian...

They presume the tongue has no art so I will speak
About every dream that was drawn from their anger and got buried
It got divided, surrounded by pain
And the solutions that might work are sidelined and smeared as terrorist
From eyes that are interested in independence
After world wars protected and hidden
Forgotten and thrown on unsatisfied shoulders
Concealed with consent in Arab lands
With obvious opportunism
Beneath Islamic publicity, intentions show through
Fraudulent, stubborn, psychopathic
A secret selfish strategy against mankind
And after politics we keep tabs on things from the screening room
For every Arab who gets humiliated, I am waiting to help
But it’s over, they shattered for us the word “solidarity"
And from our minds they took the cards that win the game

I want a country free of injustice!
I want a country free of oppression!
I want a country free of evil!
I want [it for] my land and the land of the Arabs - yeah!
The Arabs - yeah! The Arabs - yeah! The Arabs - yeah!

Destructive destruction destroying my district
Anti-Christ running it, spitting evil wisdom
I’m destroying the oppressors in Arabic settlements
I'm known for blowing up beats and governments
My peeps die in their cribs while y’all close your eyes
Two of y’all are kidnapped you call it a terrorist crime
The media is backing up murderous propaganda
While we fight eternally like immortal highlanders!
Al Durrah, Sheikh Yassin, the pains unseen
Forging your own stories for the blind to see
Want to draw your own opinions bout the bombs we face?
What’s your opinion if you’re enslaved and your mom is raped?
It’s too easy to speak when you’re far from the heat
Through the White House I creep and yes I’m armed to the teeth With a mic and a pen and a pad here’s your evidence: “Weapons of Mass Destruction,“ Mr President!

I want a country free of injustice!
I want a country free of oppression!
I want a country free of evil!
I want [it for] my land and the land of the Arabs - yeah!
The Arabs - yeah! The Arabs - yeah! The Arabs - yeah!

They’re dropping bombs over Baghdad, Libnan, Afghan
Palestinians, Bin Laden, Saddam
Listen, Islam is all about the peace, man
But wars up in these streets, man, got me losin’ sleep, man
Mr. Politician, I got a little question:
How come you are eating and all your peoples isn’t?
I am on a mission to break up out of this prison
If you’re with me and share my vision, let’s start by saving the children!

We walk with dignity and confidence in ourselves
We crushed your laws with our steadfastness and blood
If your conscience was giving you peace, you wouldn’t be speaking from behind a gun
Tell me who’s the one not getting sleep at night?
While you build your checkpoints, we raise our kids
And we will keep increasing the number [of them]

We are the reason you don’t dare to blink
There is a big difference between a man of resistance and decision-makers